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Reported By: Bob Crichton in MM2

Role: _Record Incompletion Notice: Role in Ecosystem Not Specified_ - This creature's database entry is incomplete. The 'Roles in the World/Biome' field has not been specified and may have been omitted during data entry.
Base Stock: Bird - Robin

MCC Stat Block: Arrowbeak (2d6 (7)): Init +0; atk beak melee +1 (1d8) and leech melee +1 (1d6); AC 12; HD 2D7 hp 8 each; MV 8' or Fly 23' ; 1d20; SV Fort +1, Ref -1, Will +2
Mutations: Immunity - disease; Poison - Int 14/paralytic; Chameleon Powers; Directional Sense

Number Appearing: 2d6
Morale: 12
Hit Dice: HD 2D7
Armor: 2 (AC 12)
Size: Small .75 at shoulder

Movement: MV 8' or Fly 23'

Attack: Beak melee +1 (1d8)
Leech melee +1 (1d6)

MS: 16   PS: 10
IN: 2   DX: 7
CH: 2   CN: 13

Frequency: Rare
Organization: Unknown
Activity Cycle: Unknown
Diet: Hemovore
Habitat: Temperate Forests and Hills
Tech Level: 0 - 0
Artifacts: Unknown

Description (Initial Observations): Their coloration is normally dark brown, with a light brown patch on their chest (bright red in the case of the non-aggressive males). Arrowbeaks have a primitive organization, with a flock consisting of several mated pairs,with the oldest female as the leader. Chicks are raised communally, maturing after 2 years. They are quite peaceful during summer and autumn, even allowing travellers to camp under their roosts, as long as they are quiet and unobtrusive.

Reactions: No known interactions

Behavior: During the spring mating season, these mutated robins are one of the most dangerous avian Life forms known in the Gamma World, due to their requirement to ingest several pints of mammalian blood for each egg produced. Their chameleon power is usually only used in combat. The usual tactics used by arrowbeaks is for the males in a flock to cause a distraction ahead of a group of victims, while the females dive in and attack from behind. As they use their chameleon power and glide silently during their attack, they are very difficult to detect (sonar or infravision usually work). They will attack separate targets, unless there are fewer targets than attackers. After a target has been paralyzed, the attacking arrowbeak will suck blood from the target for 5 rounds, then fly off to roost and deliver an egg. If an attacker fails, she will generally harass the party to protect the successful individuals. Males will not usually participate in combat except when attacked.

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Anthropological studies incomplete

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