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in MM2
Role: Monster
Base Stock: Worm
MCC Stat Block: Trap Worm (1): Init +4; atk 12 x tentacles melee +4 (1d4+2) and bite melee +4 (1d10+2); AC 18; HD 6D7 hp 24; MV Swim 8' ; 1d20; SV Fort +0, Ref +1, Will -3
Mutations: None
Number Appearing: 1
Morale: 5
Hit Dice: HD 6D7
Armor: 8 (AC 18)
Size: Large 4-6 Meters long
Description (Initial Observations): These worms have 12 tentacles that extend from around the mouth. They dig a burrow in the coral and lay the tentacles out in a circle.
Reactions: No known interactions
Behavior: When suitable prey (10-45 Kg) swims over or comes in contact with a tentacle, it attempts to grasp the prey and draw it to the mouth (which takes 3 rounds). The worm is 4 to 6 meters long and can change color.
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