Zap Lizards «Gliders»


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Reported By: Danny Moynihan in Dragon Magazine 108

Role: Monster
Base Stock: Komodo dragon

MCC Stat Block: Gliders 'Zap Lizards' (1d4 (2)): Init +4; atk bite melee +3 (1d6+2) and 2 x rear claws melee +3 (1d4+2); AC 14; HD 3D7 hp 12 each; MV 19' or Fly 75' ; 1d20; SV Fort -1, Ref +2, Will -3
Mutations: Chameleon powers, heightened dexterity, radiation eyes (variant), and wings (variant, limited)

Number Appearing: 1d4
Morale: 4
Hit Dice: HD 3D7
Armor: 4 (AC 14)
Size: Medium 2m Long

Movement: MV 19' or Fly 75'

Attack: Bite melee +3 (1d6+2)
2 x Rear Claws melee +3 (1d4+2)

MS: 2   PS: 16
IN: 2   DX: 17
CH: 2   CN: 6

Frequency: Uncommon
Organization: Individual or mated pairs
Activity Cycle: Day
Diet: Small animals of all types
Habitat: Southeast Asian jungles
Tech Level: 0 - 0
Artifacts: Unknown

Description (Initial Observations): Gliders are large lizards which possess extraordinary powers of concealment. They are carnivorous in nature, and their forelegs have developed into broad wings, which they use to swoop down on their prey. Gliders cannot truly fly, but can descend upon a victim in a silent glide that adds a +2 bonus to oppo- nents chances of being surprised (even with heightened hearing). This glide can be extended for twice as far a distance as the gliders altitude at the time it takes off; e.g., a glider starting at a height of 20 m can glide down to prey on the ground 40 m away. Gliders climb extremely well using their back legs and winged forearms, each of which has a free claw useful only for hooking into tree bark to hold position. Gliders may be found at any altitude to which trees can grow. They avoid sailing out over bodies of water, as they cannot swim. Though of animal-like intelligence, gliders rarely bother creatures which possess considerable amounts of Tech II or Tech III equipment, perhaps because they dislike the smell produced by such items. Gliders often can be caught when young and raised as pets. Native jungle inhabit- ants have also lived in peace with gliders, feeding them on scraps and employing them as guards for villages. Gliders possess a low-grade form of radiation eyes (2d6 Intensity Level radia- tion per shot) that is emitted as beams of green laser light. They use this attack only against large creatures, and never against creatures they intend to eat.

Reactions: No known interactions

Behavior: Behavior modeling incomplete

Behavior: Behavior not recorded

Society: Anthropological studies incomplete

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