Black Snake «Inslith»


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Reported By: Kim Eastland in GW08 Module

Role: Monster & Armor
Base Stock: Snake

MCC Stat Block: Inslith 'Black Snake' (1d2 (1)): Init +4; atk bite melee -1 (1d3-2) and acid spit +3 (1d14+2, 40'); AC 10; HD 4D7 hp 16; MV 23' ; 1d20; SV Fort +0, Ref +2, Will -2
Mutations: (P) Acid Venom (see below)

Number Appearing: 1d2
Morale: 8
Hit Dice: HD 4D7
Armor: 0 (AC 10)
Size: Large 2 Meters Long

Movement: MV 23'

Attack: Bite melee -1 (1d3-2)
Acid Spit +3 (1d14+2, 40')

MS: 4   PS: 5
IN: 5   DX: 17
CH: 3   CN: 11

Frequency: Unknown
Organization: Single or mated pair
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Plastic, Rubber, and Metal
Habitat: Ruins, installaions, buildings
Tech Level: 0 - 0
Artifacts: Found inside machinery or electrical conduits

Description (Initial Observations): An Inslith is a long, thin, black snake with a plastic-line skin, strong teeth and an acidic bite. Inslith eat plastic, rubber, and metal and for that reason prefer to live inside machinery or electrical conduits. Though the damage of its bite is relatively weak, the inslith has daws and teeth that are well-adapted for gnawing through plastic and metal pipes as well as cables and wire. The inslith secretes a strong acid saliva that aids in the digesting the material it eats. The snake can also spit this acid at enemies. The snake stores a small amount of acid, and it can make this ranged attack every 5 actions.

Description (Additional Observations): These vaguely centaur-like creatures are two meters in height and live in mountainous regions, using natural or artifical-exacated caverns for shelter. Equinoids have an extremely strong sense of cultural identiy. Their young are kept isolated from all 'contamination' by non-Equinoid thought and ideas; any spies or inflitrators caught within their caverans are immediately executed. Except for this protectionists attitude regarding their young, Equinoids are generally friendly to other races.

Equipment: Inslith do not collect items and will have no treasure. However, when found here is a 15% chance that the nest contains two eggs. Inslith eggs resemble black, crystalline rocks. They will brack on contact with anything warm, sending shards flying witin a 1 meter radius (1d2-1) Damage. The baby snake inside is harmless at this stage, an unbroken egg is valuable to hunters. What is more valuable is the skins that the sinslith shed in their nest. Every month the inslith grows a new skin and discards his own in the nest. There are 1d12 skins in a nest for each inslith that lives there. A shed skin can be made into armor by any hunter with a roll against Agility DC 15. It requires 100 skins to make a set of armor for a human sized creature. The armor will be AC 4 and includes a helm, but not a shield. The armor is acid proof.

Reactions: No known interactions

Behavior: Behavior modeling incomplete

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Anthropological studies incomplete

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