Category: πŸ’» Computers


Discover a comprehensive collection of expert thoughts on Computers, Information Technology, and Programming from a Senior Enterprise Architect at a Fortune 500 Company. From emerging trends to coding best practices, this resource offers invaluable insights for IT professionals, developers, and tech enthusiasts looking to stay ahead of the curve.

  1. Modern Office with Bright Colors, Gree, Yellow, Orange, and Blue. by Ted Tschopp and Midjourney
    Explore the concept of Bespreekbaarheid, a Dutch term that encourages open dialogue and transparency, and discover why it's crucial for success in IT organizations. Learn how it fosters innovation, enhances problem-solving, and builds trust among team members.
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  2. Photo by Hannes Wolf on Unsplash by Hannes Wolf
    An in-depth analysis of Google's response to the AI competition and its impact on the tech landscape. Exploring the shift from traditional search to AI-driven solutions, the article delves into the battle between Google, OpenAI, and other tech giants. It also reflects on the evolution of user interfaces, from printers to text boxes, and the fundamental role of search in our daily lives. With insights into Google's product strategies, the text questions if the company can reclaim its edge in the new era of AI-driven answers.
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  3. The Revolution of Mobile Computing: From Mainframes to Smartphones by Unknown
    This article explores the evolution of computing from mainframes to PCs, laptops, and ultimately to mobile phones. The author emphasizes how smartphones have become an essential part of daily life, offering all-in-one functionality and complete mobility. By examining trends in China and the shift in major companies like Microsoft and Sony, the article provides a comprehensive overview of the impact of mobile computing on contemporary society.
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  4. The Future of Web-Based Computing: Revolutionizing the Creative Industry by Unknown
    This article showcases videos of a MacBook Pro running Windows 7 that launches complex applications like Photoshop and Unreal tournament engine entirely through a browser using HTML5 and JavaScript. With the backing of influential advisors, companies like oToy are working towards making advanced tools accessible via browsers. The article predicts that within the next 3-5 years, most desktop applications will have web versions, marking a significant shift in the industry.
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  5. Motorola's Project Ara: The Future of Modular Smartphones or a Doomed Venture? by Unknown
    The article explores Motorola's project Ara, an ambitious idea of creating smartphones with individual, purchasable components. While intriguing, the author argues that this model may be doomed due to its contrast with the existing commodification in the tech industry, highlighting the practical challenges and the rise of wearable computing as a more likely direction.
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  6. The Evolution of Digital Realism: Sound, Graphics, and User Interface Design by Unknown
    The article delves into the remarkable journey of sound cards and computer graphics, from primitive 8-bit representations to near-CD quality sound and hyper-realistic visuals. It explores the implications of this realism in UI design, questioning whether interfaces should symbolize or replicate reality, and contrasting Apple's and Microsoft's approaches.
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  7. Theme Parks and Mobile OS: A Comparative Analysis by Unknown
    This article explores the parallels between theme parks like Knott's Berry Farm and tech giants Apple and Android. It highlights the experiences, attention to details, and innovation that define both worlds, and opens a dialogue on what it takes to be a game-changer in both the theme park industry and the world of mobile technology.
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  8. Revolutionizing the iPad Experience with ZAAG / Logitech Keyboard Case by Unknown
    A hands-on review of the ZAAG / Logitech keyboard case for the iPad, exploring its design, usability, and compatibility with Apple's design. Learn how this device transforms the iPad into a potential laptop replacement and the possibilities it opens for users.
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  9. An evocative image of Robin Hood, the legendary outlaw, symbolizing the fight for the common good and the protection of shared values. It serves as a visual metaphor for the unifying principles that bind and define a community. by Unknown
    A thoughtful exploration of the concept of community and the common good, using the story of Robin Hood as a metaphor. This article delves into the core questions about what binds a community together, how to nurture it, and what it takes to defend the shared values and goals that make it thrive.
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  10. A well-structured diagram showcasing the Model for Collaboration, highlighting the three properties - Audience, Artifacts, and Time - and their respective categories. This visual representation serves as a concise overview of the collaboration process, emphasizing the intricate interplay between these elements. by Unknown
    This article explores the intricate dynamics of collaboration in a modern corporate environment. Through the lens of Information Technology, it identifies key problems and offers a detailed model for improving collaboration. The model categorizes collaboration by audience, artifact, and time, creating a practical framework for understanding and improving the collaboration process.
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  11. An illustrative diagram showing the transformation from 'Clueless' to 'Consumers', 'Commenters', and 'Creators'. This visual metaphor represents the journey of individuals through different engagement levels, emphasizing the importance of content, tools, and openness in the conversation process. by Unknown
    This article reveals the four categories of people in conversations and explores strategies to transform clueless individuals into engaged consumers, commenters, and creators. By breaking down barriers and using the right tools, readers are guided to build a dynamic environment where content is shared, commented on, and created, fostering a truly engaging community.
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  12. An illustration of the three types of people: Conversation Starters initiating dialogue, Participants actively engaging, and Observers silently listening. These images symbolize the dynamic roles that individuals play at social events and within online communities. by Unknown
    This article examines the three fundamental roles in any conversation: starters, participants, and observers. Drawing parallels between social gatherings and website engagement, it explores how these roles dynamically change and offers insights into creating a platform that encourages all types of engagement, from starting conversations to lurking.
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  13. An image showing a variety of collaboration tools such as pens, paper, telephones, and modern digital platforms, representing the seamless integration of traditional and modern means of communication in a thriving office environment. by Ted Tschopp and Midjourney
    This article explores the importance of treating collaboration tools with the same unrestricted access as conventional office utilities like pens, papers, or telephones. By avoiding barriers and encouraging free use, collaboration tools can significantly enhance the value of knowledge generated by employees and contribute to the overall success of a business.
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  14. A folk Taxonomy showing the hierarchy of animals, mammals, cats, and Tabby. by Alex Wright
    This article delves into a talk by Alex Wright at the Long Now Foundation, exploring the fascinating concept of taxonomy across different societies. It questions why taxonomies are universally 5 or 6 levels deep and examines theories, including connections to family structure and genetics.
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  15. Sucks to be me - From Blackberry to iPhone to Blackberry Again by Unknown
    An unexpected visit to the Apple Store after shattering an iPhone screen, revealing surprising service inconsistencies and policy variations across locations. Learn about the challenges and costs of cosmetic damage, the difficulty in obtaining a loaner device, and insights on customer service in the tech industry.
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  16. The author shares their experience with managing 212 different RSS feeds and blogs, highlighting the struggles with taxonomy, workflow, scanning articles, linkblogs, and the limits of current feed reading applications. This article provides a unique perspective on the challenges faced by avid content consumers and hints at potential areas for improvement in RSS reader technology.
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  17. In this article, the author revisits a previous conversation on what Google should invest in next, covering aspects like data mining, pattern recognition, GIS, real-time monitoring, algorithms, and the connection between content creators and consumers. The insights provided offer a thoughtful look at potential areas of growth and innovation for the tech giant.
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  19. An in-depth article providing an understanding of web services, computing theory, and a look at the future. Geared towards those in the enterprise and web development sectors, this article explains web services from a practical standpoint and explores future opportunities in dividing them into data, calculation, and display services.
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  20. Microsoft teams with Creative Commons by Ted Tschopp
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  21. Reply by Chat as a Cartoon by Ted Tschopp
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  22. A Little Calendar App I'm building by Unknown
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  23. Learn how I am using XMLHttpRequest for asynchronous web requests to improve my website's interactivity and user experience.
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  24. An illustrative diagram depicting Google's envisioned web-based operating system, highlighting various integrated components such as Mail, Blog, Social Network, and Pictures. The interconnected nature of these services symbolizes a unified and easily accessible platform for the future of web applications. by Ted Tschopp and Midjourney
    An in-depth analysis of Google's potential development of a web-based operating system that integrates Mail, Blog, Social Network, Pictures, Search, and more. Drawing parallels with the early PC market, this article explores how Google might shape the future of the Internet.
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  25. Learn how to integrate iTunes with TypePad using a program that updates your TypePad list with the songs you're currently listening to. This guide offers simple instructions and ensures your favorite tunes are always in sync
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