An artist carving a statue of a man out of a giant mountain by Ted Tschopp using Midjourney

What Makes a Human?

written by

Unknown : an image by Ted Tschopp using Midjourney

Character Sheet - Work in Progress

Name Description
- Description: what do you look like. How does people see you within your community
Recreational Hallmark: What does this person do for a hobby
Environmental Hallmark: What environment was this person raised in
Occupational Hallmark: What is this person’s occupation
{Hometown Community}: -4 3 2 1+1 2 3 4
- Rating: □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
- Name: What is the name of this Community?
- Description: Give a description of this Community so others who are playing can identify it
- Community Hallmarks: What is the cultural differentiators of this Community.
- Opposing Community Hallmarks: What is the opposing cultural differentiators of this Community.
Personal Possessions:  
Pocket Money: □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
- Equipment What basic equipment do they use
- Operational Gear What gear would they take with them on a job
- Specialized Tools What specialized tools do they use that others who have this job might not have
- Elite Gear Do they have customized tools they would use
- Named Items Have the customized tools become so famous they now have names?
Assets: What sort of non-liquid assets does the character have?
Property (location): Does this character have any additional property in another Community?
- Rating: □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
- Name: What is the name of this Community?
- Description: Give a description of this Community so others who are playing can identify it
- Community Hallmarks: What is the cultural differentiators of this Community.
- Opposing Community Hallmarks: What is the ral differentiators of this Community.
- Occupational Hallmark & Career: What occupation does the individual have according to this community
- Environmental Hallmark: What is the environment that this Property is located in ?

Aspect 4 3 2 1 - +1 2 3 4 Characteristic 4 3 2 1 - +1 2 3 4 Knowledge Areas +1 2 3 4 Total Link to Rule
Fitness □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Muscle □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Ranged □ □ □ □  
            Athletics □ □ □ □  
            Melee □ □ □ □  
      Agility □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Stealth □ □ □ □  
            Acrobatics □ □ □ □  
            Sleight of Hand □ □ □ □  
      Stamina □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Ride / Pilot □ □ □ □  
            Ruggedness □ □ □ □  
            Unarmed □ □ □ □  
Academic □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Intellect □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Social Sciences □ □ □ □  
            Life Sciences □ □ □ □  
            Physical Sciences □ □ □ □  
      Reasoning □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Engineering □ □ □ □  
            Insight □ □ □ □  
            Investigation □ □ □ □  
      Acuity □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Traditions □ □ □ □  
            Perception □ □ □ □  
            Formal Sciences □ □ □ □  
Mystical □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Skepticism □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Arcane □ □ □ □  
            Gnosis □ □ □ □  
            Chaos □ □ □ □  
      Faith □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Theurgy □ □ □ □  
            Adapt □ □ □ □  
            Order □ □ □ □  
      Mystery □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Metaphysics □ □ □ □  
            Animism □ □ □ □  
            Shamanism □ □ □ □  
Emotional □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Manners □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Style □ □ □ □  
            Performance □ □ □ □  
            Etiquette □ □ □ □  
      Personality □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Deception □ □ □ □  
            Persuasion □ □ □ □  
            Intimidation □ □ □ □  
      Identity □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Bureaucracy □ □ □ □  
            Animal Handling □ □ □ □  
            Leadership □ □ □ □  

▩ = Skilled - Skilled. Contributes to Total.

☒ = Damaged - Skilled, but Damaged. Does not contribute to Total. Damaged skills can still be used to determine if an object is usable.

▣ = Competent - Experienced, but not skilled. Does not contribute to Total. Some objects require formal training to use successfully, competent skills can not be used to determine if an object is usable.

▢ = Unskilled - You have no Experience and you are not Skilled. Does not contribute to Total.

Start Here

The attributes of a character are given as numerical values which can change as the game progresses, and characters grow and develop over the course of their adventures.

When you are creating a character you can create a character several ways.

  1. Roll 5d8 dropping the lowest die roll and using the following table to determine your result. You then distribute those numbers to the aspects and characteristics you desire.

  2. Use the Standard Array: [3,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,-1,-1,-1,-2]. You then distribute those numbers to the aspects and characteristics you desire.

  3. Use the Narrative Approach

    1. As a Child you were known to be stronger, smarter, more socially aware, or more spiritually aware. Assign 3 points Aspect you were strongest in.
    2. Tell me the story about what happened to make you stand out among your peers, was it the overall strength, speed, or balance between those two that made you stand out. Assign 2 points to the Characteristics that represent that.
    3. As a child you were know to be the least gifted in Fitness, Academics, Mystical arts, or Emotion. Assign -2 points to the aspect you were weakest in.
    4. Tell me the story about what happened to make you stand out among your peers, was it the lack of strength, speed, or balance between strength and speed that made you stand out. Assign -1 point to the characteristics that represented that.
    5. Assign 1’s to the rest
    6. subtract -1 from 2 aspects / characteristics
    7. add 1 to 3 aspects / characteristics

[TODO] Make better.

σ 4d8
-4 4 - 5
-3 6 - 8
-2 8 - 13
-1 13 - 17
1 18 - 22
2 23 - 27
3 28 - 30
4 31 - 32


All beings have four aspects of their existence. These define the highest categorical breakdown of a being. They are Physical, Mental, Social, and Spiritual. They each have a numeric score The higher the score, the more potential that being has in that aspect of their existence. These numbers also represent how much damage the character can take. These aspects can be broken down into your Characteristics.

Aspect Name Aspect Value
Fitness (-4 thru 4)
Academic (-4 thru 4)
Mystical (-4 thru 4)
Emotional (-4 thru 4)


Summary Table of Physical Aspects Levels

Level Name Description Result Example
-4 Basic Movement Perform basic physical actions such as walking and running. Basic Movement A character runs across a field to escape an enemy.
-3 Power Develop basic physical strength. Forceful Actions A character lifts a heavy boulder blocking a path.
-2 Flexibility Improve coordination and flexibility. Flexible Actions A character nimbly dodges through a series of traps.
-1 Vigor Build stamina and endurance. Sustained Effort A character marches for hours without tiring.
1 Coordination Combine power, flexibility, and vigor. Coordinated Actions A character performs a complex acrobatic routine to navigate a challenging obstacle course.
2 Pressure Handling Maintain physical skills under pressure. Composed Actions A character remains calm and coordinated while escaping a collapsing cave.
3 Body Mastery Achieve mastery over the physical body. Mastery of Body A character balances on a narrow ledge with perfect control.
4 Legendary Prowess Perform legendary actions remembered and revered. Legendary Actions A character swims across a raging river and climbs a sheer cliff with unparalleled skill.

Level -4: Basic Movement

At this introductory level, adventurers can perform basic physical actions such as walking, running, and jumping. Success at this level involves simple movements and basic coordination.

Result: Basic Movement

Level -3: Power

This level involves developing basic physical strength. Adventurers can perform tasks requiring brute force, such as lifting heavy objects or breaking down doors.

Result: Forceful Actions

Level -2: Flexibility

Adventurers at this level have improved coordination. They can perform more complex movements and actions that require nimbleness.

Result: Flexibile Actions

Level -1: Vigor

At this level, adventurers build their stamina and endurance. They can sustain physical activities for longer periods without tiring.

Result: Sustained Effort

Level 1: Coordination

Adventurers develop the ability to coordinate power, flexibility, and vigor. They can perform more complex and integrated physical tasks that require a combination of these abilities.

Result: Coordinated Actions

Level 2: Pressure Handling

Adventurers refine their physical skills to perform under pressure. They can maintain coordination, power, flexibility, and vigor even in stressful or dangerous situations.

Result: Composed Actions

Level 3: Body Mastery

Adventurers achieve mastery over their physical body, allowing them to perform extraordinary physical feats with precision and control.

Result: Mastery of Body

Level 4: Legendary Prowess

At the highest level, adventurers become legends of physical prowess. They perform legendary actions that are remembered and revered, showcasing ultimate control and capability over their body.

Result: Legendary Actions


Summary Table of Intelligence Levels

Level Name Description Result Example
-4 Recall Recall basic facts and information. Recall basic lore or rules. A player recalls the exact location of the hidden lever that opens a secret door in the dungeon.
-3 Remember Memorize and retain information. Regurgitate facts from memory. A player recites the effects of a healing potion, including its healing capacity and any side effects.
-2 Understand Comprehend and explain concepts and processes. Explain concepts in your own words. A player explains the history and cultural significance of the Elven kingdom in the game world.
-1 Apply Use knowledge to solve simple problems. Simple Problem-Solving A player uses their knowledge that trolls are weak to fire to effectively use a fire spell during combat.
1 Analyze Compare and contrast information. Compare different strategies. A player analyzes the benefits and drawbacks of a ring that grants invisibility versus a cloak that provides protection against spells.
2 Evaluate Make judgments and prioritize information. Prioritize actions based on importance. A player decides to heal a fallen ally instead of attacking the enemy, prioritizing team survival over immediate offense.
3 Create Synthesize knowledge to create new ideas. Hypothesize new solutions. A player creates a new spell that combines elements of fire and ice, theorizing its effects and potential uses in different scenarios.
4 Innovate Innovate and refine new ideas and solutions. Innovate and implement new strategies. A player devises a new approach to infiltrate an enemy fortress using a combination of stealth, magic, and diplomacy, and adjusts the plan based on real-time feedback and unexpected challenges.

Level -4: Recall

At this intructory level, adventurers can recall basic facts and information. This involves remembering simple details and can be used to answer straightforward questions. Success at this level is often about repetition and memorization.

Result: Recall

Level -3: Remember

This level involves memorizing and retaining information. Adventurers engage in rote learning, using techniques like flashcards and repetitive reading.

Result: Regurgitate

Level -2: Understand

Adventurers at this level comprehend and grasp the meaning of information. They can explain concepts and processes in their own words, showing a deeper understanding.

Result: Explain

Level -1: Apply

At this level, adventurers use their knowledge to solve simple problems. They apply learned concepts directly to situations they encounter.

Result: Simple Problem-Solving

Level 1: Analyze

Adventurers analyze information, comparing and contrasting different elements. They identify patterns and relationships, leading to more nuanced understanding and problem-solving.

Result: Compare

Level 2: Evaluate

Adventurers make judgments based on criteria and standards. They evaluate the importance of information, prioritize it, and make informed decisions.

Result: Prioritize

Level 3: Create

Adventurers synthesize knowledge to create new ideas or solutions. They hypothesize and develop innovative approaches to problems.

Result: Hypothesize

Level 4: Innovate

At the highest level, adventurers engage in true innovation. They not only create new ideas but also implement and refine them, pushing the boundaries of what is known and possible.

Result: Innovate


Summary Table of Mystical Levels

Level Name Description Result TTRPG Example
0 Basic Cantrips Perform basic magical actions such as casting simple cantrips. Basic Cantrips A character casts a cantrip to create a small flame for light.
1 Spellcasting Develop the ability to cast basic spells. Basic Spells A character casts a spell to detect magic in the area.
2 Spell Mastery Improve control over spells for greater precision. Controlled Spells A character casts a fireball with pinpoint accuracy to avoid allies.
3 Spell Enhancement Enhance spells to increase potency and range. Enhanced Spells A character enhances a healing spell to affect multiple allies.
4 Spell Integration Integrate different spells to create synergistic effects. Synergistic Spells A character combines a wind spell and a fire spell to create a blazing inferno.
5 Advanced Spellcasting Perform complex spells quickly and accurately under pressure. Composed Spellcasting A character casts a series of protective wards while under attack.
6 Archmage Achieve mastery over magical abilities. Mastery of Magic A character summons a powerful elemental to aid in battle.
7 Legendary Sorcery Perform legendary acts of sorcery remembered and revered. Legendary Magic A character casts a spell to transport an entire city to a safe location.

Level -4: Basic Cantrips

At this introductory level, adventurers can perform basic magical actions such as casting simple cantrips. Success at this level involves understanding and executing fundamental spells.

Result: Basic Cantrips

Level -3: Spellcasting

This level involves developing the ability to cast basic spells. Adventurers can perform simple magical effects and understand the basics of spell components and incantations.

Result: Basic Spells

Level -2: Spell Mastery

Adventurers at this level have improved control over their spells. They can cast spells with greater precision and effectiveness.

Result: Controlled Spells

Level -1: Spell Enhancement

At this level, adventurers enhance their spells, increasing their potency and range. They can modify spells to better suit different situations.

Result: Enhanced Spells

Level 1: Spell Integration

Adventurers develop the ability to integrate different spells and magical effects. They can combine multiple spells to create synergistic effects.

Result: Synergistic Spells

Level 2: Advanced Spellcasting

Adventurers refine their spellcasting skills to perform under pressure. They can cast complex spells quickly and accurately even in stressful or dangerous situations.

Result: Composed Spellcasting

Level 3: Archmage

Adventurers achieve mastery over their magical abilities, allowing them to perform extraordinary feats of magic with precision and control.

Result: Mastery of Magic

Level 4: Legendary Sorcery

At the highest level, adventurers become legends of magical prowess. They perform legendary acts of sorcery that are remembered and revered.

Result: Legendary Magic


Summary Table of Social Dynamics Levels

Level Name Description Result Example
-4 Basic Interaction Perform basic social actions such as greeting and small talk. Basic Interaction A character greets a village elder and engages in polite conversation.
-3 Persuasion Develop basic persuasive skills. Basic Influence A character convinces a guard to let them pass through a gate.
-2 Empathy Improve emotional understanding and rapport-building. Emotional Connection A character comforts a grieving NPC, gaining their trust.
-1 Negotiation Build skills in negotiation and compromise. Compromise A character negotiates a fair trade with a merchant.
1 Coordination Combine persuasion, empathy, and negotiation. Team Leadership A character leads a group of adventurers to resolve a conflict between two factions.
2 Crisis Management Maintain social skills under pressure. Composed Leadership A character calms a panicked crowd during a crisis.
3 Social Mastery Achieve mastery over social interactions. Social Mastery A character delivers a speech that unites various guilds for a common cause.
4 Legendary Influence Perform legendary acts of diplomacy and influence. Legendary Diplomacy A character negotiates peace between warring nations, earning eternal respect.

Level -4: Basic Interaction

At this introductory level, adventurers can perform basic social actions such as greeting others and engaging in small talk. Success at this level involves simple communication and basic etiquette.

Result: Basic Interaction

Level -3: Persuasion

This level involves developing basic persuasive skills. Adventurers can influence others through simple arguments and appeals.

Result: Basic Influence

Level -2: Empathy

Adventurers at this level have improved emotional understanding and can relate to others’ feelings. They can build rapport and trust more effectively.

Result: Emotional Connection

Level -1: Negotiation

At this level, adventurers build their skills in negotiation and compromise. They can navigate conflicts and find mutually beneficial solutions.

Result: Compromise

Level 1: Coordination

Adventurers develop the ability to coordinate persuasion, empathy, and negotiation. They can manage group dynamics and lead teams effectively.

Result: Team Leadership

Level 2: Crisis Management

Adventurers refine their social skills to perform under pressure. They can maintain calm and lead effectively even in stressful or high-stakes social situations.

Result: Composed Leadership

Level 3: Mastery

Adventurers achieve mastery over their social interactions, allowing them to influence and inspire others with precision and control.

Result: Social Mastery

Level 4: Legendary Influence

At the highest level, adventurers become legends of social dynamics. They perform legendary acts of diplomacy and influence that are remembered and revered.

Result: Legendary Diplomacy


All characters have certain basic characteristics that define what they can do. Each of these characteristics fall into a given aspect. Higher characteristic scores grant bonuses on task resolution checks, while lower characteristic scores grant penalties. As part of creating your character, you decide how strong, smart, and tough your character is by choosing the appropriate characteristic scores.

Characteristic Name Aspect Value
Muscle (-4 thru 4)
Agility (-4 thru 4)
Stamina (-4 thru 4)
Intellect (-4 thru 4)
Reasoning (-4 thru 4)
Acuity (-4 thru 4)
Skepticism (-4 thru 4)
Faith (-4 thru 4)
Mystery (-4 thru 4)
Manners (-4 thru 4)
Personality (-4 thru 4)
Identity (-4 thru 4)

Knowledge Areas

You acquire knowledge through experience or education. You can acquire knowledge without applying it. This is what happens when you rely on your Aspects and Characteristics to get accomplish a task. Overtime you will acquire enough knowledge to finally develop enough proficiency to gain a skill in that area. When this is done in a controlled environment like an educational institution or from an instructor or a tutor, you gain the knowledge on how these skills apply to your other Aspects and Characteristics. If, however you have no formal teacher or you are out discovering something new at the bleeding edge of technical development for your culture, you only get to apply the Aspects and Characteristics associated with your skill to the task at hand.

You demonstrate competency, and thus succeeding in your knowledge area rolls, by applying the necessary knowledge and skill in a real-world setting where you take full responsibility and accountability for your actions. The experience gained in this manner distinguishes demonstrated skill from demonstrated competency.

Each Level in a knowledge area represents a grade level with level 0 being the knowledge the general public gets in this discipline. You are an apprentice or have an associate degree if you have a knowledge are at level 1. You are a journeyman or you have a Bachelor’s degree at level 2. You are a master or you have a master’s degree at level 3. You are a grand master or you have a doctorate degree at level 4. If you are looking for levels above that, at level 5 someone is a principality, power, or demigod. Gods start coming in at level 6.


Hallmarks represent what makes your character unique beyond just a set of numbers. As your character grows, their hallmarks will also grow.

Environmental Hallmarks

Environmental hallmarks represent the knacks, insights and ‘survival secrets’ handed down by different people over the years, giving heroes raised in those cultures an edge.

This represents the natural environment the character grew up in or spends their time in. A character who grew up in an urban area that never got out of the city may not have an Environmental Hallmark.

Urban Hallmarks

Urban hallmarks represent the knacks, insights and ‘street secrets’ handed down by different people over the years, giving heroes raised in those urban settings an edge.

Occupational Hallmarks

Occupational hallmarks represent the knacks, insights and ‘craft secrets’ handed down by different trades over the years, giving heroes who have those jobs an edge.

Pick an occupation that is culturally appropriate for the setting of the game and note it down. This represents the occupational environment the character grew up in or surrounds themselves when they are not adventuring.


As a part of their development, characters follow certain life paths called careers. The setting you play in will provide a variety of career options for characters to pursue, which opens opportunities for characters to gain skill levels, characteristic boosts and significant mustering out benefits before they enter into play.

Careers are part of a setting, and the process to place a character into a career is determined by the settings rules/

Recreational Hallmarks

Recreational hallmarks represent the knacks, insights and nuanced differentiations handed down by enthusiasts over the years, giving heroes raised in those cultures an edge.

Pick a hobby that is culturally appropriate for the setting of the game and note it down. This represents how the character prefers to spend their free time relaxing.

Community Hallmarks

Community Hallmarks are qualities that describe different aspects of a character’s build, temperament, and abilities, which can provide advantages in certain situations. The key principle governing Community Hallmarks is that their descriptions must make it reasonably believable that individuals possessing those qualities would perform better under the given circumstances compared to those who lack them. Virtues are not ranked and cannot be enhanced or improved.

A Character may end up with more than one Community Hallmark, the one rule governing this is that a character cannot have opposing Hallmarks. Use the table below to identify opposing Community Hallmarks. In many cases there are multiple virtues that are similar to each other if players want to play a character who is conflicted.

Virtue Description Opposing Virtue Description
Adventurous You are willing to take risks and explore new, exciting experiences. Reckless You are not afraid to take bold action and pursue your passions.
Bold You are willing to take risks and confront danger or challenges with confidence and bravery. Cowardly You exercise caution and prudence in the face of perceived danger or challenges, but sometimes miss out on opportunities.
Cautious You are careful and deliberate in your actions and decisions. Rash You are quick to take action, displaying confidence and courage. However, sometimes you may act impulsively or without considering the consequences.
Clever You are able to think quickly and come up with creative solutions to problems. Cunning You are able to use your intelligence and resourcefulness to achieve your goals, but you may use deceit or trickery in the process.
Curious You are eager to learn and understand new things. Nosy You are interested in the affairs of others in an intrusive way.
Determined You are resolute in pursuing your goals and tasks Stubborn You remain firm in your beliefs or opinions, even when faced with contrary evidence
Eager You are enthusiastic and excited about pursuing your goals and interests. Impatient You are motivated and want to achieve your goals quickly, but sometimes struggle with waiting and may become restless.
Elusive You are hard to pin down and catch, not easily captured or defined. Slippery You are adaptable and able to change course quickly in the face of new information or circumstances.
Fair You are impartial and treat everyone equally and justly. Biased You have strong preferences and opinions, which can sometimes affect your judgment.
Fair-spoken You are able to communicate with others in an honest way Manipulative You have a talent for persuading others to your point of view, sometimes by bending the truth or withholding information
Fierce You are bold and intense in pursuit of your goals and ideals Savage You are fiercely passionate and unyielding in defending what you believe is right, sometimes leading to excess or harm to others
Forthright You are direct and honest in your communication. Evasive You are skilled at finding tactful ways to avoid confrontation.
Gruff You are direct and to-the-point in your communication. Rude You are unapologetically honest and do not shy away from confrontation.
Hardened You are tough and resilient, able to withstand difficult situations. Callous You are strong and unemotional, not easily affected by the suffering of others.
Hardy You are able to withstand challenges and adversity with resilience, strength, and endurance. Fragile You are rare, valuable, venerable, delicate and precious, you need to be handled with care, and therefore you require extra support, protection, special care and attention.
Honorable You are someone who is honest, ethical, and has strong principles Dishonorable You sometimes prioritize personal gain or expediency over your principles or integrity
Keen-eyed You are observant and perceptive, noticing details Oblivious You are open-minded and do not judge quickly, details matter little to you, and you give others the benefit of the doubt, seeing the good in them first
Lordly You are confident and dignified, and you command respect with your presence and actions. Servile You tend to be overly deferential and submissive to authority figures, but you demonstrate a deep respect for others and a willingness to serve.
Cheerful You are someone who is optimistic and sees the positive side of things, bringing joy and a lightheartedness to those around you. Grim You are someone who is serious, stern, or realistic, and tends to focus on the risks of a situation.
Fierce You are brave and have a powerful intensity in pursuing your goals Timid You are cautious and thoughtful in your actions and decision making.
Patient You are able to remain calm and composed in the face of delays, difficulties, and provocation, waiting calmly for your desired outcome. Impatient You have a sense of urgency and a desire for immediate results, which can cause frustration and anxiety in situations where you have to wait or deal with delays.
Robust You are strong and resilient, able to withstand challenges and overcome obstacles. Weak You are gentle and flexible, open to different perspectives and willing to collaborate.
Secretive You are discreet in your communications and keep confidences well Open You are transparent and forthright in your communication and actions
Steadfast You are resolute in your beliefs and remain unwavering. Fickle You are adaptable and open to change and new perspectives.
Stern You are resolute and uncompromising in your decisions, showing no tolerance for error or wrongdoing. Lenient You tend to be forgiving and understanding, giving people second chances and showing them mercy when they make mistakes.
Suspicious You are cautious and discerning in your judgments. Trusting You are open-minded and willing to give people the benefit of the doubt.
True-hearted You are sincere, honest, and loyal to yourself and others, and you always stand by your principles and values. False-hearted You may have the ability to adapt to different situations and people, and you can easily present a different image of yourself to others.
Trusty You are dependable, reliable, and worthy of confidence. Unreliable You are spontaneous, adaptable, and not tied to commitments.
Wary You are cautious and vigilant, taking care to avoid danger and ensure your own safety and well-being. Careless You are free-spirited and adventurous, unburdened by worries or concerns about potential risks or negative consequences, and always willing to embrace new experiences and opportunities with open arms. While you may occasionally face setbacks or difficulties as a result, you remain optimistic and confident in your ability to navigate whatever challenges may arise.
Forgiving You are willing to let go of anger or resentment towards those who have wronged you, and offer them mercy and compassion. Wrathful You are passionate and deeply committed to what you believe is right, and unafraid to stand up for yourself.
Chaste You are pure in your thoughts and behaviors, and you refrain from sexual immorality. Lustful You are passionate and have a strong desire for physical intimacy with others, which can also show that you are capable of great love and affection.
Energetic You are active, enthusiastic and full of energy, always willing to take on new challenges and put in effort to achieve your goals. Lazy You prefer to conserve your energy for more important tasks, and take time to rest and recharge so you can be more productive in the long run.
Forgiving You are willing to let go of past grievances and extend compassion towards others who have wronged you. Vengeful You are deeply committed to seeking justice and defending what is right, sometimes at the cost of personal sacrifice.
Generous You are someone who freely gives and is willing to share what you have with others without expecting anything in return. Selfish You are someone who prioritizes your own needs and desires over those of others, but this can also mean that you are self-sufficient and know how to take care of yourself.
Honest You are truthful and transparent in your words and actions, and always strive to maintain integrity. Deceitful You have the ability to see situations from multiple perspectives and adapt your words and actions accordingly. However, you may use this skill to manipulate others for your own benefit rather than being honest and transparent.
Just You are fair and impartial, and base your decisions on reason and fact. Arbitrary You are flexible and open-minded, able to consider many different perspectives before making a decision.
Merciful You are compassionate and show forgiveness. Cruel You prioritize justice and hold others accountable.
Modest You are humble and unassuming, not drawing attention to yourself or boasting about your achievements. Proud You have a healthy self-respect and confidence in your abilities, and are willing to take credit for your accomplishments.
Pious You are deeply religious and devoted to your faith. Worldly You enjoy life’s pleasures and seek out worldly experiences in a way that brings joy to others.
Prudent You are cautious and wise in your decision-making. Reckless You are someone who takes bold and daring risks to achieve great things.
Temperate You are able to exercise self-control and avoid excess. Indulgent You enjoy the pleasures of life in moderation, but can sometimes lack the self-control necessary to avoid overindulging in them.
Trusting You are willing to believe in the honesty and reliability of others, and to extend trust to them. Suspicious You are cautious and careful when dealing with others, and do not easily accept what they say or do.
Valorous You are brave and courageous, showing great courage. Cowardly You are cautious and careful, avoiding unnecessary risks.


You don’t find yourself under a familiar roof for much of the year. You may opt for an outdoor lifestyle, or circumstances may compel you to take refuge in unconventional locations or seek shelter in remote areas. Your first test of skill is choosing the right amount of equipment to carry, aiming for a manageable load—an indication of your expertise in the field. The same principle applies to your tactical gear. You must resist the temptation to opt for the most powerful weapons and most protective armor, as such heavy and unwieldy burdens are likely to significantly impede your operational capabilities.

Pocket Money

You do not have to keep track of accommodation, food, or incidental travel expenses as long as your Hero’s spending stays within the limits of their pocket money. These limits are determined by the Referee.

Money will likely only become a concern during play when large amounts are being spent. This could include preparing for a major trip, purchasing expensive items like a vehicle or rare book, or hiring extra staff.

If you spend an amount beyond your ‘spending limit,’ you must reduce your cash by the full amount spent. If you don’t have enough cash, you can consider using your assets. Converting assets into cash takes time, and the duration is determined by the Referee. Processes like mortgaging a property, selling antiques, converting assets into pocket money, or obtaining loans all require time. If you are away from your hometown, these processes are likely to take even longer.

If you make multiple purchases below your spending threshold on the same day, the Referee may require you to combine the total purchases to compare them with your spending level. If you exceed the spending limit, you’ll need to deduct the excess cash spent. The above tables will give you and the Referee guidelines on how to handle this.

Pocket Money Rating Description Accommodations Forms of Travel Rules Notes
1 No money or resources to meet basic needs. Makeshift shelters, public assistance, or homelessness. Walking, hitchhiking, or public transportation. Has no means to purchase anything outside of bartering for services they can provide
2 Barely making ends meet, with limited resources. Shared accommodations or low-budget housing options. Public transportation or carpooling. Does not have the means to handle day-to-day expense. Must rely on the charity of others. Have the means to make an unexpected expense once a season to once a year.
3 Limited disposable income, living paycheck to paycheck. Modest apartments or small houses in affordable areas. Public transportation, economy class flights. Have the means to handle some day-to-day expenses, but prefers to rely on the charity of others. Have the means to make an unexpected expense once a Month
4 Stable income, comfortable living, and some savings. Comfortable homes or condominiums in decent neighborhoods. Personal vehicle, economy class flights. Have the means to handle day-to-day expenses. Have the means to make an unexpected expense once a week
5 Higher income, substantial savings, and investments. Spacious homes in desirable neighborhoods, luxury apartments. Personal vehicles, occasional business class flights. Have the means to handle day-to-day expenses. Have the means to make an unexpected expense once a day
6 Considerable wealth and financial security. Expansive houses, penthouses, or luxury real estate. Personal vehicles, private jets or first-class flights. Have the means to handle day-to-day expenses. Have the means to make an unexpected expense at any time
7 Abundant wealth, influential in society. Mansions, private estates, or luxury properties. Personal vehicles, private jets or chartered yachts. Have the means to handle day-to-day expenses. Have the means to make an unexpected expense at any time
8 Extraordinary wealth, among the richest in the world. Lavish estates, private islands, or extravagant residences. Personal vehicles, private jets, yachts, or helicopters. Have the means to handle day-to-day expenses. Have the means to make an unexpected expense at any time

During the game, your character may receive a substantial sum of money as a reward. Treat such windfalls as Assets.

Taking on and repaying debts is all part of your story. It could involve selling your Hero’s car or seeking money from a loan shark. While financial transactions are not the main focus of play, the gradual decline of your character’s finances may go hand-in-hand with the deterioration of your Mental, Social, or Spiritual Aspects.

Personal Possessions

You embark on your journey fully prepared for long periods of travel and sleeping in the open. It is expected that every character carries the necessary equipment for an adventurous life. This equipment consists of two main categories: Equipment and Operational Gear.


You can apply the same approach when you’re wondering if your character should already possess a specific item as part of their standard belongings. If you find yourself in this situation, ask yourself (or consult the Referee) about the relevance of the object to your character’s profession. In such cases, your character’s occupation should offer the most insights, particularly when considering their appropriate Pocket Money.

Should you, as a Thief, carry a set of lock-picks with you? Absolutely, and make sure it’s a top-notch set.

Should you, as a Chef, own a set of high-quality knives? Definitely, and they should be well-maintained and sharp.

Should you, as a Photographer, have a reliable camera? Of course, and it should be capable of capturing high-resolution images.

Should you, as a Software Developer, possess a powerful laptop? Yes, and it should have enough processing power and memory to handle your tasks efficiently.

Should you, as a Mechanic, have a comprehensive set of tools? Absolutely, and they should be organized for easy access and use.

Operational Gear

At the start of the game, you can equip your character with any weapon your hero is capable of wielding, as well as any shield and armor you choose to carry or wear. If your hero loses or breaks any of these items, they will be automatically replaced the next time you reach a friendly settlement or at another suitable moment in the story. If the settlement isn’t from your hero’s own community, you might be asked to perform a small favor in return, such as completing a task or sharing a song or tale.

Curated Gear

At the start of the game, you select your operative’s initial equipment. This includes standard-issue weapons, a set of tactical armor, and perhaps additional protective gear like a helmet or shield and a cell phone.

Curated Gear is another matter. Curated Gear can be Specialized tools, Elite Gear, or Named Items. Such items could be gifts / loans from your organization, family, or perhaps a high-ranking official allows you to choose a piece of equipment from their private arsenal. Alternatively, you might have personally modified, repaired, or adapted this gear to meet your specific needs. The types of modifications and customizations depend on both the item itself and the technology or culture that produced it, as well as your own operative’s background.

Whenever your operative advances in rank, you earn a Bonus. This Bonus allows you to enhance one piece of equipment with a new specialized feature. Each time your operative acquires an item of exceptional quality, you should craft a narrative to commemorate this milestone for your character.

If your character happens to lose any of their Curated Gear, they will be able to acquire standard Operational Gear to replace it. However, all the customizations, advanced features, and other unique aspects of that gear will be lost until you retrieve them. You may choose to abandon this equipment, but doing so will affect your reputation and may lead to other unintended consequences, depending on who ends up with the gear. In either event, such losses will effect the overall narrative structure of your story.

Specialized Tools

You’ll come across objects that stand out for their exceptional and mesmerizing qualities. Whether it’s gemstones, secure data drives, advanced biotech implants, holographic storage modules, energy-efficient components, neural interfaces, nanotech-enhanced accessories, or quantum processors, you’ll recognize these as Specialized Tool. Their unique charm stems from the expertise of talented engineers, state-of-the-art technology, or the incorporation of specialized algorithms or energy systems.

Specialized Tools are your everyday equipment that has been tailored, specialized, or masterfully crafted to stretch the limits of what’s achievable or to showcase the engineer’s skills. These items are typically not weapons or armor; they are tools designed for a specific function. Generally, there’s no backstory or narrative tied to these objects, but they are readily available to agents who have proven their worth.

Elite Gear

You encounter items that possess extraordinary capabilities, which most people would consider highly advanced or even miraculous. These may include state-of-the-art stealth suits that make the wearer undetectable to security systems, sonic devices that can manipulate emotions in both allies and enemies, and augmented reality implants that enable the user to effortlessly locate and retrieve misplaced objects. These remarkable items come with advanced technological enhancements that amplify the innate skills of their users. The more advanced your expertise and status, the better you’ll understand these assets and the benefits they offer.

While these items are generally not classified as weapons, they are valuable assets often carried by the elite operatives or experts in this world. Each of these technological marvels has a rich backstory, offering clues to their origins and unique capabilities, adding layers of depth and intrigue to their existence.

Named Items

You will occasionally encounter Precious and Named Objects that bear specific designations. These are often identified by the name of their inventor or their most renowned owner. However, Named Items always possess distinct names and may even have multiple names, as they are known and referred to differently among various organizations or cultures. Once you utilize one long enough, these items may acquire additional names based on your actions or what you choose to call them.

Named Items, each possessing unique capabilities, may have visual or auditory cues that make them stand out, such as a distinct light or sound. However, in some cases, these special qualities are more discreet, barely noticeable to the untrained eye. It’s important to note that every Iconic Item has a rich backstory that merits thorough investigation.

These items are not just defined by their own characteristics but also by their inventors, the cultures or organizations from which they originate, the significant events they have been part of, and the diverse groups of people who have utilized them throughout history. All these factors contribute to the advantages and drawbacks that these items carry. While you may not be aware of all the intricate details surrounding an Famous Artifacts, as an operative, you may wish to uncover these hidden truths through various means, such as research, consultation with experts, or undertaking special missions.

You will find that sponsors, leaders, and subject matter experts from different organizations possess extensive knowledge about these items. Seeking their guidance will prove invaluable in unraveling the hidden histories of these assets. By consulting with these knowledgeable individuals, you can delve deeper into the origins, significance, and remarkable stories associated with these items.

Moreover, it’s worth noting that any equipment you acquire classified as Exceptional Quality or above holds potential for further interactions. You can exchange such exceptional items with the aforementioned leaders to unlock additional features and capabilities that lie within the exceptional items found in Caches. This exchange opens up new possibilities and enhances the potential of these powerful assets, allowing you to tap into their full capabilities and utilize them to your advantage.


You and your team will inevitably encounter various assets as you navigate through unfamiliar territories. It could be the long-forgotten hoard of a deceased Dragon, or the hidden cache left behind by a rogue spy agency, a valuable stash of data and technology guarded by a rogue AI, or the accumulated resources amassed by generations of space pirates. These Assets offer you and your colleagues a compelling objective for your missions, an opportunity to increase your personal resources, and a means to uncover hidden stories from the regions you explore.

How Assets Works

You accumulate wealth as you acquire materials and items of significant value, such as currency, valuable data, and specialized technology. These possessions signify wealth far beyond the ordinary, and you have the option to invest your Assets when you’re not actively engaged in missions or operations. The value of each Asset is determined by a rating system, starting at a minimum of 1, which roughly corresponds to the resources necessary to sustain an operative for a month at a Prosperous Standard of Living, and potentially scaling upwards from there.

You record your personal Assets rating on the back of your character sheet and keep it updated as you discover and utilize it. When you and your fellow Company members come across a treasure, you must distribute it among yourselves, dividing its rating as you deem appropriate and noting your individual shares on your character sheets. If you have people accompanying you on your adventures that require payment, you must also share this treasure with them according to the rules outlined for them.

You have the opportunity to utilize the wealth indicated by your Asset rating when you decide to dedicate a Season to staying at home. During this period, you can engage in various types of investments, each requiring a specific amount of Asset points. These investments will shape the activities you pursue throughout the season.

Rating Description
1 Sufficient funds to sustain you at a Prosperous Standard of Living for a month.
2 Enough funds for a month-long bender of indulgence in the neon-lit underbelly of the city.
5 A gift fit for royalty, an extravagant treasure.
10 Alien technology salvaged from a crashed spacecraft.
50 A substantial treasure amassed by an Orc chieftain.
100 A cache of highly advanced weapons or a prototype device with incredible capabilities.
200 Loot from Trolls, including valuable and scarce objects.
500 A comprehensive database of government secrets, exposing the hidden truths behind the city’s power structures.
1,000 fragment of a legendary extraterrestrial relic said to possess immense cosmic power.

Carrying and Transporting Assets

You, as a player, have the option to take on the responsibility of managing the assets you acquire, whether it’s transporting secure data drives or carrying specialized equipment. Each unit of asset you carry adds to your Encumbrance, resulting in a one-point increase to your Fatigue rating for every unit of asset you choose to manage. It’s important to consider the implications of carrying too much in the way of assets, as it affects your character’s overall stamina.

Hiding Assets

The currency, data files, technology, or other property that a few units of Asset represent might be more than you’re willing to manage during your missions. You may choose to secure your assets in a nearby safe location, planning to return later to retrieve them.


Assets may not degrade like other mundane materials, certain resources possess a corruptive influence that surpasses tangible goods. The allure of valuable assets can ignite a fierce desire within those who seek them. You understand the distinction between a payment for your services from a corporation and a hidden stash of confidential data stored in a secure server. Both hold value, but the latter is a Cache, possessing an additional allure and a darker influence. The valuables you uncover within a rogue agency’s hidden base or stored within a long-forgotten data vault may carry a taint, their value capable of driving individuals to distraction and filling their hearts with insatiable ambition.

You must pass a Mystic test upon discovering tainted Cache, or you’ll suffer Spiritual Damage.

In addition to just currency and valuable data, a Cache can also contain other items such as advanced technology, high-value art pieces, and other renowned or long-forgotten intellectual property.


Throughout the campaign, you may acquire a Property. In a fantasy setting, this could be a business like a smithy or a tavern. Alternatively, you might own a farm where peasants till the land and share a portion of each harvest with you. In a modern context, your Property could be a tech startup or a small consultancy firm. Property aren’t limited to physical assets; your family and home could also constitute a Property.

Your Property serves as your main occupation when you’re not out adventuring or, in a modern scenario, when you’re not engaged in other high-stakes activities. Not everyone has a Property.


There are multiple avenues for you to acquire a Property. You might inherit one from a wealthy family member if you’re lucky. More commonly, you gain a Property as the outcome of an adventure, either as a gift or by discovering an unclaimed Property and taking it for yourself.

Description Rating Score Example (Sci-Fi, Mystery, Steampunk, Fantasy, Horror, Post-Apocalyptic)
Meager 1 Space Capsule, Detective’s Office, Steam-Powered Hut, Hermit’s Cell, Abandoned Cabin, Ruined Gas Station
Humble 2 Research Lab on a Minor Planet, Private Investigator’s Office, Clockwork Workshop, Shepherd Dwelling, Haunted Inn, Survivor Camp
Modest 3 Space Freighter, Small Detective Agency, Airship Hangar, Trapper’s Cabin, Secluded Mansion, Makeshift Fortress
Adequate 4 Planetary Farm, Suburban Home, Steam Factory, Farm Cottage, Creepy Asylum, Self-Sustaining Compound
Respectable 5 Space Station, Historic Mansion, Steampunk Inn, Small Castle, Haunted Hotel, Well-Defended Settlement
Superior 6 Advanced Research Facility, Renowned Detective Agency, Grand Airship, Large Inn, Supernatural Research Center, Fortified City
Thriving 7 Asteroid Mining Operation, Nationally Investigation Bureau with Offices in multiple Locations, Steam-Powered Factory Complex, Merchant’s Guild Hall, Cursed Village, Thriving Colony
Opulent 8 Planetary Trade Hub, Mansion with Secret Passages, Grand Steampunk Mansion, Large Estate with Gold Mine, Haunted Palace, Rebuilt Metropolis

The worth of your Property is quantified in game terms by a numerical rating that ranges from 1 to 8. This rating is similar to the Target Number for an action, where a lower number is generally more desirable than a higher one. For instance, a struggling farm on a rocky hillside might have a rating of 1, while a prosperous farm in an easily accessible, fertile valley could have a rating of 6.

Minimum Score

You can’t own a Property unless you have a minimum score in a relevant characteristic. If the Property is within the borders of your homeland, its rating is limited by your Social score. If the Property is located outside your homeland, then its rating is capped by your Reputation score.

Running A Property

The day-to-day tasks of managing a business—like planting crops, mining ore, or forging tools—can be set aside in the game. It’s assumed that you either have the necessary skills or can hire someone who does. What really matters is how your Property might evolve over time and what benefits it yields.

Property Upkeep

You will need to make a roll for your Property during the last Season of each year if your hero possesses one.

If your roll result is equal to or lower than the Property’s rating, your Property will generate enough wealth to maintain your character’s Pocket Money level.

However, the Referee has the discretion to interpret a result of 1 or 2, based on the current circumstances, as the Property failing to produce sufficient wealth to cover your living expenses. In such cases, you may need to spend stored Assets to sustain your Pocket Money.

On the other hand, if your roll result exceeds the Property’s rating, not only will your character enjoy their appropriate Pocket Money, but if the Property is capable of generating wealth (e.g., an inn or tracts of land), it will earn Assets equal to the difference between the roll and the rating.

For example, if you roll a 9 on a Property rated 6, you earn three Assets that year.

If the result is Good, then good fortune strikes you! You gain no extra Assets but prosper in some other way—perhaps a sick child recovers, an old feud is settled, or the weather is unusually pleasant. The rating for the Property is permanently lowered by 1 (to a minimum of 3).

If the result is bad, then the Property suffers some disaster or misfortune. If you don’t take action in the next Season, the Property may be destroyed or have its rating increased.

Bringing the Skills All Together

The Märchen Engine is outlined in the following framework that categorizes human abilities and skills into four primary aspects: Fitness, Academic, Mystical, and Emotional. Each primary aspect is further divided into three subcategories, which are then broken down into specific skills. The proficiency level for each Aspect is measured on a scale from -4 to 4 with 0 being human normal. The proficiency level for each skill is measured on a scale from 0 to 4 with 0 representing an untrained level and 4 indicating a doctorate-level mastery.


This aspect covers physical abilities and is divided into Muscle, Agility, and Stamina.

  • Muscle focuses on Ranged Combat, Athletics, and Melee Combat, measuring skills in using distance weaponry, physical exertion, and close combat, respectively.
  • Agility includes Stealth, Acrobatics, and Sleight of Hand, assessing one’s skill in moving quietly, performing complex bodily movements, and manual dexterity.
  • Stamina comprises Drive/Ride/Pilot, Ruggedness, and Unarmed Combat, evaluating one’s skill in controlling vehicles, physical endurance, and weaponless fighting techniques.


This aspect pertains to intellectual abilities and includes Intellect, Reasoning, and Acuity.

  • Intellect is divided into Social Sciences, Life Sciences, and Physical Sciences/Survival, measuring understanding of human society, living organisms, and the natural world.
  • Cunning comprises Traditions, Perception, and Formal Sciences, evaluating understanding of cultural norms, heightened awareness, and mastery over formal systems like logic.
  • Reasoning includes Engineering, Insight, and Investigation, assessing skills in building devices, discerning intentions, and finding clues.


This aspect deals with spiritual and magical abilities, divided into Skepticism, Faith, and Mystery.

  • Skepticism includes Ethereal, Gnostic, and Chaos magic, measuring mastery over arcane magic, personal knowledge of the divine, and embracing unpredictability in magical systems.
  • Faith is divided into Theurgy, Adept, and Order Magic, assessing traditional Western religious practices, mastery over vital energy, and a disciplined approach to magic.
  • Mystery comprises Metaphysics, Animism, and Shamanism, evaluating exploration of psychic phenomena, belief in the spiritual essence of things, and acting as a conduit between physical and metaphysical realms.


This aspect focuses on emotional intelligence and social skills, divided into Manners, Personality, and Identity.

  • Manners includes Style, Performance, and Etiquette, measuring skills in aesthetics, captivating an audience, and understanding social customs.
  • Personality comprises Deception, Persuasion, and Intimidation, assessing skills in misleading others, influencing through tact, and using threats or force.
  • Identity includes Bureaucracy, Animal Handling, and Leadership, evaluating understanding of social structures, skill in handling animals, and the ability to inspire and guide others.

Fitness Aspects

Muscle Characteristics

Muscle represents the overall strength of the being.

Ranged Combat Knowledge Areas

No wise man ever took a handgun to a gun fight. Fast is fine, but accuracy is final. -- Wyatt Earp
Description of Ranged Combat

Ranged Combat refers to the skill of using ranged weaponry, such as bows, crossbows, and firearms, to accurately hit targets from a distance. This skill encompasses a variety of techniques, including aiming, shooting mechanics, and target assessment, as well as specialized knowledge of the different types of ranged weapons available.

Examples from Fiction

In J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings,” the character Legolas is a master of ranged combat, particularly with his elven longbow. A prince of the Woodland Realm, Legolas possesses keen eyesight and unmatched strength, allowing him to hit targets from great distances with incredible accuracy. Throughout the series, his skill with the bow proves invaluable to the Fellowship of the Ring, whether he’s picking off orcs from a distance or shooting down a fearsome Nazgûl on its flying steed.

For example, during the Battle of Helm’s Deep, Legolas uses his ranged combat skills to devastating effect. Stationed on the walls, he takes down numerous Uruk-hai attackers, providing crucial support to his allies on the ground. His ability to assess targets quickly and choose the most threatening ones to eliminate first showcases the strategic aspect of ranged combat.

A character specialized in ranged combat could offer similar advantages to their party. They might be able to take out a dangerous spellcaster lurking in the back of an enemy formation or shoot a rope to create a makeshift bridge, allowing the party to cross a chasm. Specializations could include long-distance sniping, rapid-fire techniques, or expertise in a particular type of ranged weapon like crossbows or firearms.

Legolas’s mastery of ranged combat not only makes him a formidable warrior but also adds depth to his character. His skill reflects his elven heritage and training, and it provides him with a unique role within the diverse group of heroes that make up the Fellowship. This skill is not just a combat asset; it’s an integral part of who Legolas is, shaping both his identity and his contributions to the quest to destroy the One Ring.

Specializations for Ranged Combat
  1. Archery: Skillful long-range bow shooting.
  2. Crossbowmanship: Precision shooting with crossbows.
  3. Handgun Shooting: Short-range accuracy with handguns.
  4. Rifle Shooting: Long-range, precise rifle firing.
  5. Shotgun Shooting: Close-range, spread-fire proficiency.
  6. Sniper Shooting: Extreme long-range, stealthy shooting.
  7. Skeet Shooting: Hitting fast-moving clay targets.
  8. Tactical Shooting: Shooting techniques in combat scenarios.
  9. Quick Draw: Rapid weapon drawing and firing.
  10. Throwing Knives: Accurate knife throwing at targets.
  11. Javelin Throwing: Throwing javelins for distance and accuracy.
  12. Dart Shooting: Accurate short-range dart throwing.
  13. Blowdart Shooting: Using a blowpipe to shoot darts.
  14. Sling Shooting: Using a sling to launch projectiles.
  15. Mounted Archery: Bow shooting while riding.
  16. Moving Target Shooting: Hitting targets in motion.
  17. Long-Distance Shooting: Extreme-range shooting accuracy.
  18. Close Quarters Shooting: Proficiency in tight spaces.
  19. Dual-Wielding Handguns: Managing two handguns simultaneously.
  20. Energy Weaponry: Mastery over futuristic energy weapons.
Ranged Combat Archetypes
Archetype Example Example Description Archetype Description
The Sniper Vasily Zaytsev A Soviet sniper during WWII, known for his incredible accuracy and patience in taking out targets. The epitome of precision and patience, often works alone, experts in camouflage and long-range firearms or crossbows.
The Gunslinger Wyatt Earp A lawman in the American Wild West known for his quick draw and participation in the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral. Quick on the draw and deadly in a duel, masters of revolvers and other short-range firearms.
The Archer Legolas An elf from J.R.R. Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings,” skilled with a longbow and part of an adventuring party. Skilled with a longbow, usually serves as part of an army, can fire volleys of arrows or pick off key targets.
The Trick Shooter Hawkeye A Marvel Comics character known for his incredible accuracy and use of specialized arrows for various effects. Uses ranged weapons in creative ways, often using non-traditional ammunition or performing stunts while shooting.
The Tactician Erwin Rommel A German general in WWII known for his strategic use of artillery and ranged combat in North Africa. Uses ranged combat as part of a broader strategy, experts in using the environment, setting traps, and providing cover fire.
The Hunter Orion A hunter in Greek mythology, known for his skill in tracking and killing game with a bow. Uses ranged combat primarily for tracking and killing game, experts in stalking their prey.
The Artilleryman Napoleon Bonaparte Known for his effective use of artillery in various campaigns, revolutionizing its use in warfare. Specializes in heavy, long-range weaponry like cannons, less mobile but can deal devastating damage from a distance.
The Skirmisher David Biblical figure who used a sling to defeat the giant Goliath. Quick and agile, uses ranged combat to harass and disorient enemies, often equipped with lighter ranged weapons.
The Mystic Archer Legolas (again) Also skilled in the use of Elven magic to enhance his archery. Blends magic with ranged combat, enchanting arrows or bullets with various effects or summoning projectiles.
The Survivalist Katniss Everdeen Protagonist of “The Hunger Games,” skilled in archery and resourceful in crafting her own ammunition. Jack-of-all-trades in ranged combat, proficient with anything they can get their hands on, often crafting their own ammunition.
Table for Ranged Combat skill and examples for each level of difficulty
Difficulty Examples
Trivial Shooting a target at point-blank range
Simple Hitting a stationary target from 10 yards away
Easy Hitting a moving target at 10 yards
Routine Hitting a bullseye on a stationary target from 20 yards away
Average Hitting multiple moving targets from 20 yards
Difficult Hitting a bullseye on a moving target from 50 yards away
Very Difficult Hitting a small, fast-moving target from 100 yards away
Formidable Hitting a target obscured by environmental conditions (e.g., wind, rain) from 150 yards away
Heroic Sniping a target accurately from a distance of over 1 mile away
Nearly Impossible Hitting multiple small, fast-moving targets in succession from a distance of over 1 mile, under adverse environmental conditions
Godly Making an impossible shot that defies physics and logic, such as ricocheting a bullet off multiple surfaces to hit a target hidden behind cover, while blindfolded and only guided by the sound of the target’s movement.

Athletics Knowledge Areas

The road to athletic greatness is not marked by perfection but by the ability to constantly overcome adversity and failure. -- Nike
Description of Athletics

Your Athletics check covers difficult situations you want to do something that requires physical exertion related to your characters active strength.

Examples of Athletics from Fiction

In George R.R. Martin’s “A Song of Ice and Fire” series, Brienne of Tarth is a character who excels in Athletics, particularly in the realms of strength and physical presence. Born into a noble family but with a natural inclination toward martial pursuits, Brienne trains rigorously to become a formidable warrior. Her athletic prowess is evident in her ability to best seasoned knights in combat, as well as in her capacity to endure long, grueling journeys on foot or horseback.

For instance, in “A Clash of Kings,” Brienne competes in a melee tournament and defeats several knights, ultimately winning the competition. Her athletic skill is not limited to raw strength; she also demonstrates agility and stamina, dodging blows and outlasting her opponents. Later, in “A Feast for Crows,” she undertakes a quest to find Sansa Stark, which involves traversing through difficult terrains and fighting off multiple attackers. Her athletic abilities enable her to survive these challenges and continue her quest.

A character with high Athletics could perform a variety of tasks that require physical prowess. They might be called upon to scale a cliff face to reach an enemy’s stronghold, or to swim across a fast-moving river to escape pursuit. Specializations within Athletics could include grappling, allowing the character to excel in hand-to-hand combat, or grit, enabling them to travel long distances without suffering fatigue.

Brienne’s athletic abilities add significant depth to her character. They make her a formidable warrior, yes, but they also serve as a symbol of her defiance against societal norms that seek to limit what she can achieve as a woman. Her skills in Athletics are not just practical assets; they are integral to her identity and her ongoing struggle to find respect and purpose in a world that often dismisses her.

Specializations for Athletics
  1. Sprinting: Short, high-speed runs.
  2. Long-distance running: Extended runs focusing on stamina.
  3. High jump: Vertical leaps over a bar.
  4. Bicycling: Riding and maneuvering a bike.
  5. Breath Control: Mastery over breathing for endurance.
  6. Climbing: Ascending vertical or near-vertical objects.
  7. Swimming: Moving through water via limbs.
  8. Weightlifting: Lifting heavy weights for strength.
  9. Parkour: Urban obstacle course running.
  10. Gymnastics: Controlled bodily movements and flips.
  11. Rowing: Propelling a boat using oars.
  12. Scuba Diving: Underwater exploration with gear.
  13. Decathlon: Ten track and field events.
  14. Diving: Controlled descent into water.
  15. Acrobatics: Skillful, agile bodily movements.
  16. Long Jumping: Horizontal leaps for distance.
  17. Hiking: Long, strenuous walks outdoors.
  18. Zero-G Movement: Moving in weightless environments.
  19. CrossFit: Varied, high-intensity workouts.
  20. Mountaineering: Climbing and navigating mountains.
Athletics Archetypes
Archetype Example Example Description Archetype Description
The Strongman Hercules A hero in Greek mythology known for his incredible strength, particularly in the Twelve Labors. The epitome of brute strength and raw power, excels in lifting heavy objects, breaking barriers, and overpowering opponents.
The Acrobat Dick Grayson (Nightwing) A character from DC Comics, originally Batman’s sidekick Robin, known for his acrobatic skills. Agile and nimble, performs flips, rolls, and other complex maneuvers, often found in circuses or as thieves and spies.
The Parkour Artist Faith Connors Protagonist of the video game “Mirror’s Edge,” specialized in navigating urban environments quickly. Specializes in urban environments, experts in wall-running, vaulting, and rolling to navigate complex terrains.
The Swimmer Michael Phelps An Olympic swimmer known for his incredible speed and endurance in the water. Specialized in moving through water, swimming long distances or diving for treasure.
The Climber Sir Edmund Hillary One of the first two men to reach the summit of Mount Everest, known for his climbing expertise. Uses athletic skill to ascend vertical obstacles, experts in using climbing gear and keen sense of balance.
The Gladiator Spartacus A gladiator and slave leader who led a major slave uprising against the Roman Republic. Uses athleticism in combat, often in arenas or other formal settings, trained to use a variety of weapons.
The Sprinter Usain Bolt Jamaican sprinter known for being the fastest man in the world. Excels in short bursts of extreme athletic performance, often outrunning opponents or reaching objectives quickly.
The Endurance Runner Haile Gebrselassie Ethiopian long-distance runner, two-time Olympic gold medalist in the 10,000 meters. Specializes in long-distance running or other prolonged physical activities, incredible stamina.
The Jumper Michael Jordan Former professional basketball player known for his incredible leaping ability. Specializes in leaping great distances or heights, found in sports like basketball or in adventurous settings.
The Martial Artist Bruce Lee Martial artist and actor known for his incredible athleticism and combat skills. Primarily focused on combat but embodies a high level of athletic skill, trained in complex movements and techniques.
The Survivalist Bear Grylls A British adventurer known for his survival television series, demonstrating a wide range of athletic skills. Jack-of-all-trades in physical exertion, resourceful and adaptable, applies athletic skills in a variety of survival situations.

Table for Athletics skill and examples for each level of difficulty

Difficulty Athletics
Trivial Lift up an object half your weight above your head
Simple Climb a tree with many limbs
Easy Swim while wearing clothing or cloth based armor
Routine Jump over a pit wearing non-metallic/encumbering armor
Average Row a boat and keeping it in the middle of the current. Climb a rope that is anchored on both sides. Swim in still water. Break through an normal door.
Difficult Row a boat through rapids. Climb a free hanging rope. Swim in Rough water. Swim upstream against a mild current. Break through an iron reinforced door. Hang onto the reins of a horse, while being drug.
Very Difficult Push an object 3 times your weight. Climb a wall that has few handholds. Leap from the roof of a building and grab a clothes line. Swim against a strong current. Remain above water during a raging storm. Topple a statue. Break through a barred / locked door.
Formidable Pull a stuck carriage out of the river with the aid of others and draft animals. Climb a shear wall. Swim in stormy waters. Leap across a 30-foot chasm. Break through a reinforced door such as one found in a prison. Hold a door shut while the room behind the door fills with water.
Heroic Climb a shear surface or wall
Nearly Impossible Swim in rough waters while wearing full metal armor
Godly Swim upstream in rough waters while wearing full metal armor while pulling a rowboat without capsizing the passengers in the rowboat.

Melee Combat Knowledge Areas

A sword never kills anybody; it is a tool in the killer's hand. -- Seneca
Description of Melee Combat

Melee combat measures your character’s ability to attack and survive in armed melee combat. This skill also allows you to maintain the general quality of a melee weapon and to perform general maintenance to ensure their continued use. It will however, not allow you to build, repair, or jury rig a solution. Melee weapons can be improvised. This skill allows you to use acquire an improvised weapon.

Examples of Melee Combat from Fiction

In Bernard Cornwell’s “The Last Kingdom” series, Uhtred of Bebbanburg is a master of melee combat. Born a Saxon but raised by Vikings, Uhtred possesses a unique blend of combat techniques that make him a formidable warrior in close-quarters battle. He is skilled with a variety of weapons, from swords and axes to shields, and his combat style is a mix of Saxon discipline and Viking ferocity. Uhtred’s skill in melee combat is not just about swinging a weapon; he also understands the nuances of timing, positioning, and even the psychology of his opponents.

For example, in “Sword Song,” Uhtred finds himself in a dire situation, surrounded by enemies in a narrow alley. Using his melee combat skills, he quickly assesses the situation and chooses an improvised weapon—a piece of broken wood. With it, he manages to fend off multiple attackers, using the confined space to his advantage and turning the tide of the battle. His ability to maintain his weapons also comes into play; before another significant battle, he takes the time to sharpen his sword and check his shield, ensuring they are in optimal condition.

A character with a specialization in melee combat could be invaluable in a variety of scenarios. They might be the one to hold the line during a desperate last stand, or use an improvised weapon to great effect when disarmed. Specializations could include expertise in dual-wielding, defensive techniques like parrying and blocking, or mastery of a particular type of melee weapon like maces or daggers.

Uhtred’s prowess in melee combat adds a rich layer to his character. It reflects his complex identity, caught between two cultures, and serves as a tool for survival in the brutal, war-torn world he inhabits. His skill is not just a means to vanquish foes; it’s a manifestation of his will to reclaim his home and shape his destiny, making him a compelling and multi-dimensional character.

Specializations for Melee Combat
  1. Dagger: A small, easily concealed weapon.
  2. Shortsword: A one-handed, lightweight slashing weapon.
  3. Longsword: A versatile one- or two-handed weapon.
  4. Greatsword: A massive two-handed sword for powerful blows.
  5. Mace: A club-like weapon, often with a spiked or flanged head.
  6. Flail: A chain weapon with a striking head, difficult to block or parry.
  7. Warhammer: A one-handed hammer designed for combat, often with a spike on one side.
  8. Battleaxe: A hefty one-handed axe.
  9. Greataxe: A massive two-handed axe.
  10. Spear: A long-shafted weapon with a pointed tip, good for thrusting and throwing.
  11. Halberd: A polearm with an axe blade, often with a spike or hook.
  12. Glaive: A polearm with a large, single-edged blade at the end.
  13. Quarterstaff: A simple but versatile long wooden stick.
  14. Whip: A flexible, long-tailed weapon, good for disarming.
  15. Rapier: A slender, sharply pointed sword, often used for fencing.
  16. Scimitar: A curved sword optimized for slashing.
  17. Morningstar: A spiked ball attached to a handle, similar to a mace but with longer reach.
  18. Kukri: A forward-curved knife, often associated with the Gurkhas.
  19. Katanas: A curved, slender, single-edged blade with a circular or squared guard.
  20. Energy Sword: A futuristic weapon with a blade made of energy or plasma.
Melee Combat Archetypes
Archetype Example Example Description Archetype Description
The Swordsman Miyamoto Musashi A legendary Japanese swordsman known for his duels and distinctive two-sword fighting style. Master of the blade, often noble or trained warriors, focusing on precision and technique.
The Berserker Thor Norse god of thunder, often depicted in mythology as a fierce warrior fueled by rage. Fueled by rage or adrenaline, excels in chaotic, close-quarters combat, relies on brute force.
The Duelist Inigo Montoya A character from “The Princess Bride” known for his finesse and skill in one-on-one sword fights. Specializes in one-on-one combat, finesse and quick reflexes, experts in parrying and counter-attacking.
The Brawler John Henry A folk hero known for his strength, often depicted as using a large hammer in combat. Experts in improvised weapons and hand-to-hand combat, could be a street fighter or a barroom brawler.
The Knight Sir Lancelot A knight of the Round Table in Arthurian legend, known for his chivalry and combat prowess. Clad in armor, well-rounded melee combatant, trained in a variety of weapons, bound by a code of chivalry.
The Monk Bruce Lee Martial artist known for his extreme discipline and control, employing a variety of martial arts techniques. Uses their body as a weapon, employs martial arts techniques, may also use simple weapons like staves or nunchaku.
The Gladiator Spartacus A historical gladiator who led a slave uprising, known for his combat skills in the arena. Trained for combat in arenas, may use a variety of weapons, often fights without much armor.
The Assassin Ezio Auditore A character from the “Assassin’s Creed” series, known for quick, lethal strikes with hidden blades. Specializes in quick, lethal strikes, often employs daggers or other small blades.
The Rogue Garrett Protagonist of the “Thief” video game series, skilled in stealth and uses a dagger for quick eliminations. Skilled in stealth and subterfuge, uses melee combat for quick, decisive strikes, prefers easily concealed weapons.
The Swashbuckler Jack Sparrow A character from the “Pirates of the Caribbean” series, known for his daring and acrobatic swordplay. All about flair and style, often uses acrobatics in conjunction with swordplay, daring and adventurous.
The Weapon Master Aragorn A character from “The Lord of the Rings,” proficient with a wide variety of melee weapons. Jack-of-all-trades in melee weapons, proficient with a wide variety of arms.
Table with Melee Combat skill and examples for each level of difficulty
Difficulty Melee Combat
Trivial Sharpen your knife at the beginning of the day. Oil and wrap a weapon to keep it from getting rusted. Strike a Foe who is Helpless
Simple Return a weapon to working order after a battle. Strike a foe that’s prone on the ground.
Easy Strike someone sitting in a chain with their back turned. Use an attack of opportunity when someone is moving away from you.
Routine Use a weapon as a tool. Flank foes that you outnumber.
Average Use a heavy hammer or axe to bash a door down. Fight with someone who they are evenly matched with
Difficult Purposefully break a melee weapon out of combat. Strike someone in the fog, mist, or smoke
Very Difficult Dig a hole through a clay wall or in the ground with a weapon. Parry a heavy and larger weapon with a smaller weapon (two handed axe vs. cudgel.)
Formidable Scavenge an abandoned weapon and return it to working order.
Heroic Hit someone in the dark
Nearly Impossible Break metal armor with a common one-handed weapon
Godly Break metal armor with a stick, twig, or reed.

Agility Characteristics

Agility represents the overall flexibility and grace of movement of the being.

Stealth Knowledge Areas

The trick to not being discovered until it is too late is to become part of the expected surroundings. Stealth is more the art of blending in with the background than sneaking through dark shadows. Raymond E. Feist
Description of Stealth

Stealth is the art and practice of moving quietly, remaining unseen, and evading detection. It is often used for a range of activities, from reconnaissance to theft to survival. It incorporates elements of body control, understanding of one’s environment, and concealment techniques.

Examples of Stealth from Fiction

In Alexandre Dumas’ “The Count of Monte Cristo,” Edmond Dantès, who later becomes the Count, is a master of stealth and subterfuge. After being unjustly imprisoned and subsequently escaping from the Château d’If, Dantès meticulously plans his revenge against those who wronged him. His ability to move undetected, gather information, and manipulate situations from the shadows becomes a cornerstone of his elaborate schemes.

For example, in one memorable scene, Dantès infiltrates a party hosted by one of his enemies, Danglars. Using a disguise and his skills in stealth, he moves through the mansion unnoticed, gathering information and planting seeds of doubt among Danglars’ associates. His understanding of the environment, including where he could hide and how to move quietly through the rooms, allows him to execute his plan without arousing suspicion.

A character with a specialization in stealth could serve multiple roles within a party. They might be the scout who goes ahead to assess the layout of an enemy camp, or the rogue who sneaks into a guarded vault to retrieve a valuable artifact. Specializations within the skill of stealth could include camouflage techniques, expertise in lock-picking, or specialized training in moving silently to avoid magical detection.

Edmond Dantès’ skill in stealth adds a complex layer to his character. It’s not just a practical skill set; it’s a manifestation of his transformation from a naive, wronged man into a cunning avenger. His mastery of stealth reflects his deep understanding of human nature and his environment, as well as his willingness to operate in moral grey areas to achieve his ends. This skill is integral to his identity and is crucial in driving the intricate plots and twists that make “The Count of Monte Cristo” a compelling tale of revenge and redemption.

Specializations for Stealth
  1. Camouflage: Blending into surroundings to evade visual detection.
  2. Shadowing: Discreetly following a subject without being noticed.
  3. Silent Movement: Moving noiselessly to avoid auditory detection.
  4. Urban Stealth: Concealment and evasion tactics in city environments.
  5. Wilderness Stealth: Navigating natural terrains without detection.
  6. Nighttime Stealth: Specialized techniques for evading detection in darkness.
  7. Disguise: Changing appearance to avoid recognition.
  8. Distraction Techniques: Using diversions to divert attention.
  9. Lockpicking: Opening locks without a key.
  10. Evasion: Actively avoiding capture or detection.
  11. Hide in Plain Sight: Evading notice within crowded or obvious places.
  12. Electronic Countermeasures: Utilizing technology to impede detection systems.
  13. Tactical Stealth: Stealth used in military or strategic scenarios.
  14. Reconnaissance: Gathering information without being detected.
  15. Social Engineering Stealth: Manipulating people to achieve stealth.
  16. Parkour for Stealth: Using agile movements to navigate while undetected.
  17. Aerial Stealth (drones, hang gliders, etc.): Stealthy aerial maneuvers.
  18. Underwater Stealth: Avoiding detection in aquatic environments.
  19. Snow and Ice Stealth: Specialized stealth in snowy and icy terrains.
  20. Vehicle Stealth: Using vehicles to evade detection.
Stealth Archetypes
Archetype Example Example Description Archetype Description
The Shadow Solid Snake A character from the “Metal Gear” video game series, known for his expertise in stealth and infiltration. Epitome of moving unseen and unheard, experts in blending into various environments.
The Scout Aragorn A character from “The Lord of the Rings,” skilled in tracking and reconnaissance. Specializes in reconnaissance, gathers information without engaging the enemy, often found in military settings.
The Thief Arsène Lupin A fictional gentleman thief in French literature, known for his cunning and stealth. Skilled in breaking and entering, uses stealth for the acquisition of valuables, experts in lock-picking and evasion.
The Assassin Ezio Auditore A character from the “Assassin’s Creed” series, trained to eliminate targets without detection. Uses stealth to eliminate targets without detection, trained killers employing a variety of methods.
The Survivalist Bear Grylls A British adventurer known for his survival skills, including evasion and camouflage. Uses skills to evade predators or enemies in wilderness settings, experts in camouflage and tracking.
The Saboteur James Bond A fictional British spy known for infiltrating enemy lines and sabotaging their operations. Specializes in disruption, uses stealth to infiltrate enemy lines and destroy key targets.
The Trickster Loki A Norse god known for his cunning and deception, often using stealth for mischievous purposes. Uses stealth in conjunction with deception and misdirection, often more playful or mischievous.
The Urban Phantom Jason Bourne A character from the “Bourne” series, skilled in moving through urban environments without detection. Specializes in city environments, knows how to move through crowded or complex urban settings.
The Ghost The Invisible Man A character from H.G. Wells’ novel, who becomes literally invisible due to a scientific experiment. Takes stealth to a supernatural level, often incorporating magical or technological means to become invisible.
The Guerilla Fighter Che Guevara A revolutionary known for his guerrilla warfare tactics against more powerful forces. Uses stealth for hit-and-run tactics against a more powerful enemy, experts in ambushes and sabotage.
The Escape Artist Houdini A famous magician and escape artist known for his ability to get out of seemingly impossible situations. Specializes in getting out of tight spots, a master of evading capture and slipping through the cracks.
Table with Stealth skill and examples for each level of difficulty
Difficulty Stealth
Trivial Hide and seek games as kids. For example, hide under a bridge while the others are not watching.
Simple Move quietly enough not to awaken a sleeping human
Easy Follow someone through a busy market
Routine Lose a tail from the average beat cop.
Average Find and set up a good place to ambush the stagecoach
Difficult Shadow an animal through the woods
Very Difficult Find and set up a good place to ambush the stagecoach on an open road in the middle of the desert.
Formidable Shadow a predator through its preferred terrain.
Heroic Hide in plain sight
Nearly Impossible Blend in and disappear while the center of attention on stage
Godly Vanish while you are the center of attention of trained observers.

Acrobatics Knowledge Areas

Risking your own life in order to entertain others is the height of stupidity. -- Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Description of Acrobatics

Acrobatics is the skill of performing complex bodily movements that require agility and coordination. This skill encompasses everything from basic somersaults to intricate flips and twists.

Examples of Acrobatics from Fiction

Certainly, let’s explore acrobatics again, this time through a different lens.

In the “Assassin’s Creed” video game series, the main characters, known as Assassins, are highly skilled in acrobatics. Their ability to parkour through crowded cities, climb tall structures, and perform death-defying leaps is a hallmark of the franchise. This skill is not just for show; it’s a crucial part of their toolkit for assassination, evasion, and exploration.

For instance, in “Assassin’s Creed II,” the protagonist Ezio Auditore uses his acrobatic skills to navigate the rooftops of Renaissance Florence and Venice. These abilities are essential for evading capture, stalking targets, and reaching otherwise inaccessible areas. One memorable sequence involves Ezio using a series of flips and wall-runs to navigate a complex set of traps in an underground tomb, ultimately leading him to a hidden treasure.

A character with a specialization in acrobatics could find numerous applications for their skills. They might use their agility to navigate a maze of laser traps, or employ a series of flips to cross a chasm that others cannot. In combat, their acrobatic prowess could allow them to dodge incoming attacks or to quickly scale a wall for a better vantage point.

The acrobatic skills of the Assassins in “Assassin’s Creed” not only make for engaging gameplay but also serve practical purposes within the narrative. Whether it’s for assassination, evasion, or exploration, their acrobatic abilities are integral to their identities and their missions.

Specializations for Acrobatics
  1. Tumbling: Maneuvers that involve rolls, flips, and quick ground movements.
  2. Aerial Silks: Acrobatics using fabric hung from a ceiling.
  3. Parkour: Urban acrobatics involving climbing and leaping off structures.
  4. Pole Acrobatics: Performing spins, climbs, and holds on a vertical pole.
  5. Hand Balancing: The art of balancing solely on one’s hands.
  6. Contortion: Flexibility-intensive feats like twisting and bending.
  7. Juggling: Skillful manipulation of objects in the air.
  8. Trapeze: Swinging and aerial acts performed on a trapeze bar.
  9. Hoop Acrobatics: Using a hoop for spinning and aerial maneuvers.
  10. Capoeira: A Brazilian martial art that incorporates acrobatics.
  11. Slacklining: Balancing on a narrow, suspended piece of webbing.
  12. Vaulting: Acrobatics performed on horseback.
  13. Stunts: Acrobatics designed for entertainment or film.
  14. Balance Beam: Acrobatics on a narrow, elevated beam.
  15. Tricking: A blend of flips, kicks, and twists usually done on flat ground.
  16. Cyr Wheel: Acrobatics using a large, rolling ring.
  17. Fire Dancing: Incorporating fire into acrobatic performance.
  18. Skydiving Acrobatics: Maneuvers performed while free-falling.
  19. Synchronized Acrobatics: Choreographed team-based acrobatics.
  20. Chinese Pole: Climbing, sliding, and holding poses on a vertical pole.
Acrobatics Archetypes
Archetype Example Example Description Archetype Description
The Gymnast Simone Biles An American Olympic gymnast known for her incredible skill and groundbreaking routines. Specializes in formalized acrobatic techniques, often seen in competitive settings like the Olympics.
The Aerialist Philippe Petit Known for his high-wire walk between the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in 1974. Excels in high-flying acts like trapeze and tightrope walking, often found in circuses or theatrical performances.
The Parkour Practitioner Faith Connors Protagonist of the video game “Mirror’s Edge,” specialized in navigating urban environments quickly. Uses acrobatics to navigate urban environments quickly and efficiently, incorporates flips, rolls, and vaults.
The Martial Acrobat Daredevil A Marvel Comics character who uses acrobatics in combat to evade attacks and gain advantageous positions. Blends acrobatics with combat, using flips and rolls to evade attacks or gain advantageous positions.
The Stunt Performer Evel Knievel An American stunt performer known for his daring motorcycle jumps. Specializes in dangerous or thrilling acts, often involving vehicles, fire, or other hazardous conditions.
The Breakdancer Crazy Legs A prominent breakdancer known for his complex moves and contributions to the art form. Uses acrobatics in the form of dance, incorporating complex moves like windmills, headspins, and flares.
The Ninja Hattori Hanzo A famous ninja from Japanese history, known for his skills in stealth and assassination. Uses acrobatics for stealth and assassination, incorporates flips and rolls to evade detection and capture.
The Swashbuckler Errol Flynn An actor known for his swashbuckling roles, often performing his own acrobatic stunts in films. Uses agility and flair in combat, often swinging from chandeliers or performing flips to gain the upper hand.
The Capoeirista Mestre Bimba A Capoeira master who formalized the Brazilian martial art, known for its acrobatic and dance-like moves. Practices Capoeira, a Brazilian martial art that incorporates dance, acrobatics, and music.
The Free Runner Daniel Ilabaca A well-known free runner who uses natural obstacles like trees and rocks for his acrobatic feats. Takes acrobatics outdoors, using natural obstacles to navigate through wilderness settings.
The Jester Till Eulenspiegel A folklore character from Germany known for his pranks and acrobatic skills. Uses acrobatics for entertainment, often juggling or tumbling to amuse crowds, may use skills for theft or espionage.
Table with Acrobatics skill and examples for each level of difficulty
Difficulty Acrobatics
Trivial Walk across a wide plank of wood
Simple Catch a small object in your and as it falls
Easy Walk across a moss-covered tree that crosses a river. Walk across an icy surface, stay oriented during turbulence. Land safely on rough terrian
Routine Juggle common objects
Average Avoid getting burnt from a raging campfire. Walk along a narrow ledge. Swing from one side of the road to another on a close line and land on your feet
Difficult Copy the movements of a religious ceremony or a social dance. Cross a rope bridge swinging wildly.
Very Difficult Contort your body into a small space. Walk across a tightrope in a circus. Leap over and slide under an enemy in combat.
Formidable Escape manacles by contorting your wrists
Heroic Dodge a melee attack without any combat training.
Nearly Impossible Walk across a thin rope
Godly Walk across a strand of silk in a the middle of a raging storm

Sleight of Hand Knowledge Areas

Just never forget to be dexterous and deft. And never mix up your right foot with your left. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.)” -- Dr. Seuss
Description of Sleight of Hand

Sleight of Hand is the art of manual dexterity, trickery, and swift, agile hand movements. It includes a range of activities from pickpocketing and lock picking to magic tricks and deception.

Examples of Sleight of Hand from Fiction

In Charles Dickens’ “Oliver Twist,” the Artful Dodger is a young but highly skilled practitioner of sleight of hand. As a pickpocket and a member of Fagin’s gang of child thieves, the Dodger is adept at lifting wallets, handkerchiefs, and other valuables from unsuspecting victims. His quick fingers and keen eye for opportunity make him one of the most successful thieves in the gang, and he serves as a mentor of sorts to Oliver when he joins them.

For example, when Oliver is first introduced to the world of pickpocketing, it’s the Artful Dodger who demonstrates how it’s done. With a swift, almost invisible movement, he lifts a handkerchief from a gentleman’s pocket, all while engaging the man in conversation to distract him. The Dodger’s skill in sleight of hand is so refined that his victims often don’t realize they’ve been robbed until long after he’s disappeared into the crowd.

A character with a specialization in sleight of hand could be invaluable for various covert operations. They could pickpocket a guard to obtain a key, or subtly plant a false piece of evidence on a person to mislead investigators. Specializations might include advanced techniques for lifting items from secured or trapped pouches, or skills in palming and hiding small objects, like poison vials or magical trinkets, without detection.

The Artful Dodger’s mastery of sleight of hand adds depth and complexity to his character. While he is undoubtedly a product of his harsh environment, his skills also speak to a natural cleverness and adaptability. These traits make him not just an effective thief but also a compelling figure who embodies the resourcefulness needed to survive in the unforgiving world of Dickensian London.

Specializations for Sleight of Hand
  1. Filch: The art of subtly stealing objects without detection.
  2. Holdout: Concealing items on one’s person effectively.
  3. Lockpicking: Skillful manipulation of lock mechanisms.
  4. Panhandling: Begging for money or goods deceptively.
  5. Pickpocket: Removing items from a person’s pockets without notice.
  6. Coin Tricks: Mastering tricks involving coins.
  7. Card Handling: Skill in shuffling, dealing, and manipulating cards.
  8. Prestidigitation: Performing small-scale magic tricks.
  9. Cup and Balls: Classic trick involving three cups and a ball.
  10. Misdirection: Creating distractions to divert attention.
  11. Object Vanishing: Making small items disappear.
  12. Stage Tricks: Techniques for theatrical performances.
  13. Dice Manipulation: Controlling the outcome of dice rolls.
  14. Forgery: Creating false documents or signatures.
  15. Juggling: The art of keeping multiple objects in the air.
  16. Escape Artistry: Escaping from restraints or locked rooms.
  17. Close-up Magic: Performing magic tricks in close proximity.
  18. Staging: Setting up an environment for tricks or deception.
  19. Watch Stealing: Removing a watch from a person’s wrist.
  20. Flourishing: Performing complex decorative maneuvers with cards, coins, etc.
Sleight of Hand Archetypes
Archetype Example Example Description Archetype Description
The Magician David Copperfield A famous magician known for his elaborate illusions and stage magic. Uses sleight of hand in magic acts, can make objects appear and disappear, manipulate cards, and perform illusions.
The Pickpocket Artful Dodger A character from Charles Dickens’ “Oliver Twist,” known for his skill in pickpocketing. Specializes in theft, masters of misdirection, can lift wallets or jewelry without victims noticing.
The Locksmith Arsène Lupin A fictional gentleman thief skilled in lock picking and bypassing security systems. Excels in lock picking and bypassing security, often involved in heists or espionage missions.
The Card Shark Maverick A character from the TV series and film “Maverick,” known for his skill in card games. Master of card games, manipulates decks to stack the odds in their favor, often found in high-stakes gambling.
The Con Artist Frank Abagnale A real-life con artist known for his various impersonations and frauds. Uses deception and sleight of hand to con people out of money or possessions, skilled in manipulating emotions.
The Escapist Houdini A famous magician and escape artist known for his ability to escape from various restraints. Known for escaping from restraints like being tied up, handcuffed, or locked in a cell, uses dexterity and knowledge.
The Illusionist Derren Brown A British illusionist known for his psychological illusions and mind games. Focuses on creating realistic and immersive illusions that can fool all the senses.
The Swindler The Music Man A character from the musical “The Music Man,” who cons a town into buying musical instruments. Specializes in confidence tricks and schemes, can sell seemingly valuable items that turn out to be worthless.
The Prestidigitator Penn & Teller A magician duo known for their skill in manipulating small objects and revealing the secrets behind tricks. Master of manipulating small objects with incredible precision, performs classic magic tricks.
The Forger Tom Keen A character from the TV series “The Blacklist,” known for his skill in forging documents. Specializes in creating convincing counterfeit documents, signatures, and works of art.
Table with Sleight of Hand skill and examples for each level of difficulty
Difficulty Sleight of Hand
Trivial Get a key into a stuck lock
Simple Perform a simple card trick
Easy Palm a coin, Pick a simple lock, Jam a simple trap. Perform any task that requires finesse
Routine Disable a simple wire trap
Average Pick the pocket of someone on a busy street. Pick a regular lock. Disarm the average trap. Escape from tight ropes. Secure a prisoner
Difficult Pick the lock found on a strong box. Disarm a complex trap
Very Difficult Pick the pocket of someone on a near-empty street. Pick a lock made by a master locksmith. Disarm a trap made by a Master. Escape high quality manacles
Formidable Palm an object off a merchants table into your bag while being watched
Heroic Playing the Cup and Ball game with Glass cups and glowing balls and still fooling the victim.
Nearly Impossible Remove a money pouch from a money belt that is worn under the victims small-cloths.
Godly Remove a money pouch from a money belt that is worn under a watchful victims small-cloths who knows you are going to steal from them

Stamina Characteristics

Stamina represents the overall ability that being can push themselves physically.

Drive / Ride / Pilot Knowledge Areas

On my tombstone they will carve, "IT NEVER GOT FAST ENOUGH FOR ME." -- Hunter S. Thompson
Description of Drive/Ride/Pilot

The skill of Drive/Ride/Pilot encompasses the ability to control and maneuver various types of vehicles, ranging from simple mounts to complex machinery like spaceships. This skill includes not just the physical handling but also the situational awareness required to operate these vehicles safely and efficiently.

Examples of Drive/Ride/Pilot from Fiction

In Tom Clancy’s “The Hunt for Red October,” Captain Marko Ramius is an expert in the skill of Drive/Ride/Pilot, specifically in the realm of piloting submarines. As the commander of the Red October, a Soviet Typhoon-class nuclear submarine equipped with a revolutionary propulsion system, Ramius demonstrates not only technical mastery but also exceptional situational awareness. His ability to navigate the complex machinery of the submarine, while also understanding the geopolitical and tactical implications of his actions, sets him apart as a master of his craft.

For example, in a tense sequence, Ramius maneuvers the Red October through a narrow underwater canyon to evade detection by both American and Soviet navies. His skill in piloting is evident as he navigates the treacherous terrain, making split-second adjustments to avoid scraping the hull or triggering underwater mines. His situational awareness is also on display as he anticipates the movements of pursuing vessels, successfully leading them into positions where they can’t easily detect the Red October.

A character with a specialization in Drive/Ride/Pilot could offer a range of capabilities to their party. They might be the ace pilot who can navigate a spaceship through an asteroid field, or the skilled driver who can outrun a pursuing enemy in a high-speed chase. Specializations could include expertise in a specific type of vehicle, like submarines or aircraft, or skills in evasive maneuvers that make it difficult for enemies to target or follow them.

Captain Marko Ramius’s skill in piloting adds a layer of depth to his character, elevating him from a mere vehicle operator to a tactician and leader. His expertise is not just a function of his training; it’s a reflection of his strategic mind and his deep understanding of the stakes involved in his actions. This makes him a compelling character whose skills are integral to the unfolding of the high-stakes geopolitical drama in “The Hunt for Red October.”

Specializations for Drive/Ride/Pilot
  1. Mount: Specializes in riding animals like horses, camels, or other beasts.
  2. Riding: Focused on riding personal vehicles like motorcycles or scooters.
  3. Freight Handling: Specializes in operating vehicles designed for transporting goods.
  4. Battlesuit: Proficient in controlling powered armor or exoskeletons in combat.
  5. Bicycling: Specializes in riding and handling bicycles in various terrains.
  6. Boating: Skilled in operating small boats, canoes, and kayaks.
  7. Crewman: Specialized in assisting in the operation of larger vehicles or ships.
  8. Driving: General skill in operating cars, trucks, or buses.
  9. Piloting: Specializes in flying airplanes, helicopters, or drones.
  10. Seamanship: Skilled in the operation and navigation of larger sea vessels.
  11. Shiphandling: Specialized in commanding larger, complex sea vessels.
  12. Spacer: Specializes in the piloting and management of spaceships.
  13. Submariner: Skilled in the operation of underwater vehicles like submarines.
  14. Teamster: Specialized in managing teams of animals for transportation.
  15. Trains: Specializes in operating and managing trains.
  16. Hovercraft: Skilled in piloting hovercraft on water or land.
  17. Urban Driving: Specializes in navigating through complex city terrains.
  18. Off-Road Driving: Proficient in operating vehicles on uneven terrains.
  19. Flight Stunts: Specializes in performing stunts and maneuvers while flying.
  20. Emergency Response: Specializes in operating emergency vehicles effectively.
Drive/Ride/Pilot Archetypes
Archetype Example Example Description Archetype Description
The Racer Lightning McQueen A race car character from the animated film “Cars,” known for his speed and precision. All about speed and precision, thrives in high-speed competitions, has an innate sense of timing and reflexes.
The Cowboy John Wayne’s characters An actor known for his roles as a cowboy skilled in horse riding in Western films. Skilled in riding horses, often found in Western or rural settings, experts in herding cattle and chasing outlaws.
The Stunt Driver Jason Statham’s characters Known for his role as a skilled driver in the “Transporter” film series. Specializes in high-risk vehicle maneuvers, can execute incredible drifts, jumps, and flips.
The Astronaut Neil Armstrong The first person to walk on the moon, skilled in piloting spacecraft. At home in space, understands complex navigation systems and zero-gravity maneuvering.
The Captain Captain Ahab A character from “Moby-Dick,” commands a whaling ship. Commands ships of all sizes, responsible for navigation, crew management, and safety.
The Aviator Amelia Earhart A pioneering American aviator known for her solo flight across the Atlantic. Skilled in flying aircraft, excels in navigating the skies and ensuring passengers’ safety.
The Chauffeur Alfred Pennyworth Batman’s butler and chauffeur, known for his discretion and professionalism. Specializes in driving luxury vehicles, provides transportation for high-profile clients, discreet and professional.
The Submariner Captain Nemo A character from “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea,” skilled in piloting the submarine Nautilus. Skilled in maintaining and piloting submarines, understands complexities of underwater navigation.
The Helmsman Mr. Sulu A character from “Star Trek,” responsible for steering the starship Enterprise. Specializes in the navigation of sailing ships or starships, responsible for steering the vessel.
Table with Drive/Ride/Pilot skill and examples for each level of difficulty
Difficulty Drive / Ride / Pilot
Trivial Get on your mount in a hurry. Sail a river boat down a placid river. Drive a cart down a quiet road.
Simple Ride your mount as it swims, flies, or otherwise travels through a medium that is not its primary medium of travel. Maintain your vehicle or mount. Drive overland in a vehicle with no adverse weather conditions.
Easy Ride your vehicle or mount for extended periods of time. Pilot a ship on calm seas. Drive a vehicle through bushes or a low hedge.
Routine Transition from moving quickly into chasing or charging. Pilot a boat through rapids. Travel overland during adverse weather conditions.
Average Perform simple tricks. Regain control of a vehicle after it has spun out of control and is no longer being affected by the thing causing you to lose control. Race a chariot.
Difficult Jump from a height onto or into your seat on your mount / vehicle. Pilot your vehicle in stormy conditions at sea. Drive a vehicle off road.
Very Difficult Perform tricks, jumps, and abrupt maneuvers while moving quickly. Secure cargo for rough transport. Control a vehicle to ensure that cargo remains secure during transport. Jump a motorcycle from the freeway to an offramp below.
Formidable Take control and ride another vehicle or animal that is not under control or that is untamed. Escape a whirlpool or rogue wave. Cross a deep river with a strong current in a cart or wagon.
Heroic Saddle an intelligent animal or vehicle that does not want to be saddled. Drive a coach across a deep body of water (by converting it to a boat)
Nearly Impossible Sail or pilot a vehicle on treacherous terrain it wasn’t made for (a rowboat in a storm or a 2 wheel drive passenger vehicle in a swamp).
Godly Sail or pilot a vehicle on terrain that doesn’t make sense. For example, Row a boat up a hill. Drive a 2 wheeled passenger vehicle under a lake.

Ruggedness Knowledge Areas

Not all that have fallen are vanquished. -- J.R.R. Tolkien
Description of Ruggedness

Ruggedness is the skill associated with physical endurance, resilience, and strength. It comes into play when someone needs to push their body to the limit, whether that’s breaking free from constraints, resisting illness, or participating in feats of physical prowess like drinking contests or forcing open locked doors.

Examples of Ruggedness from Fiction

In Ernest Hemingway’s “The Old Man and the Sea,” the protagonist, Santiago, exemplifies the skill of ruggedness. He is an old, experienced fisherman who has gone 84 days without catching a fish but is determined to break his unlucky streak. Santiago’s physical endurance and resilience are put to the ultimate test when he hooks a giant marlin and struggles for days to reel it in. Despite his age and the physical toll the battle takes on him, Santiago’s ruggedness allows him to endure.

For example, during his multi-day struggle with the marlin, Santiago suffers from extreme fatigue, dehydration, and even physical injury as the fishing line cuts into his hands. Yet, he continues to hold onto the line, using his body weight to counter the marlin’s strength. His ruggedness also manifests in his ability to resist despair and maintain focus, drawing on his reserves of mental and emotional strength to keep fighting, even when the odds seem insurmountable.

A character with a specialization in ruggedness could be invaluable in various scenarios. They might be the one to break free from ropes when the party is captured, or resist the effects of a debilitating poison long enough to get to safety. Specializations could include extreme endurance, allowing the character to travel long distances without rest, or incredible resilience, enabling them to recover quickly from injuries or illnesses.

Santiago’s ruggedness adds a profound layer to his character. It’s not just a physical attribute but a testament to his indomitable spirit. His skill in ruggedness is a reflection of his life’s hardships and his unyielding determination to face challenges head-on, no matter how insurmountable they may seem. This makes him not just a skilled fisherman but a compelling symbol of human endurance and resilience.

Specializations for Ruggedness
  1. Strength Training: Focused on muscle building and raw power.
  2. Endurance: Specializing in long-lasting stamina.
  3. Disease Resistance: Trained to resist diseases and infections.
  4. Lock Breaking: Skilled in breaking through locks or barricades.
  5. Alcohol Tolerance: Developed resistance to alcohol.
  6. Pain Tolerance: Skilled in enduring physical discomfort.
  7. Environmental Resistance: Adapted to harsh environments.
  8. Mental Toughness: Resilience against mental fatigue.
  9. Survival Instincts: Training in survival scenarios.
  10. Breath Control: Expertise in controlled breathing techniques.
  11. Flexibility: Able to maneuver in tight spaces.
  12. Cold Resistance: Adapted to cold temperatures.
  13. Heat Resistance: Adapted to hot environments.
  14. Quick Recovery: Quick to recover from physical strain.
  15. Injury Resistance: Reduced susceptibility to injuries.
  16. High-Altitude Adaptation: Adapted to low-oxygen environments.
  17. Poison Resistance: Able to resist poisonous substances.
  18. Heavy Lifting: Skilled in lifting heavy objects.
  19. Fear Resistance: Less affected by fear-inducing situations.
  20. Elemental Resistance: Adapted to resist elemental factors like fire or electricity.
Ruggedness Archetypes
Archetype Example Example Description Archetype Description
The Survivor Bear Grylls Known for his survival skills in extreme conditions, from wilderness to harsh climates. Excels in enduring extreme conditions, has exceptional knowledge of survival techniques.
The Immovable Object Luke Cage A Marvel superhero known for his nearly invulnerable skin and incredible resilience. Can withstand tremendous amounts of punishment, often seen as unbreakable in combat scenarios.
The Lifter Hafthor Bjornsson Known for his strongman competitions and feats of strength, like lifting heavy boulders. Specializes in feats of strength, often found in strongman competitions or construction.
The Iron Stomach Takeru Kobayashi Competitive eater known for setting multiple world records in eating contests, including hot dogs and other foods. Known for consuming and digesting nearly anything, often participates in eating challenges.
The Athlete Usain Bolt Olympic sprinter known for his incredible speed. Skilled in long-distance running or other endurance sports, excels in marathons and triathlons.
The Brawler Rocky Balboa A fictional boxer known for his ability to take and dish out punishment in the ring. Known for their ability to endure brutal beatings and keep fighting, relies on toughness rather than finesse.
The Escape Artist Houdini Famous for his ability to break free from physical restraints like handcuffs and ropes. Specializes in breaking free from physical restraints using sheer strength.
The Contender Paul Bunyan A folklore character known for his feats of strength and endurance in contests. Thrives in competitions of strength and endurance, often participates in local tavern contests and festivals.
The Healer Florence Nightingale Known for her unwavering commitment to nursing soldiers during the Crimean War. Can endure the rigors of tending to the sick and wounded for long hours without exhaustion.
The Blacksmith Hephaestus The Greek god of blacksmiths, known for forging weapons and armor in intense heat. Skilled in forging and working with metals, can withstand the intense heat of a forge.
The Wrestler Andre the Giant A professional wrestler known for his incredible strength and ability to lift and throw opponents. Excels in feats of strength and grappling, dominates in the ring or arena.
The Meditator Tibetan Monks Known for their ability to meditate in extreme conditions, maintaining focus and calm. Blends physical and mental endurance, practices extreme meditation techniques while enduring physically demanding challenges.
Table with Ruggedness skill and examples for each level of difficulty
Difficulty Ruggedness
Trivial Take one shot of alcohol and not be affected
Simple Resist the effects of dysentery after eating infected food.
Easy Resist Catacomb Crud
Routine Withstand the effects of one dose of poison.
Average Requires a bit more competence to accomplish. Can be completed more often than not by a character if they have received exposure to the skill and are not encumbered in any way. This is the work of an apprentice or someone with exceptional latent talent.
Difficult Resist the effects of a venereal disease, if exposed.
Very Difficult Withstand Snake Venom
Formidable Remain sober after drinking hard alcohol for an extended period or after drinking a portion of an exceptionally strong drink designed to inebriate people
Heroic Remain upright and stick your landing in a ready position to react after tumbling down the side of a steep incline.
Nearly Impossible Win a drinking contest and then find your way home safely without first resting
Godly Win a drinking contest against a known drunk and a dance contest against a professional dancer. At the same time.

Unarmed Combat Knowledge Areas

My arms are too short to box with God. -- Johnny Cash
Description of Unarmed Combat

Unarmed combat refers to fighting techniques that do not involve the use of weapons. It encompasses a variety of styles, including martial arts, boxing, and wrestling, focusing on strikes, grapples, and defense.

Examples of Unarmed Combat from Fiction

In Frank Miller’s graphic novel series “Sin City,” the character Marv is a master of unarmed combat. A towering, brutish figure with a penchant for violence, Marv relies on a mix of raw strength and street-fighting techniques to overpower his enemies. His style is less about finesse and more about overwhelming force, but it’s highly effective. He’s adept at using his fists, elbows, and even his head to deliver punishing blows, and he’s equally skilled at grappling techniques that allow him to subdue opponents quickly.

For example, in “The Hard Goodbye,” the first story of the “Sin City” series, Marv finds himself surrounded by a group of armed thugs. Despite being outnumbered and outgunned, he uses his unarmed combat skills to neutralize the threat. He disarms one opponent with a swift strike, then uses a grappling move to incapacitate another. His ability to switch between striking and grappling techniques allows him to adapt to the situation and come out on top, even when the odds are against him.

A character specialized in unarmed combat could offer a unique set of skills to their party. They might be the one to disarm a dangerous enemy in close quarters, or use their grappling skills to restrain a foe so that allies can deal with them more easily. Specializations could include specific martial arts styles, like judo or Muay Thai, or focus on particular aspects of unarmed combat like striking or ground control.

Marv’s expertise in unarmed combat adds a gritty, visceral layer to his character. It’s a reflection of his harsh environment and his own uncompromising nature. His skills are not just for show; they’re essential for his survival in the brutal world of “Sin City.” This makes him not only an effective combatant but also a compelling character whose abilities are integral to his identity and the challenges he faces.

Specializations for Unarmed Combat
  1. Boxing: Focuses on punches, footwork, and dodging.
  2. Kickboxing: Incorporates kicks and punches for a balanced approach.
  3. Wrestling: Grappling techniques aimed at pinning or submitting the opponent.
  4. Judo: Specializes in throws and joint locks.
  5. Jiu-Jitsu: Emphasizes ground combat and submission holds.
  6. Muay Thai: Utilizes elbows, knees, and clinch fighting.
  7. Capoeira: Incorporates dance and acrobatics into combat.
  8. Krav Maga: Aimed at practical self-defense, including disarming techniques.
  9. Tai Chi: Focuses on balance, slow movements, and counter-attacks.
  10. Aikido: Utilizes the opponent’s force against them through joint locks.
  11. Sumo: Specializes in pushing the opponent out of a designated area.
  12. Sambo: A Russian martial art that combines strikes and grappling.
  13. Systema: Focuses on natural movements and efficiency.
  14. Taekwondo: Emphasizes high kicks and jumping/spinning kicks.
  15. Karate: Focuses on striking techniques like punching, kicking, and knee strikes.
  16. Jeet Kune Do: Bruce Lee’s philosophy that advocates for no fixed form.
  17. Silat: A martial art from Southeast Asia, focusing on strikes and weapon use.
  18. Kung Fu: A broad term for Chinese martial arts, focusing on various techniques.
  19. Savate: French boxing that includes high kicks and open-hand strikes.
  20. MMA (Mixed Martial Arts): A combination of various martial arts for full-contact fights.
Unarmed Combat Archetypes
Archetype Example Example Description Archetype Description
The Martial Artist Bruce Lee A legendary martial artist known for his expertise in Jeet Kune Do and his influence on modern martial arts. Master of a specific martial art style, disciplined, uses a combination of strikes, kicks, and blocks.
The Boxer Muhammad Ali Known for his quick footwork and powerful punches, Ali was a heavyweight boxing champion. Specializes in boxing, uses quick jabs, hooks, and uppercuts.
The Street Brawler John McClane (Die Hard) A NYPD cop who uses raw aggression and instinct to fight terrorists in close-quarters combat. Relies on raw aggression and instinct, uses a combination of punches, kicks, and improvised attacks.
The Wrestler Hulk Hogan A professional wrestler known for his charisma and wrestling techniques in the ring. Excels at takedowns, holds, and submissions, often found in wrestling rings or MMA cages.
The Mixed Martial Artist Conor McGregor Known for his striking and grappling skills, McGregor is a former UFC champion in multiple weight classes. Versatile in both striking and grappling, adapts to different opponents and situations.
The Monk Kwai Chang Caine (Kung Fu TV Series) A Shaolin monk who uses his martial arts skills and spiritual discipline to solve problems. Rooted in spiritual discipline, incorporates unique and supernatural moves.
The Street Fighter Ryu (Street Fighter) A martial artist trained in Shotokan Karate who adapts his techniques for street fights. Trained in martial arts but adapts techniques to street fights and self-defense scenarios.
The Pugilist Tyler Durden (Fight Club) Known for fighting in underground clubs, Tyler Durden embodies the essence of street-smart brawling. Known for street-smart brawling skills, often fights in underground clubs or back-alley contests.
The Submission Specialist Royce Gracie A Brazilian jiu-jitsu expert known for his ground-based combat and submissions in early UFC events. Focuses on ground-based combat and submissions, excels at immobilizing and incapacitating opponents.
The Bare-Knuckle Champion Brad Pitt as Mickey O’Neil (Snatch) A character known for his toughness in bare-knuckle boxing matches. Thrives in bare-knuckle fighting contests, known for toughness and ability to endure brutal brawls.
The Martial Arts Master Ip Man A grandmaster of Wing Chun, Ip Man was known for his unbeatable skills and technique. Reached the pinnacle of their chosen style, combines elements from different styles, nearly unbeatable.
The Martial Arts Instructor Mr. Miyagi (Karate Kid) A karate master who passes on his wisdom and techniques to his young student, Daniel LaRusso. Knowledgeable teacher, passes on martial arts expertise to students, may run a dojo or train fighters.
Table with Unarmed Combat skill and examples for each level of difficulty
Difficulty Unarmed
Trivial Wrap your hands and arms to ensure they do not get damaged in a fight. Strike a Foe who is Helpless
Simple Apply basic first aid that ensure that bruising to muscles and bones do not take perment damage after a fight. Strike a foe that’s prone on the ground.
Easy Strike someone sitting in a chain with their back turned. Use an attack of opportunity when someone is moving away from you.
Routine Flank foes that you outnumber. Use your arms and legs to break branches or pieces of wood.
Average Requires a bit more competence to accomplish. Can be completed more often than not by a character if they have received exposure to the skill and are not encumbered in any way. This is the work of an apprentice or someone with exceptional latent talent.
Difficult Wrestle with someone who they are evenly matched with.
Very Difficult Purposefully break someone’s arm out of combat. Strike someone in the fog, mist, or smoke
Formidable Parry a bladed weapon with your hands while only taking minimal damage.
Heroic Hit someone in the dark
Nearly Impossible Break metallic armor with a punch or kick.
Godly Break metallic armor with a touch

Academic Aspects

Intellect Characteristic

Intellect represents the overall ability of the being to mentally understand the world around them.

Social Sciences Knowledge Areas
There is only one social science and we are its practitioners - George Stigler, Nobel Prize winning Economist.
Description of Social Sciences

Social sciences encompass the study of human society, behavior, and social interactions, often through systematic methods of empirical investigation and analysis. Social Science skills can be useful in TTRPGs when the party needs to understand a society quickly to navigate its complexities, when forming alliances, or when trying to alter the course of events within a community. It could also help in interpreting historical texts, solving social dilemmas, or predicting the behavior of NPCs.

Examples of Social Sciences from Fiction

In George R.R. Martin’s “A Song of Ice and Fire” series, Tyrion Lannister is a character who excels in the social sciences, particularly in the realms of politics, history, and psychology. Born into one of the most powerful families in the Seven Kingdoms, Tyrion has a keen understanding of social dynamics, power structures, and human behavior. His ability to read people and situations gives him a unique advantage in the cutthroat world of Westerosi politics.

For example, in “A Clash of Kings,” Tyrion is appointed as Hand of the King and quickly finds himself having to navigate the complex political landscape of King’s Landing. Using his understanding of social sciences, he forms alliances with key players, manipulates his enemies into weakening positions, and even restructures the city’s defenses. His knowledge of history and past conflicts allows him to anticipate his adversaries’ moves, while his understanding of psychology helps him manipulate them to his advantage.

In a TTRPG setting, a character with a specialization in social sciences could be invaluable for various scenarios. They might be the one to broker an alliance between warring factions by understanding their cultural values and historical grievances. Or they could predict the likely moves of an enemy leader based on a deep understanding of political strategy and human behavior. Specializations could include expertise in a particular culture’s history, skills in diplomacy, or a focus on psychological manipulation.

Tyrion Lannister’s proficiency in the social sciences adds a rich layer of complexity to his character. It’s not just a tool for political maneuvering; it’s a reflection of his intellectual curiosity and his adaptability in a world that often underestimates him. His skills in the social sciences are not just practical assets; they are integral to his identity and his ability to survive and thrive in a world rife with social and political complexities.

Social Sciences Archetypes
  • The Sociologist: This archetype specializes in the study of society and human behavior. They can analyze social structures, group dynamics, and cultural norms, making them invaluable when navigating complex societies or forming alliances.
  • The Anthropologist: Skilled in the study of cultures and human societies, the Anthropologist can quickly understand the customs, traditions, and belief systems of different communities. They excel in bridging cultural gaps and fostering cross-cultural understanding.
  • The Psychologist: Focusing on individual and group psychology, the Psychologist can assess and predict human behavior with precision. They are adept at understanding motivations, personality traits, and emotional states, which can be helpful when dealing with NPCs or resolving social dilemmas.
  • The Historian: This archetype excels in interpreting historical texts, artifacts, and events. They can uncover hidden knowledge about a society’s past, which may be crucial for understanding present-day situations or solving mysteries related to a community’s history.
  • The Diplomat: Skilled in negotiation and conflict resolution, the Diplomat can navigate diplomatic interactions, form alliances, and mediate disputes. They are experts in maintaining peaceful relations and achieving diplomatic goals.
  • The Political Analyst: Specializing in the intricacies of political systems, the Political Analyst can assess power structures, identify key players, and predict political maneuvers. They are valuable when trying to influence or alter the course of political events within a society.
  • The Economist: This archetype understands economic systems, trade, and resource allocation. They can assess the economic health of a society, identify opportunities for trade or investment, and predict the impact of economic decisions on a community.
  • The Cultural Interpreter: Focusing on interpreting art, literature, and symbolism, the Cultural Interpreter can decipher the hidden meanings and messages within a society’s cultural expressions. This skill can be invaluable for understanding the values and beliefs of a community.
  • The Ethicist: This archetype specializes in ethical dilemmas and moral philosophy. They can provide guidance on making morally sound decisions and navigating complex ethical issues within a society.
  • The Archivist: Skilled in cataloging and preserving information, the Archivist can organize and access vast amounts of knowledge, making them valuable for researching and retrieving historical or social data.
  • The Oracle: In a fantasy or mystical setting, the Oracle possesses special insights into a society’s past and future. They can provide cryptic prophecies and guidance based on their mystical understanding of history.
Specializations for Social Sciences
  1. Sociology: The study of social behavior and society structures.
  2. Psychology: Study of human mind and behavior.
  3. Anthropology: Study of human societies, past and present.
  4. Political Science: Study of governmental systems and political behavior.
  5. Economics: Study of resource distribution and consumption.
  6. Geography: Study of places and human-environment interaction.
  7. Criminology: Study of crime, criminal behavior, and law enforcement.
  8. Social Work: Applied science for improving the human condition.
  9. Communication Studies: Study of human communication methods.
  10. Linguistics: Study of language and its structure.
  11. History: Study of past human events.
  12. Gender Studies: Exploration of gender roles and equality.
  13. Ethnic Studies: Study of racial and ethnic groups.
  14. Philosophy: Examination of fundamental questions about existence.
  15. Religious Studies: Study of religious beliefs, practices, and institutions.
  16. Human Resource Management: Study of effective personnel management.
  17. Education Studies: Study of teaching methods and educational systems.
  18. Cultural Studies: Analysis of cultural artifacts and practices.
  19. Environmental Studies: Study of human-environment interactions.
  20. Public Policy: Study of governmental decisions and their impact.
Table with Social Sciences skill and examples for each level of difficulty
Difficulty Social Sciences
Trivial Understand common superstitions
Simple Interpret the practices a group of people uses to bury their dead
Easy Know proper etiquette of a people group as recorded in their histories. Recall widely known information; identify common people, places, objects, or symbols
Routine Identify a landmark and its importance
Average Requires a bit more competence to accomplish. Can be completed more often than not by a character if they have received exposure to the skill and are not encumbered in any way. This is the work of an apprentice or someone with exceptional latent talent.
Difficult Recall the legends from history. Recall more obscure or specific information; identify uncommon people, places, objects, or symbols
Very Difficult Recall truly esoteric or precise information; identify rare people, places, objects, or symbols
Formidable Identify a famous person using by their burial marker, tombstone, or other obscure information about them. Recall information that is known only by a privileged few; identify exceedingly rare people, places, objects, or symbols
Heroic Forecast the weather based on historical patterns
Nearly Impossible Understand the lineage and ethnicity of someone based on observation only
Godly Identify a common person using by their burial marker, tombstone, or other obscure information about them. Discover an ancient secret, no longer known to any mortals.

Life Sciences Knowledge Areas
ή γὰρ νοῡ ἐνέργεια ζωή (The energy of life is the essence of the mind) -- Aristotle
Description of Life Sciences

Life Sciences encompass the study of living organisms and their interactions with the environment. This skill covers a broad range of knowledge and applications, from medical treatments to bioengineering, and is crucial in both everyday life and specialized professions. In a TTRPG conflict resolution, Life Sciences could be used to identify the nature of a mysterious disease affecting a town, or to concoct an antidote for a rare poison. A specialized character might even perform surgery under combat conditions.

Examples of Life Sciences from Fiction

In the fantasy series “The Kingkiller Chronicle” by Patrick Rothfuss, the protagonist Kvothe demonstrates a strong aptitude for life sciences, particularly in the realm of alchemy and medicine. Trained at the University, Kvothe gains a deep understanding of various herbs, chemicals, and biological processes. This knowledge proves invaluable on multiple occasions throughout his adventures.

For example, in “The Wise Man’s Fear,” Kvothe encounters a town plagued by a mysterious illness. Using his understanding of life sciences, he is able to identify the disease’s origin and suggest a course of action to treat the afflicted, saving lives in the process. His skills also extend to the creation of antidotes and medicines, which come in handy when dealing with poisons or other harmful substances.

In a TTRPG setting, a character with a specialization in life sciences could perform similar feats. They might identify a rare plant in a forest that can be used to cure a debilitating disease affecting a nearby village. Or, in a more combat-oriented scenario, they could quickly assess a wounded ally’s condition and perform emergency surgery to remove an embedded arrowhead, thereby preventing further damage or infection.

Kvothe’s proficiency in life sciences not only adds depth to his character but also provides him with practical skills that are crucial for his survival and the well-being of those around him.

Life Sciences Archetypes
  • The Medic: Skilled in medical treatments and healthcare, the Medic can diagnose illnesses, administer first aid, and treat injuries effectively. They are essential for healing party members and can identify the symptoms and causes of diseases.
  • The Healer-Shaman: In a mystical or magical setting, the Healer-Shaman possesses supernatural healing abilities and can communicate with spirits or tap into mystical energies to cure ailments and injuries.
  • The Biologist: This archetype specializes in the study of living organisms, including their anatomy, physiology, and behavior. They can identify and understand various species, ecosystems, and the effects of environmental changes on life forms.
  • The Pharmacist: Focusing on pharmaceuticals and drug interactions, the Pharmacist can create and administer medications, antidotes, and poisons. They are experts in understanding the chemical compositions of substances and their effects on the body.
  • The Botanist: Specializing in plant life, the Botanist can identify and collect herbs, fungi, and other vegetation for medicinal or poison-related purposes. They can concoct herbal remedies, antidotes, or deadly toxins.
  • The Zoologist: This archetype studies animal behavior and biology, making them experts in handling and understanding creatures. They can tame, train, or communicate with animals and identify potential threats from wildlife.
  • The Geneticist: Skilled in genetic manipulation and bioengineering, the Geneticist can modify organisms, create hybrids, or engineer specific traits in living beings. They are valuable for creating unique creatures or solving genetic mysteries.
  • The Ecologist: Focusing on ecosystems and environmental conservation, the Ecologist can assess the health of ecosystems, identify environmental threats, and propose solutions for preserving natural habitats.
  • The Surgeon: Specializing in surgical procedures, the Surgeon can perform complex medical operations, even under combat conditions. They excel in treating injuries that require precision and surgical expertise.
  • The Toxicologist: This archetype is an expert in the study of toxins, poisons, and venomous creatures. They can identify poisonous substances, create antidotes, and understand the effects of toxins on living organisms.
  • The Epidemiologist: Focusing on disease outbreaks and public health, the Epidemiologist can track the spread of diseases, identify their origins, and develop strategies for containment and prevention.
  • The Exobiologist: In a sci-fi or fantasy setting, the Exobiologist studies extraterrestrial life forms and ecosystems. They can identify alien organisms, understand their biology, and predict their behavior.
  • The Biohacker: Combining knowledge of genetics with unconventional practices, the Biohacker can manipulate genes and biotechnology to achieve unique effects, such as enhancing physical abilities or creating bioengineered creatures.
Specializations for Life Sciences
  1. Poisons: Understanding toxic substances and their effects.
  2. Bioengineering: Manipulating biological systems for specific outcomes.
  3. Pharmacy: Knowledge of medications and their administration.
  4. Diagnosis: Identifying medical conditions through symptoms and tests.
  5. Medical Treatment: Providing general medical care to patients.
  6. Esoteric Medicine: Unconventional medical practices and theories.
  7. Epidemiology: Study of the spread and control of diseases.
  8. First Aid: Immediate and temporary medical care.
  9. Physician: Comprehensive medical care, including diagnosis and treatment.
  10. Surgery: Performing medical operations to treat conditions.
  11. Veterinary: Medical treatment of animals.
  12. Brain Hacking: Manipulating neurological processes.
  13. Biology: Study of living organisms and life processes.
  14. Physiology: Study of bodily functions and mechanisms.
  15. Herb Lore: Knowledge of plants and their medicinal properties.
  16. Farming: Agricultural practices to produce food and other products.
  17. Gardening: Cultivating plants in a controlled environment.
  18. Naturalist: Understanding of natural environments and ecosystems.
  19. Paleontology: Study of the history of life through fossils.
  20. Forensics: Application of science to solve crimes.
Table with Life Sciences skill and examples for each level of difficulty
Skill Life Sciences
Trivial Bind the wounds of someone who is bleeding
Simple Treat someone with Dysentery
Easy Perform First Aid and understand what is wrong with them. Recall widely known information; identify common fauna or flora
Routine Stabilize and treat an injury so normal healing may begin
Average Requires a bit more competence to accomplish. Can be completed more often than not by a character if they have received exposure to the skill and are not encumbered in any way. This is the work of an apprentice or someone with exceptional latent talent.
Difficult Recall more obscure or specific information; identify uncommon fauna or flora
Very Difficult Treat an average virtual, bacteria or other germ agent disease. Know about rare local plants and animals and how to identify them. Recall truly esoteric or precise information; identify rare fauna, or flora
Formidable Treat someone with the Bubonic Plague or another difficult germ agent. Recall information that is known only by a privileged few; identify exceedingly rare fauna, or flora
Heroic Perform CPR on someone who has been unconscious for seven minutes. Treat someone with an extremely hazardous germ agent such as Ebola.
Nearly Impossible Attend to someone in critical condition who has died of physical body trauma
Godly Reattach limbs, set broken bones, and grow them with herbal remedies and simple tools

Physical Sciences / Survival Knowledge Areas
Physical science has taught us to associate Deity with the normal rather than with the abnormal. - William Edward Hartpole Lecky
Description of Physical Sciences/Survival

Physical Sciences/Survival encompasses the scientific knowledge and practical skills needed for understanding the natural world and surviving in various environments. This skill set ranges from academic disciplines like chemistry and geology to practical survival techniques like tracking and fishing. Physical Sciences/Survival skill can be crucial in various conflict resolutions. For instance, characters might use Meteorology to predict an incoming storm to gain a tactical advantage, or Urban Survival to navigate through a dangerous cityscape evading capture. This skill set can offer creative ways to solve problems and overcome challenges in both natural and urban environments. Your Physical Sciences check measures your ability to recall lore about terrain, the weather, and natural cycles as well as perform mathematical operations. You might be asked to make a Survival check to navigate and find a path within a given environment, follow tracks, hunt wild game, guide your group through frozen wastelands, identify signs that Beakclaw live nearby, predict the weather, or avoid quicksand and other natural hazards. This skill is also used in urban environments to survive on the streets and to live within that environment.

Examples of Physical Sciences/Survival from Fiction

In Brandon Sanderson’s “The Stormlight Archive,” Kaladin Stormblessed is a character who excels in the skill of Physical Sciences/Survival. Raised in a rural village and trained as a soldier, Kaladin has a broad range of knowledge and skills that help him survive in various environments, from the harsh conditions of the Shattered Plains to the complexities of a military camp. His understanding of the natural world, including weather patterns and terrain, is complemented by his practical skills like tracking and first aid.

For example, in “The Way of Kings,” the first book in the series, Kaladin uses his understanding of meteorology to predict the arrival of a Highstorm, a devastating weather phenomenon. This knowledge allows him to prepare his men and find shelter, thereby saving lives. Later, in “Words of Radiance,” he uses his survival skills to navigate the treacherous landscape of the Shattered Plains, identifying safe paths and avoiding natural hazards like chasms and rockslides. His ability to read the environment and make quick, informed decisions is a key factor in his effectiveness as a leader.

In a TTRPG setting, a character with a specialization in Physical Sciences/Survival could offer a wide range of problem-solving options. They might use their knowledge of geology to find a hidden cave for shelter, or apply their understanding of chemistry to create makeshift explosives. Specializations could include wilderness survival, allowing the character to find food and water in a forest, or urban survival, enabling them to navigate a city’s underworld without attracting unwanted attention.

Kaladin Stormblessed’s expertise in Physical Sciences/Survival adds a multifaceted layer to his character. It’s not just a set of practical skills; it’s a reflection of his adaptability, resourcefulness, and deep connection to the world around him. These skills are not just assets for survival; they are integral to his identity and his journey from a disillusioned soldier to a leader and protector.

Physical Sciences/Survival Archetypes
  • The Naturalist: This archetype is a keen observer of the natural world, specializing in identifying plants, animals, and terrain features. They can recognize edible plants, track animals, and navigate diverse ecosystems.
  • The Tracker: Skilled in following trails and footprints, the Tracker can locate creatures or individuals by analyzing signs and clues left behind. They excel in wilderness tracking and can even identify the habits of elusive creatures.
  • The Geologist: Focusing on the study of rocks, minerals, and the Earth’s crust, the Geologist can identify valuable minerals, locate hidden caves or underground structures, and assess the stability of terrain.
  • The Meteorologist: This archetype specializes in predicting weather patterns and understanding atmospheric phenomena. They can provide valuable insights into upcoming storms, temperature changes, or other weather-related events.
  • The Survivalist: Skilled in practical wilderness survival techniques, the Survivalist can build shelters, find food and water sources, and create tools from natural materials. They excel in outdoor living and self-sufficiency.
  • The Wilderness Guide: This archetype is an expert in leading groups through challenging natural environments. They can plan routes, avoid hazards, and ensure the safety of their party in the wilderness.
  • The Urban Survivalist: Focusing on survival in urban environments, the Urban Survivalist can navigate through city streets, find shelter, scavenge for resources, and blend into urban crowds. They are adept at surviving in post-apocalyptic or dystopian settings.
  • The Astronomer: Specializing in celestial navigation, the Astronomer can use the stars, planets, and other celestial bodies to determine direction and time, making them invaluable for night-time navigation.
  • The Marine Biologist: This archetype studies marine life and ecosystems, making them experts in underwater environments. They can identify aquatic species, locate underwater resources, and understand ocean currents.
  • The Archaeologist: Focusing on historical and cultural knowledge, the Archaeologist can identify ancient ruins, decipher ancient scripts, and uncover hidden artifacts. They excel in exploring lost civilizations and solving historical mysteries.
  • The Mountain Guide: This archetype specializes in mountainous terrain, including climbing, navigating, and surviving in high-altitude environments. They can lead expeditions to mountain peaks and avoid dangers like avalanches and crevasses.
  • The Desert Nomad: Skilled in desert survival, the Desert Nomad can find water sources, navigate through arid landscapes, and endure extreme heat. They are experts in thriving in desert environments.
  • The Arctic Explorer: Specializing in cold-weather survival, the Arctic Explorer can endure freezing temperatures, locate shelter in snowy landscapes, and navigate through icy terrain.
Specializations for Physical Sciences/Survival
  1. Astronomy: Study of celestial objects, including navigation by stars.
  2. Chemistry: Understanding of elements, compounds, and chemical reactions.
  3. Geology: Study of Earth’s structure, materials, and geological history.
  4. Metallurgy: Understanding metals, their extraction, and alloy creation.
  5. Meteorology: Study of weather patterns and atmospheric phenomena.
  6. Naturalist: Identification and understanding of plants and animals.
  7. Camouflage: Skill in blending into natural environments.
  8. Fishing: Knowledge of fish habitats and effective angling techniques.
  9. Hiking: Endurance and knowledge for long treks across various terrains.
  10. Mimic Animal & Bird Sounds: Imitating animal sounds for hunting or camouflage.
  11. Navigation: Reading maps, compasses, and natural landmarks.
  12. Prospecting: Skill in locating valuable minerals and resources.
  13. Survival: General skills in surviving harsh conditions.
  14. Tracking: Ability to follow signs and trails of animals or people.
  15. Weather Sense: Ability to predict upcoming weather without instruments.
  16. Forensics: Scientific investigation of crime scenes.
  17. Streetwise: Navigating and surviving in urban settings.
  18. Urban Survival: Skills in surviving within a city environment during crises.
  19. Edible Plant Identification: Recognizing safe and unsafe flora for consumption.
  20. First Aid: Basic medical skills to treat injuries in the wilderness.
Table with Physical Sciences/Survival skill and examples for each level of difficulty
Difficulty Survival
Trivial Hunt pigeons, Rats, and Mice within a city
Simple Go Fishing with supplies
Easy Forage for roots, and berries in the wilderness
Routine Build a shelter out of tree limbs, grass, and leaves
Average Requires a bit more competence to accomplish. Can be completed more often than not by a character if they have received exposure to the skill and are not encumbered in any way. This is the work of an apprentice or someone with exceptional latent talent.
Difficult Construct an improvised weapon
Very Difficult Track a small animal
Formidable Track the passing of a single person through wild
Heroic Find a source of water in the deep desert
Nearly Impossible Construct a fire in a blizzard
Godly Construct a fire under water

Cunning Characteristics

Cunning represents the overall speed at which someone’s mind works.

Traditions Knowledge Areas
Tradition means giving votes to the most obscure of all classes, our ancestors. It is the democracy of the dead. Tradition refuses to submit to the small and arrogant oligarchy of those who merely happen to be walking about. --G.K Chesterton, Orthodoxy
Description of the Traditions skill

The Traditions skill encompasses a deep understanding of cultural norms, social etiquettes, and bureaucratic systems within various groups and organizations. Possessing this skill allows individuals to navigate complex social situations with ease, whether dealing with different ethnicities, religious communities, governmental bodies, or informal social circles. It enables them to grasp the unspoken rules, greetings, taboos, and bureaucratic requirements crucial for successful interactions, ensuring smooth dealings and favorable outcomes.

Examples of Traditions from Fiction

In the fantasy series “A Song of Ice and Fire” by George R.R. Martin, Daenerys Targaryen demonstrates a remarkable aptitude for understanding and adapting to various traditions and cultural norms as she journeys across different lands. Initially a naive young girl, Daenerys evolves into a savvy leader partly because of her skill in “Traditions,” as it might be termed in a TTRPG setting. This skill becomes evident as she navigates the complex social landscapes of the Dothraki, the people of Slaver’s Bay, and various other groups she encounters.

For instance, when Daenerys is married off to Khal Drogo, a leader of the Dothraki, she initially struggles with the unfamiliar customs and traditions of her new people. However, she quickly learns their ways, from their warrior ethos to their religious practices, and uses this knowledge to gain their respect and eventually lead them. Her understanding of Dothraki traditions allows her to challenge existing norms, such as the treatment of women and slaves, without entirely alienating the tribe.

In a TTRPG setting, a character with a high level of skill in Traditions could be invaluable for various quests and interactions. Suppose the party is trying to gain the favor of a reclusive elven community. In that case, a character skilled in Traditions could guide the group through the complex social etiquette required, from the proper forms of address to the subtle nuances of elven gift-giving, thereby ensuring a more favorable outcome.

Daenerys’s ability to understand and adapt to different traditions is a cornerstone of her leadership style. It enables her to unite disparate groups under her banner, from Dothraki horse lords to freed slaves. Her skill in Traditions allows her to navigate complex social terrains, earning her allies where others might find only enemies. This skill becomes one of her most potent tools in her quest to reclaim the Iron Throne, demonstrating the power of cultural understanding in achieving one’s goals.

Traditions Archetypes
  • The Cultural Ambassador: This archetype is a master of bridging cultural gaps and promoting cross-cultural understanding. They can navigate the customs, traditions, and etiquettes of different ethnicities and help parties interact harmoniously with diverse groups.
  • The Diplomat: Specializing in international relations and diplomacy, the Diplomat can negotiate with foreign governments, understand diplomatic protocols, and navigate complex geopolitical landscapes.
  • The Religious Scholar: Focusing on the study of religious beliefs and practices, the Religious Scholar can interpret religious texts, perform religious ceremonies, and mediate religious disputes.
  • The Etiquette Expert: Skilled in social manners and formal etiquette, the Etiquette Expert can guide others in behaving appropriately in various social settings, from high-society events to formal diplomatic functions.
  • The Protocol Officer: This archetype is well-versed in official protocols and bureaucratic systems. They can ensure that parties follow the correct procedures, submit necessary documents, and adhere to governmental regulations.
  • The Folklorist: Specializing in the traditions and folklore of different regions and communities, the Folklorist can collect and interpret folk tales, legends, and customs, preserving cultural heritage.
  • The Linguist: In addition to cultural understanding, this version of the Cultural Ambassador excels in learning and interpreting languages, making them invaluable for cross-cultural communication.
  • The Peace Negotiator: This version of the Diplomat specializes in resolving conflicts and mediating disputes between nations or groups. They can find common ground and build peace treaties.
  • The Clergyman: Focusing on religious leadership and spiritual guidance, the Clergyman can lead religious ceremonies, offer moral support, and provide spiritual counsel to others.
  • The Gala Planner: Known for their ability to organize and host formal events and galas, the Gala Planner can create memorable and elegant gatherings that adhere to social etiquette.
  • The Bureaucratic Sage: This version of the Protocol Officer excels in navigating bureaucratic mazes and complex legal systems. They can expedite processes and cut through red tape.
  • The Storyteller: In addition to preserving folklore, the Storyteller specializes in using stories and legends to inspire and entertain others. They can captivate audiences with their narratives.
  • The Polyglot: Skilled in learning and speaking multiple languages fluently, the Polyglot can facilitate communication between diverse groups and translate complex documents.
  • The Mediator: Focusing on conflict resolution, the Mediator can mediate disputes at various levels, from interpersonal conflicts to international crises.
Specializations for Traditions
  1. Cultural Etiquette: Understanding the norms and manners of different cultures.
  2. Religious Practices: Knowledge of rituals, beliefs, and taboos within various religious communities.
  3. Political Protocols: Understanding the formalities and procedures within governmental bodies.
  4. Corporate Culture: Navigating the unspoken rules and hierarchies in business environments.
  5. Military Traditions: Familiarity with the customs, ranks, and protocols within armed forces.
  6. Academic Norms: Understanding the etiquette and expectations within educational institutions.
  7. Social Media Etiquette: Navigating the unspoken rules and trends of online social platforms.
  8. Subcultures: Deep understanding of smaller cultural groups, such as fandoms or lifestyle communities.
  9. Courtly Manners: Knowledge of the protocols and etiquette within royal or noble circles.
  10. Diplomatic Relations: Skill in navigating international protocols and formalities.
  11. Local Customs: Specialized knowledge of the traditions and norms of a specific locality.
  12. Family Traditions: Understanding the importance and nuances of familial customs and rituals.
  13. Historical Traditions: Knowledge of practices and norms from different historical periods.
  14. Legal Systems: Understanding the procedures and expectations within various legal frameworks.
  15. Artistic Communities: Familiarity with the norms and expectations within artistic circles.
  16. Rural Practices: Knowledge of traditions and norms in rural or isolated communities.
  17. Youth Culture: Understanding the changing norms and practices among younger generations.
  18. Gender Norms: Awareness of the expectations and roles ascribed to different genders in various cultures.
  19. Folklore and Mythology: Understanding traditional stories, myths, and practices within cultures.
  20. Secret Societies: Knowledge of the rituals, signs, and practices within clandestine organizations.
Table with Traditions skill and examples for each level of difficulty
Difficulty Traditions
Trivial Greeting someone with a handshake in a typical social setting.
Simple Offering a polite bow as a sign of respect in a foreign culture.
Easy Using the appropriate honorifics when addressing someone of higher status.
Routine Understanding the expected gift-giving customs during a religious festival.
Average Navigating the bureaucratic process to obtain a marriage license in a different country.
Difficult Successfully negotiating a business deal while adhering to specific cultural protocols.
Very Difficult Organizing a formal diplomatic reception, ensuring all customs and rituals are followed flawlessly.
Formidable Mediating a delicate dispute between two historically antagonistic tribal groups.
Heroic Representing a nation at an international summit and skillfully navigating various cultural nuances.
Nearly Impossible Mediating peace talks between warring factions with deeply entrenched cultural hostilities.
Godly Serving as a cultural ambassador to foster harmony and understanding among diverse civilizations across the galaxy.

Perception Knowledge Areas
The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper. -- W.B. Yeats
Description of the Perception skill

The Perception skill represents an individual’s heightened awareness and keenness of their senses, enabling them to spot, hear, or detect the presence of concealed or obscured elements in their surroundings. This skill is crucial for eavesdropping on conversations, detecting hidden threats, and noticing subtle clues or danger in various environments. Whether it’s spotting lurking enemies in the shadows or identifying concealed objects behind closed doors, Perception allows characters to remain vigilant and attentive to their environment.

Examples of Perception from Fiction

In the classic mystery fiction series featuring Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the titular character is the epitome of heightened Perception. Holmes’s keen observational skills are legendary, allowing him to spot clues and details that even trained investigators often overlook. Whether he’s at a crime scene, in his Baker Street apartment, or walking through the streets of London, Holmes’s Perception is always at work, helping him solve some of the most baffling cases.

For instance, in “The Adventure of the Speckled Band,” Holmes quickly deduces the presence of a dangerous snake in a locked room, a clue that had eluded everyone else. His Perception allows him to notice subtle details like the arrangement of a bell-pull, the presence of saucer of milk, and the peculiar construction of a bed, all of which contribute to solving the mystery. Holmes’s ability to perceive what others cannot is not limited to visual clues; he also has an acute sense of hearing, which he uses to eavesdrop on conversations or detect someone’s approach.

In a Table Top Role Playing Game (TTRPG) setting, a character with a high level of Perception skill would be invaluable in a mystery or investigation scenario. Imagine the party is trying to solve a murder in a haunted mansion; a Perception check could reveal hidden compartments, overlooked clues, or even the faint sound of someone else in the house. This skill would be crucial for piecing together evidence, avoiding traps, and ultimately solving the mystery at hand.

Sherlock Holmes’s extraordinary Perception is not just a skill but an art form, honed through years of observation and logical deduction. It’s this keen awareness that sets him apart as one of the greatest detectives in literary history. Whether he’s solving a complex murder case or simply observing the people around him, Holmes’s Perception allows him to see the world in a way that few others can, making him an enduring symbol of the power of observation and attention to detail.

Perception Archetypes
  • The Scout: This archetype excels in reconnaissance and gathering information about the surrounding environment. They can detect hidden threats, scout ahead for danger, and provide valuable insights about the terrain.
  • The Sentinel: Specializing in guarding and protecting, the Sentinel can maintain a constant vigilance, spotting potential threats or intruders before they can strike. They are skilled at perimeter defense and early warning systems.
  • The Tracker: Focusing on following tracks and signs, the Tracker can discern the presence of creatures or individuals based on subtle clues such as footprints, disturbed foliage, or scent trails.
  • The Investigator: Skilled in uncovering hidden clues and secrets, the Investigator can find concealed objects, discover hidden compartments, and identify subtle details that others might miss during investigations.
  • The Eavesdropper: This archetype is known for their ability to listen in on conversations and gather information discreetly. They can overhear whispered conversations, detect hidden microphones, and interpret coded messages.
  • The Scent Tracker: Specializing in using their sense of smell, the Scent Tracker can follow scent trails, identify specific odors, and even detect concealed or hidden substances by their scent.
  • The Search and Rescue Specialist: Focusing on finding missing persons or lost objects, the Search and Rescue Specialist can locate individuals in distress, identify their whereabouts, and lead rescue operations.
  • The Treasure Hunter: This archetype is skilled in discovering hidden treasures and valuable artifacts. They can identify concealed entrances to treasure troves and decipher cryptic maps and clues.
  • The Safecracker: Known for their ability to open locked or secure containers, the Safecracker can detect hidden mechanisms, identify vulnerabilities in locks, and manipulate them to gain access.
  • The Stealth Expert: Skilled in both perception and stealth, the Stealth Expert can detect hidden threats while remaining hidden themselves. They are experts at avoiding detection and maintaining situational awareness in stealthy operations.
  • The Night Watchman: Focusing on guarding properties and locations during the night, the Night Watchman can detect intruders, monitor security systems, and respond to nighttime threats.
  • The Paranormal Investigator: In a supernatural or occult setting, the Paranormal Investigator can perceive and investigate supernatural phenomena, such as ghosts, spirits, or otherworldly disturbances.
  • The Wilderness Observer: This archetype specializes in observing wildlife and natural phenomena. They can detect the presence of animals, identify flora and fauna, and predict changes in weather and natural events.
  • The Spotter: This version of the Scout specializes in spotting distant targets, such as snipers or hidden foes. They excel in providing overwatch and long-range reconnaissance.
  • The Cryptid Hunter: In a supernatural or cryptozoological setting, the Cryptid Hunter can detect and track elusive and mythical creatures.
Specializations for Perception Skill
  1. Visual Acuity: Exceptional ability to spot hidden or distant objects.
  2. Auditory Sensitivity: Keen hearing that allows for eavesdropping or detecting quiet noises.
  3. Olfactory Detection: Ability to identify smells and their sources.
  4. Tactile Awareness: Sensitivity to touch, useful for detecting traps or changes in environment through the ground.
  5. Taste Discrimination: Ability to identify substances through taste.
  6. Danger Sense: Intuition for imminent threats or hazards.
  7. Night Vision: Adapted to seeing in low-light conditions.
  8. Thermal Sensing: Ability to detect heat signatures.
  9. Vibration Sensing: Detecting movement or activity through vibrations in the environment.
  10. Echolocation: Using sound to map out unseen environments.
  11. Crowd Reading: Ability to scan crowds for suspicious activity or individuals.
  12. Facial Recognition: Skill in remembering and identifying faces.
  13. Lip Reading: Ability to understand speech by observing the speaker’s lip movements.
  14. Camouflage Detection: Skill in spotting camouflaged or hidden entities.
  15. Forgery Detection: Keen eye for identifying counterfeit items or documents.
  16. Astronomical Observation: Skill in identifying celestial bodies and phenomena.
  17. Wildlife Spotting: Ability to notice hidden or camouflaged animals in natural settings.
  18. Micro-Expressions: Reading brief facial expressions for clues about mood or intent.
  19. Subtext Awareness: Sensing the unspoken context or implications in a situation.
  20. Psychic Sensing: Detecting supernatural or magical phenomena (if applicable in your game world).
Table with Perception skill and examples for each level of difficulty
Difficulty Perception
Trivial Automatically noticing a brightly colored object in plain sight.
Simple Hearing a distant conversation if the speakers are talking loudly.
Easy Spotting a footprint on a well-lit path.
Routine Detecting the faint smell of smoke from a nearby campfire.
Average Noticing a hidden door in a room with a casual glance.
Difficult Using acute hearing to eavesdrop on a whispered conversation from a distance.
Very Difficult Spotting the subtle movement of a concealed assassin in a crowded market.
Formidable Identifying the distinct smell of a particular type of poison lingering in the air.
Heroic Detecting a concealed trap in a complex labyrinth without any prior knowledge of its existence.
Nearly Impossible Seeing through a powerful illusion that even confounds other skilled magic users.
Godly Discerning the presence of an ethereal being hidden from mortal perception without the use of magical abilities or spells.

Formal Sciences Knowledge Areas
Mathematics in its widest signification is the development of all types of formal, necessary, deductive reasoning. -- Alfred North Whitehead
Description of Formal Sciences Skill

The Formal Sciences skill involves understanding and manipulating formal systems such as logic, mathematics, statistics, information theory, game theory, and decision theory. Individuals with this skill can analyze complex data, make precise calculations, and grasp the underlying principles governing formal structures. Moreover, they can apply this knowledge to advance other skills formally, enhancing their expertise in various fields.

Examples of Formal Sciences from Fiction

In the science fiction novel “Foundation” by Isaac Asimov, the character Hari Seldon exemplifies the use of Formal Science skills, particularly in the realms of mathematics and statistics. Seldon is the creator of “psychohistory,” a scientific discipline that combines history, sociology, and mathematical statistics to predict the future behavior of large populations. His groundbreaking work in this formal system not only revolutionizes the understanding of societal dynamics but also sets the stage for the entire series, as his predictions about the future of the Galactic Empire become the foundation for subsequent actions.

Seldon’s Formal Science skills are not limited to abstract theories; they have practical applications that drive the plot. For example, he uses mathematical models to predict the fall of the Galactic Empire and the subsequent dark age. This prediction leads him to establish the Foundation, an organization aimed at minimizing the period of chaos. His understanding of formal systems like game theory and decision theory also helps him strategize the Foundation’s actions to ensure its survival against various threats.

In a TTRPG setting, a character with a high level of skill in Formal Science could be invaluable for problem-solving and strategic planning. Imagine the party is faced with a complex puzzle that requires understanding mathematical patterns to solve. A Formal Science check could determine whether they successfully decipher the puzzle and move forward. This skill could also be used in conjunction with other skills to advance them formally. For example, a character might use Formal Science to optimize a magical algorithm, thereby making their spells more efficient or powerful.

Hari Seldon’s mastery of Formal Science makes him a pivotal figure in his world, shaping the course of history through his understanding of formal systems. His skills enable him to analyze complex problems, develop innovative solutions, and make informed decisions that have far-reaching implications. Whether he’s predicting the future of civilizations or devising strategies to navigate crises, Seldon’s expertise in Formal Science is both his defining trait and his most powerful tool.

Formal Sciences Archetypes
  • The Mathematician: This archetype is a master of mathematical principles and calculations. They can solve complex mathematical problems, perform statistical analysis, and make precise measurements.
  • The Logician: Specializing in formal logic, the Logician can deduce conclusions from premises, identify fallacies in arguments, and create logical proofs to support their claims.
  • The Game Theorist: Focusing on strategic decision-making, the Game Theorist can analyze competitive situations, predict opponents’ moves, and devise winning strategies in various games and conflicts.
  • The Statistician: Skilled in statistical analysis, the Statistician can interpret data, conduct surveys, and make informed decisions based on probability and statistical models.
  • The Information Theorist: This archetype excels in understanding and manipulating information theory, including data compression, encryption, and the transmission of information in various forms.
  • The Cryptanalyst: Specializing in breaking codes and ciphers, the Cryptanalyst can decrypt encrypted messages, identify patterns in coded communications, and uncover hidden information.
  • The Decision Analyst: Focusing on rational decision-making, the Decision Analyst can assess options, weigh probabilities, and make optimal choices in complex situations.
  • The Chess Grandmaster: Known for their mastery of chess and strategic thinking, the Chess Grandmaster can analyze chess positions, plan ahead, and predict opponents’ moves with precision.
  • The Programmer: This version of the Mathematician specializes in computer programming, coding, and software development. They can create complex algorithms and write efficient code.
  • The Philosopher: Focusing on philosophical inquiries, the Philosopher can explore abstract concepts, ponder ethical dilemmas, and engage in deep philosophical discussions.
  • The Negotiation Strategist: This version of the Game Theorist specializes in negotiation tactics and conflict resolution. They can analyze negotiation dynamics and devise strategies for successful negotiations.
  • The Market Analyst: Skilled in financial analysis, the Market Analyst can assess economic trends, predict market movements, and make informed investment decisions.
  • The Data Scientist: Specializing in data analysis and machine learning, the Data Scientist can extract valuable insights from large datasets, create predictive models, and automate decision-making processes.
  • The Cryptographer: In addition to breaking codes, the Cryptographer excels in creating secure encryption methods and protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access.
  • The Gambler: This archetype excels in applying formal sciences to games of chance and risk assessment. They can calculate odds, devise betting strategies, and make informed decisions in gambling situations. The Gambler’s expertise extends to various games, from poker and roulette to sports betting and card counting.
  • The Linguistic Analyst: Specializing in the analysis of language and communication, the Linguistic Analyst can decipher and analyze coded or encrypted messages, discern patterns in linguistic data, and uncover hidden meanings in texts. They are skilled in understanding the nuances of different languages and dialects, making them valuable in deciphering language-related mysteries and cryptic communications.
Specializations for Formal Science Skill
  1. Algebraic Geometry: Study of algebraic structures and their geometric interpretations.
  2. Applied Game Theory: Application of game theory to optimize strategies in casino games.
  3. Behavioral Economics: Exploration of the psychological aspects affecting gambling and risk management.
  4. Combinatorial Game Theory: Advanced strategies for perfect-information games like Chess, Go, and Backgammon.
  5. Cryptology: Study of cryptography for secure communication and cryptanalysis for code-breaking.
  6. Decision Analysis: Application of decision theory and optimization techniques to make informed choices.
  7. Formal Logic: Study of logic and reasoning within formal systems.
  8. Game Analysis: Use of calculus and analysis to understand and strategize games.
  9. Game Theory: Study of mathematical models for strategic interaction, including dice games and bluffing techniques.
  10. Information Theory: Exploration of probability theory as it relates to information transfer and storage.
  11. Markov Chain Analysis: Application of Markov Chains to optimize strategies in games like Blackjack and card counting.
  12. Mathematical Logic: Study of formal logic within the context of discrete mathematics.
  13. Mathematical Modeling: Use of applied mathematics to model real-world scenarios.
  14. Number Theory: Exploration of pure mathematics focusing on the properties of numbers.
  15. Probability Theory: Application of probability to analyze sports betting and other games of chance.
  16. Stochastic Processes: Study of random processes, including strategies for games like Roulette.
  17. Statistics: Application of statistical analysis and data science techniques.
  18. Computational Theory: Study of algorithms, computational complexity, and other aspects of computation.
  19. Optimization Theory: Mathematical techniques for finding the best possible solutions in various settings.
  20. Quantum Computing: Exploration of computational theory and algorithms as applied to quantum systems.
Table with Formal Science skill and examples for each level of difficulty
Difficulty Formal Sciences
Trivial Automatically solving simple arithmetic problems or play a common board game and enjoy yourself.
Simple Calculating a basic statistical average from a small dataset or play and win a card or board game against someone who is unfamiliar with the game.
Easy Applying basic algebra to solve a straightforward equation or fix the outcome of an animal fight.
Routine Using probability theory to assess the likelihood of an event occurring or play and win chess, go, or other game against someone of the same mental acuity and skill level as you.
Average Applying statistical analysis to identify trends in a dataset or requires a bit more competence to accomplish. Can be completed more often than not by a character if they have received exposure to the skill and are not encumbered in any way. This is the work of an apprentice or someone with exceptional latent talent.
Difficult Using game theory to devise a winning strategy in a complex board game or guess the number of marbles in a jar.
Very Difficult Solving a complex mathematical theorem or conjecture with rigorous proofs or fix the outcome of a boxing match.
Formidable Designing an advanced algorithm for data compression in computer science or play and fix a game of chance against someone who has considerably more mental acuity and skill than you.
Heroic Developing a groundbreaking mathematical model to explain a natural phenomenon or guess the next card to be drawn in a deck.
Nearly Impossible Discovering a novel mathematical principle that revolutionizes a scientific field or an epic feat on which legendary tales are based on. The named masters of a skill come from acts such as these. You will be in the history books.
Godly Creating an all-encompassing mathematical theory that unifies disparate branches of mathematics and science or can’t be done without assistance unless you’re basically a demigod.

Reasoning Characteristics

Reasoning represents the overall ability of the being to adapt and manipulate the information they get from the world around them.

Engineering Knowledge Areas
Science is about knowing; engineering is about doing. - Henry Petroski
Description of the Engineering skill

Engineering measures the ability to apply technological knowledge and expertise to build, modify, and repair various devices and structures. It encompasses a wide range of disciplines and is crucial in almost every trade, craft, or occupation that involves constructing something. An Engineering check might be required to reverse engineer a complex artifact, build a sturdy bridge, repair intricate machinery, or disarm an elaborate trap.

Examples of Engineering from Fiction

In the science fiction TV series “Firefly,” Kaylee Frye serves as the chief mechanic aboard the spaceship Serenity, captained by Malcolm Reynolds. Kaylee is a self-taught engineering prodigy, possessing an intuitive understanding of mechanical systems, electronics, and propulsion technologies. Her role is absolutely vital to the crew’s survival and success, as she is responsible for keeping the ship operational against all odds. Whether it’s a routine maintenance check or an emergency repair in the heat of battle, Kaylee is the go-to expert for anything related to the ship’s engineering.

One memorable episode, “Out of Gas,” showcases Kaylee’s engineering prowess in a life-or-death situation. When the ship’s life support system fails, leaving the crew with only a few hours of breathable air, Kaylee’s skills are put to the ultimate test. Despite the immense pressure and limited resources, she manages to rig a makeshift solution to buy the crew more time. Her deep understanding of the ship’s systems, combined with her ability to improvise, turns her into the crew’s lifeline in this dire situation.

In a Table Top Role Playing Game (TTRPG) setting, a character with Kaylee’s engineering skills would offer a wide range of problem-solving options. Imagine a scenario where the party’s spacecraft is damaged during a skirmish with enemy ships. An Engineering check could determine whether the character successfully reroutes power to essential systems, repairs the ship’s thrusters for a quick escape, or even modifies the ship’s weapons for a last-ditch counterattack. The possibilities are numerous, and a skilled engineer could tip the scales in the party’s favor in countless ways.

Kaylee’s engineering expertise goes beyond mere technical skills; her ability to think quickly, adapt to new challenges, and work with limited resources makes her an invaluable member of the Serenity crew. Whether she’s patching up bullet holes in the engine room or fine-tuning the ship’s systems for better fuel efficiency, Kaylee’s contributions are a blend of scientific knowledge and practical know-how. Her character exemplifies how engineering skills can be a game-changer in both everyday operations and high-stakes conflicts.

Engineering Archetypes
  • The Tinkerer: This archetype is known for their knack for inventing and building mechanical devices. They can construct gadgets, traps, and makeshift tools using their engineering expertise.
  • The Mechanic: Specializing in the repair and maintenance of machinery, the Mechanic can fix everything from vehicles to intricate mechanical devices. They are skilled in diagnosing and solving technical problems.
  • The Architect: Focusing on designing and constructing buildings and structures, the Architect can create impressive architectural marvels, from bridges and fortresses to elegant homes and grand palaces.
  • The Inventor: Skilled in creating new technological innovations, the Inventor can develop groundbreaking inventions that revolutionize industries or provide unique advantages to the party.
  • The Demolition Expert: This archetype specializes in the safe and controlled destruction of structures and obstacles. They can set up explosive charges, dismantle complex traps, and bring down walls with precision.
  • The Electrical Engineer: Focusing on electrical systems and technology, the Electrical Engineer can work with circuits, power sources, and electronic devices. They are essential for tasks involving power generation, security systems, and high-tech gadgets.
  • The Structural Engineer: Specializing in the stability and integrity of buildings and infrastructure, the Structural Engineer can assess the safety of structures, reinforce weak points, and design load-bearing components.
  • The Bridge Builder: This archetype excels in constructing bridges and other types of crossings. They can create safe and durable pathways over rivers, chasms, and other obstacles.
  • The Siege Engineer: Skilled in designing and operating siege weapons and artillery, the Siege Engineer can build and use trebuchets, catapults, and other siege engines for military or defensive purposes.
  • The Reverse Engineer: This expert is known for their ability to dismantle and understand complex artifacts, machinery, or technology. They can figure out how to replicate or modify existing devices.
  • The Robotics Expert: In a futuristic or sci-fi setting, the Robotics Expert can design, build, and repair robots and autonomous machines. They are essential for tasks involving automation and AI.
  • The Civil Engineer: Focusing on infrastructure and public works, the Civil Engineer can plan and oversee the construction of roads, bridges, dams, and other large-scale projects that benefit society.
  • The Industrial Designer: This archetype specializes in the aesthetic and ergonomic aspects of product design. They can create visually pleasing and user-friendly devices and structures.
  • The Environmental Engineer: Skilled in mitigating environmental impact, the Environmental Engineer can develop solutions for pollution control, resource management, and sustainable practices.
Specializations for Engineering
  1. Mechanical Engineering: Design and maintenance of mechanical systems like engines and machinery.
  2. Civil Engineering: Planning and construction of infrastructure such as bridges, roads, and buildings.
  3. Electrical Engineering: Understanding and manipulation of electrical systems and circuits.
  4. Software Engineering: Development and maintenance of software applications.
  5. Chemical Engineering: Manipulation of chemical processes for industrial applications.
  6. Aerospace Engineering: Design and construction of aircraft and spacecraft.
  7. Biomedical Engineering: Application of engineering principles to healthcare and medical devices.
  8. Environmental Engineering: Solutions for environmental issues like waste management and pollution control.
  9. Structural Engineering: Specialization in the integrity and durability of buildings and structures.
  10. Automotive Engineering: Design and development of vehicles and their subsystems.
  11. Naval Engineering: Design and maintenance of ships, submarines, and other watercraft.
  12. Robotics: Design and programming of automated machines.
  13. Cybersecurity Engineering: Protection of computer systems and networks from cyber threats.
  14. Telecommunications: Engineering of systems for transmitting information over a distance.
  15. Energy Systems: Design and management of systems for energy production and distribution.
  16. Material Science: Study and application of the properties of matter in engineering.
  17. Acoustical Engineering: Control and manipulation of sound through engineering.
  18. Nuclear Engineering: Specialization in the processes, systems, and instruments of nuclear energy.
  19. Geotechnical Engineering: Engineering related to the behavior of earth materials.
  20. Reverse Engineering: Deconstruction and analysis of devices to understand their functionality.
Table with Engineering skill and examples for each level of difficulty
Difficulty Engineering
Trivial Repairing a simple, everyday household gadget.
Simple Building a small toy or crafting a basic wooden chair.
Easy Repairing a bicycle or constructing a simple wooden cabin.
Routine Designing and building a small wooden bridge over a stream.
Average Crafting a functional crossbow or constructing a basic irrigation system.
Difficult Developing and building a mechanical clock or assembling a complex network of electrical circuits.
Very Difficult Designing and constructing a functioning steam-powered engine.
Formidable Creating an advanced automaton with artificial intelligence.
Heroic Designing and building a fully functional airship for long-distance travel.
Nearly Impossible Developing and constructing a prototype of a teleportation device.
Godly Crafting a colossal, self-sustaining city that hovers in the sky or designing and constructing a massive, energy-efficient arcology capable of housing thousands of people in a post-apocalyptic world.

Insight Knowledge Areas
Insight perceives, intelligence understands, intellect comprehends, wisdom knows. -- Matshona Dhliwayo
Description of the Insight skill

Insight measures the ability to discern the true intentions and emotions of others, utilizing keen observation, intuition, and analysis of verbal and non-verbal cues. It involves reading between the lines, perceiving subtle changes in behavior, and understanding the unspoken motivations of individuals.

Examples of Insight from Fiction

In the science fiction series “Dune” by Frank Herbert, Paul Atreides exhibits an extraordinary level of insight, honed by a combination of his Bene Gesserit training and his own innate abilities. Paul’s skill in discerning the true intentions and emotions of others is almost uncanny, allowing him to navigate the complex political and social landscapes of his universe. Whether he’s interpreting the subtle body language of a potential ally or detecting the hidden motives behind a seemingly straightforward proposal, Paul’s insight is one of his most potent tools.

One notable instance occurs in “Dune” when Paul and his mother, Lady Jessica, are taken captive by the Fremen, the native people of the desert planet Arrakis. Despite being in a perilous situation, Paul uses his insight to quickly gauge the dynamics within the Fremen tribe, identifying who holds real power and who can be trusted. His ability to read between the lines during conversations and negotiations not only earns him the respect of the Fremen but also allows him to rise to a position of leadership among them.

In a TTRPG setting, a character with a high level of insight could be invaluable for various aspects of gameplay. They might be able to discern that an NPC is lying about the location of a hidden treasure, or sense that a supposed ally is actually a traitor. An Insight check could be used to determine the success of these intuitive leaps, influencing the party’s decisions and potentially saving them from traps, betrayals, or poor choices.

Paul Atreides’ mastery of insight is not just a passive skill but an active tool he employs to shape events around him. His ability to understand the unspoken motivations and hidden agendas of those he interacts with gives him a significant advantage in the intricate power games he finds himself a part of. Whether he’s facing political intrigue, complex negotiations, or potential combat, Paul’s insight often provides him the edge he needs to come out on top.

Insight Archetypes
  • The Detective: This archetype excels in solving mysteries and uncovering hidden truths. They can deduce motives, unravel complex plots, and see through deception, making them valuable in investigative scenarios.
  • The Empath: Specializing in understanding and sensing the emotions of others, the Empath can connect with people on a deep emotional level. They can provide comfort, diffuse tense situations, and offer valuable insights into the feelings of NPCs.
  • The Profiler: Focusing on criminal psychology, the Profiler can create detailed psychological profiles of individuals based on their behavior and actions. They can predict future actions and provide valuable information for law enforcement or strategic planning.
  • The Negotiator: Skilled in conflict resolution and diplomacy, the Negotiator can read the intentions and desires of opposing parties in negotiations. They can find common ground and broker deals in tense situations.
  • The Counselor: This archetype is a master of providing emotional support and guidance to others. They can help characters deal with trauma, make difficult decisions, and overcome personal challenges.
  • The Persuader: Specializing in persuasion and influence, the Persuader can read the desires and motivations of individuals and tailor their arguments or appeals to achieve their goals. They are skilled in changing people’s minds and gaining their cooperation.
  • The Interrogator: Focusing on extracting information from others, the Interrogator can analyze verbal and non-verbal cues to determine if someone is lying or withholding information. They are experts in obtaining valuable intelligence.
  • The Therapist: Skilled in providing mental health support, the Therapist can uncover the deep-seated issues and traumas of characters. They can help characters heal and overcome psychological challenges.
  • The Motivational Speaker: This archetype excels in inspiring and motivating others. They can understand the desires and aspirations of individuals and use their insights to encourage action and achievement.
  • The Judge: Known for their ability to quickly assess the true nature of individuals, the Judge can determine if someone is trustworthy or suspicious. They are skilled in making snap judgments based on limited interactions.
  • The Mind Reader: In a mystical or supernatural setting, the Mind Reader possesses psychic or supernatural abilities that allow them to directly access the thoughts and emotions of others. They can uncover hidden secrets and gain access to a wealth of information.
  • The Cultural Interpreter: Specializing in understanding and bridging cultural gaps, the Cultural Interpreter can discern the unspoken rules, norms, and values of different societies. They can facilitate cross-cultural understanding and avoid cultural misunderstandings.
  • The Animal Whisperer: Skilled in understanding and communicating with animals, the Animal Whisperer can read the intentions and emotions of creatures. They can calm agitated animals, gain their trust, and even influence their behavior.
Specializations for Insight
  1. Lie Detection: Ability to discern when someone is being dishonest.
  2. Emotional Intelligence: Understanding and interpreting the emotions of others.
  3. Motivation Analysis: Discerning the underlying goals or desires driving someone’s actions.
  4. Body Language: Reading non-verbal cues to understand feelings or intentions.
  5. Social Dynamics: Understanding the unspoken rules and structures within social groups.
  6. Cultural Insight: Ability to understand motivations and behaviors within specific cultural contexts.
  7. Psychological Profiling: Creating in-depth profiles of individuals based on observed behavior.
  8. Interrogation: Skillful questioning to reveal hidden information.
  9. Conflict Resolution: Identifying the root causes of disagreements and finding solutions.
  10. Negotiation: Ability to influence or arrive at agreements through discussion.
  11. Empathy: Deep understanding and sharing of the emotional states of others.
  12. Intuition: Relying on gut feelings to make judgments about people or situations.
  13. Subtext Reading: Understanding the implied or hidden meanings in spoken or written language.
  14. Seduction: Ability to influence others through charm or attraction.
  15. Manipulation: Skillfully controlling or influencing others, often without their awareness.
  16. Political Acumen: Understanding the motivations and strategies in political or organizational settings.
  17. Salesmanship: Ability to persuade others to make purchases or take specific actions.
  18. Leadership Assessment: Evaluating the effectiveness and intentions of leaders or authority figures.
  19. Crisis Prediction: Ability to foresee social or interpersonal problems before they escalate.
  20. Animal Behavior: Understanding the intentions and emotions of animals.
Table with Insight skill and examples for each level of difficulty
Difficulty Insight Skill
Trivial Automatically sensing a close friend’s mood and emotional state.
Simple Recognizing when someone is trying to hide their nervousness during a casual conversation.
Easy Picking up on subtle changes in body language to understand that someone is feeling uncomfortable in a group setting.
Routine Assessing that someone is attempting to deceive you through their inconsistent speech patterns.
Average Noticing that a person is concealing their true feelings during a formal presentation.
Difficult Detecting that an individual is plotting something harmful based on their unusual behavior and evasive answers.
Very Difficult Gaining insight into an individual’s troubled past and predicting their responses in a therapeutic setting.
Formidable Identifying the manipulative tactics of a skilled con artist and uncovering their true intentions.
Heroic Successfully predicting the actions of a mastermind criminal behind an intricate series of crimes.
Nearly Impossible Discerning the true identity of a spy who excels in deception, even among a network of intelligence agents.
Godly Understanding the deepest fears and desires of a godlike entity who holds immense power over reality, enabling negotiation and cooperation between mortals and divine beings. Realizing the hidden agendas and ambitions of otherworldly beings influencing entire civilizations and guiding history’s course. (e.g., ancient dragons, cosmic entities, ethereal beings)

Investigation Knowledge Areas
You know my methods. Apply them. -- Sherlock Holms in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Sign of Four
Description of the Investigation skill

When you look around for clues and make deductions based on those clues, you make an Investigation check. You might deduce the location of a hidden object, discern from the appearance of a wound what kind of weapon dealt it, or determine the weakest point in a tunnel that could cause it to collapse.

Examples of Investigation from Fiction

In the classic Western novel “True Grit” by Charles Portis, U.S. Marshal Rooster Cogburn demonstrates a keen sense of investigation. Though he’s primarily known for his grit and gunfighting skills, Cogburn’s ability to track down outlaws also relies heavily on his investigative prowess. Whether he’s following a trail through rugged terrain or piecing together clues from a crime scene, Cogburn uses his experience and intuition to make educated deductions.

One memorable scene involves Cogburn arriving at an abandoned cabin where he suspects an outlaw is hiding. Instead of rushing in guns blazing, he takes a moment to investigate. He observes the tracks leading into the cabin, the state of the horses tied outside, and even the smoke coming from the chimney. These clues allow him to deduce not only that the outlaw is indeed inside but also that he’s likely alone and unaware of his pursuers. This Investigation check, so to speak, enables Cogburn to plan his approach more strategically, ultimately leading to the successful capture of the outlaw.

In a TTRPG setting, a character with a high level of Investigation skill could be invaluable in a Western-themed campaign. Imagine the party is tracking down a notorious bandit; an Investigation check could reveal that the tracks they are following are actually a decoy, saving them valuable time and resources. Or perhaps the group finds themselves in a seemingly deserted mining town; a successful Investigation check could uncover clues leading to a hidden stash of gold or the lair of the bandits who raided the town.

Rooster Cogburn’s investigative skills complement his more overt abilities, making him a well-rounded character capable of both action and thoughtful analysis. His knack for investigation doesn’t just make him a better lawman; it often gives him the upper hand in dangerous situations, allowing him to outthink as well as outshoot his enemies. This balance of brawn and brain makes the skill of Investigation a critical tool in the arsenal of any gunslinger, sheriff, or bounty hunter in the Wild West.

Investigation Archetypes
  • The Detective: This archetype is a master of solving mysteries and uncovering hidden truths. They can find clues that others might overlook, connect seemingly unrelated pieces of information, and deduce complex solutions to puzzles and mysteries.
  • The Forensic Analyst: Specializing in analyzing physical evidence, the Forensic Analyst can determine the cause of a crime or accident by examining clues such as fingerprints, bloodstains, and ballistic data.
  • The Archaeologist: Focusing on uncovering the past, the Archaeologist can discover ancient artifacts, decipher inscriptions, and piece together historical events based on archaeological evidence.
  • The Cryptographer: Skilled in deciphering codes and ciphers, the Cryptographer can break secret messages and uncover hidden information. They excel in unraveling the mysteries of encrypted texts.
  • The Tracker: This archetype specializes in following tracks and signs left by people or creatures. They can determine the direction and speed of travel, identify the number of individuals, and even predict their intentions based on their tracks.
  • The Criminal Profiler: Specializing in understanding the psychology of criminals, the Criminal Profiler can create detailed profiles of suspects based on their actions and behaviors. They are experts in identifying patterns and motives.
  • The Puzzle Solver: Focusing on solving intricate puzzles and riddles, the Puzzle Solver can decipher cryptic clues, unlock hidden doors, and navigate through complex traps and mazes.
  • The Cyber Sleuth: In a modern or futuristic setting, the Cyber Sleuth can investigate digital mysteries, uncover online secrets, and track down cybercriminals using their knowledge of computer systems and hacking techniques.
  • The Mythologist: Skilled in uncovering the myths and legends of different cultures, the Mythologist can decipher ancient stories and folklore to extract hidden meanings and insights into the past.
  • The Conspiracy Theorist: Known for their ability to uncover hidden plots and conspiracies, the Conspiracy Theorist can connect seemingly unrelated events, reveal covert operations, and expose hidden agendas.
  • The Cartographer: Focusing on mapmaking and navigation, the Cartographer can create detailed maps, identify geographical features, and deduce the best routes for travel based on terrain and landmarks.
  • The Linguist: This version of the Cryptographer specializes in deciphering ancient languages and scripts. They can unlock the meanings of forgotten texts and inscriptions.
  • The Riddle Master: In a fantasy or mystical setting, the Riddle Master excels in solving magical riddles and enigmatic puzzles that guard valuable treasures or lead to hidden realms.
  • The Time Traveler: In a time-bending setting, the Time Traveler can uncover hidden clues and information by navigating different historical eras and unraveling the threads of time.
Specializations for Investigation
  1. Crime Scene Analysis: Examining a crime scene to gather and interpret evidence.
  2. Forensic Pathology: Determining cause of death or injury through examination of wounds or conditions.
  3. Puzzle Solving: Ability to solve complex puzzles or riddles.
  4. Trap Detection: Identifying and understanding mechanical or magical traps.
  5. Document Analysis: Scrutinizing documents for authenticity, hidden messages, or clues.
  6. Cyber Investigation: Tracing digital footprints and analyzing electronic data.
  7. Archaeological Assessment: Investigating ancient sites or artifacts for historical clues.
  8. Tactical Analysis: Evaluating situations or locations for strategic advantages or weaknesses.
  9. Geological Survey: Investigating the composition and structure of rock formations or terrain.
  10. Chemical Analysis: Identifying substances through chemical testing.
  11. Behavioral Profiling: Understanding patterns of behavior to predict future actions.
  12. Asset Recovery: Locating stolen or hidden items.
  13. Urban Exploration: Skillfully navigating and investigating urban environments for information.
  14. Cryptography: Decoding encrypted messages or ciphers.
  15. Contraband Identification: Recognizing illegal or restricted items.
  16. Forgery Detection: Identifying fake or altered objects and documents.
  17. Social Engineering: Gathering information through manipulation or persuasion.
  18. Astronomical Analysis: Investigating celestial phenomena for patterns or anomalies.
  19. Ecological Study: Investigating natural environments to understand ecological relationships.
  20. Political Intrigue: Uncovering secrets or hidden agendas in political settings.
Table with Investigation skill and examples for each level of difficulty
Difficulty Investigation
Trivial Automatically noticing an open book on a desk in a well-lit room.
Simple Spotting a trail of muddy footprints leading to a nearby shed.
Easy Finding a hidden compartment in a drawer by noticing a slight irregularity in its design.
Routine Analyzing a set of fingerprints from a crime scene and matching them to a suspect in a database.
Average Determining the cause of a minor fire by examining burn patterns and evidence in a room.
Difficult Investigating a complex financial fraud case involving multiple suspects and intricate transactions.
Very Difficult Deciphering a highly encrypted and encoded message that requires specialized skills and tools.
Formidable Profiling a serial killer with an uncanny ability to leave no discernible patterns or evidence.
Heroic Solving an intricate and convoluted mystery that has stumped the best detectives for months.
Nearly Impossible Uncovering a secret criminal organization operating covertly and avoiding all detection for years.
Godly Discerning the ultimate mastermind behind a series of international heists who leaves no trace, no witnesses, and has a vast network of operatives at their disposal.

Mystical Aspects

Skepticism Characteristics

In the realm of Skepticism, you will encounter three distinct branches: Arcane, Gnostic, and Chaos.

As a practitioner of Arcane magic, you wield precise and structured spells, relying on the manipulation of mystical symbols and energies. Your skepticism keeps you grounded, approaching magic with a methodical and analytical mindset, seeking to understand its underlying principles and laws.

Moving on to Gnostic magic, you delve deep into esoteric knowledge and hidden truths. You see magic as a path to higher consciousness and self-discovery. Your skepticism here is a tool for discerning genuine wisdom from mere illusions, as you navigate the complexities of mystical realms, seeking illumination and personal growth.

Then comes Chaos magic, where skepticism takes a different turn. Rather than seeking well-defined systems, you embrace the unpredictable and chaotic nature of magic itself. You find power in the fluidity of belief and the ability to shift paradigms, drawing from various traditions and symbols without becoming tied to any one of them. Your skepticism becomes a weapon against dogma, allowing you to remain adaptable and open-minded.

Spells of the Skeptic

  • Arcane Dissection: Analyze and deconstruct complex magical spells or enchantments to understand their underlying mechanisms and weaknesses.
  • Gnostic Insight: Tap into your higher consciousness to gain profound insights into mystical truths and hidden knowledge.
  • Chaos Infusion: Harness the power of chaos to enhance unpredictability and adaptability in your spells, confounding opponents and destabilizing magical constructs.
  • Reality Distortion: Temporarily alter the perception of reality around you, creating illusions that challenge the senses and perceptions of others.
  • Skeptic’s Aura: Create a field of skeptical energy that weakens or nullifies the magical effects of others within its radius.
  • Precision Binding: Craft intricate magical barriers or bindings with precise geometrical symbols, making them more resilient and challenging to break.
  • Gnostic Resonance: Establish a psychic connection with other Gnostic practitioners, allowing for the exchange of knowledge and insights.
  • Chaos Merge: Temporarily blend multiple magical traditions or paradigms, combining their strengths into a potent and unpredictable fusion.
  • Analytical Recall: Enhance your memory and recall abilities, enabling you to store and access vast amounts of magical knowledge.
  • Skeptic’s Disguise: Conceal your magical presence from others, appearing as a non-magical individual to avoid detection or unwanted attention.
  • Elemental Deciphering: Analyze and understand the elemental composition of objects or magical phenomena, unraveling their intrinsic properties.
  • Gnostic Empathy: Develop a heightened understanding of others’ emotions and intentions, aiding in negotiations and detecting hidden agendas.
  • Chaos Confluence: Merge the energies of chaos into your spells, enhancing their versatility and adaptability on the fly.
  • Rational Shielding: Create magical barriers based on logical principles, making them more resistant to manipulation or exploitation.
  • Skeptic’s Rejection: Nullify the effects of illusions or deceptive magic, seeing through false appearances and revealing the truth.

As a Skepticism practitioner, your spells are fueled by intellectual curiosity, rationality, and the pursuit of understanding. These unique spells reflect your approach to magic, allowing you to question, analyze, and adapt your mystical abilities in unique and intriguing ways.

Arcane Knowledge Areas

They have no gods. They work magic, and think they are gods themselves. But they are not. And when they die, they (...) become dust and bone, and their ghosts whine on the wind a little while till the wind blows them away. They do not have immortal souls. -- Ursula K. Le Guin, The Tombs of Atuan

TODO: Fix this

In the realm of Arcane magic and mysticism, you become a master of invisible threads, bridging reality and imagination. As you journey deeper into this esoteric world, you unlock the secrets of the cosmos, wielding raw energies and shaping them into powerful manifestations. Incantations and spellcasting become your forte, as your words resonate with the universe, giving you the ability to reshape the world around you. Yet, this path demands precision and control, for the untamed forces you wield can easily turn against you. As you seek to master the Arcane, you must cultivate inner balance and mindfulness, attuning yourself to the interconnectedness of all things. Through encounters with fellow seekers and experienced mages, you gather wisdom, but the journey remains your own to chart. Ultimately, being an Arcane mage transcends mere power and knowledge. It is a journey of self-discovery and understanding, where you become a beacon of mystic wisdom and a guardian of the sacred secrets that shape existence itself.

Unique Arcane Magical Spells
  • Astral Projection: Project your consciousness into the astral plane, allowing you to traverse great distances and explore other realms. This spell grants you access to hidden knowledge and the ability to interact with spirits and entities beyond the physical realm.
  • Ethereal Veil: Conceal yourself and others in an ethereal shroud, rendering you nearly invisible to the naked eye and most forms of magical detection. This spell allows you to move undetected and avoid unwanted attention.
  • Arcane Symphony: Harness the harmonious energies of the cosmos to create a mesmerizing symphony of arcane power. This spell can awe and mesmerize those who hear it, potentially disrupting enemies or gathering allies to your cause.
  • Temporal Rupture: Temporarily disrupt the flow of time in a localized area, causing objects and individuals to move at different rates. This spell can slow down or speed up time, granting you a tactical advantage in combat or time-sensitive situations.
  • Soul Ephemera: Extract fragments of souls from living beings and spirits, which can be used as a source of power for other spells or stored for later use. This spell allows you to manipulate the essence of life itself.
  • Celestial Infusion: Draw upon the power of celestial bodies to infuse your spells with cosmic energy. This spell enhances your magical attacks, granting them the properties of stars, moons, or meteors.
  • Planar Binding: Open portals to other planes of existence and summon beings from different realms to aid you in your endeavors. This spell allows you to call upon extraplanar entities for assistance or knowledge.
  • Ethereal Ward: Create a protective barrier that shields against ethereal and magical attacks. This spell can repel or absorb mystical energies, providing a powerful defense against other spellcasters.
  • Arcane Threads: Manipulate the unseen threads of magic that connect all things, allowing you to influence events or alter probabilities subtly. This spell grants you a form of limited precognition and the ability to nudge fate in your favor.
  • Phantom Mirage: Conjure realistic illusions that can fool all senses, making objects or locations appear entirely different from reality. This spell can create deceptive environments or distract enemies during a battle.
Arcane Archetypes
Archetype Example Example Description Archetype Description
The Arcane Scholar Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter) Known for his extensive knowledge of magic and wisdom, Dumbledore serves as a mentor to Harry Potter. This archetype embodies a deep thirst for knowledge and understanding of the magical arts. The Arcane Scholar spends their life poring over ancient tomes, deciphering cryptic runes, and uncovering forgotten secrets of the cosmos. Their magical repertoire is vast, and they often serve as mentors or advisors to other characters seeking wisdom and guidance.
The Illusion Weaver Loki (Norse Mythology) A trickster god known for his illusions and shape-shifting abilities to deceive gods and mortals alike. The Illusion Weaver excels in the art of creating realistic and mind-bending illusions. They can deceive and manipulate the perceptions of others, making them appear invisible, or conjuring vivid phantoms and mirages. Their power lies in their ability to bend reality and sow confusion among their enemies.
The Elemental Mage Avatar Aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Known for mastering all four elements and using them to bring balance to the world. This archetype harnesses the primal forces of nature, wielding control over elements like fire, water, air, and earth. They can summon devastating storms, conjure fiery infernos, or manipulate the very ground beneath their feet. The Elemental Mage is a force to be reckoned with, commanding nature’s fury with a mere gesture.
The Astral Traveler Doctor Strange (Marvel Comics) Known for his ability to travel between different dimensions and manipulate the astral plane. This enigmatic archetype can transcend the physical plane and venture into the astral or spiritual realms. They have the ability to project their consciousness to explore distant places, communicate with spirits, or even traverse through time. The Astral Traveler often acts as a bridge between different dimensions, uncovering hidden truths and ancient mysteries.
The Soul Binder Sabrina Spellman (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina) Known for her ability to bind souls and communicate with spirits. The Soul Binder delves into the realm of souls and spirits, wielding powers to commune with the deceased or harnessing spectral energies in battle. They can bind souls to objects, summon ethereal allies, or even temporarily possess other beings. This archetype often grapples with moral dilemmas, as their powers touch upon the boundaries between life and death.
The Celestial Sorcerer Galadriel (Lord of the Rings) Known for her celestial powers, including a ring that holds a portion of the light of the Two Trees of Valinor. This archetype draws upon celestial bodies and cosmic energies. They can call upon the power of stars, moons, and constellations to empower their spells and augment their abilities. The Celestial Sorcerer is a beacon of mystical energy, with powers that seem almost divine.
The Time Weaver Hiro Nakamura (Heroes) Known for his ability to manipulate time, including stopping time and time travel. The Time Weaver has the ability to manipulate time itself. They can slow down, speed up, or even rewind time in localized areas. This mastery over time grants them a unique advantage in both combat and problem-solving scenarios.
The Planar Gatekeeper John Constantine (DC Comics) Known for his ability to travel between realms and summon creatures from different planes. The Planar Gatekeeper can open portals to other realms, allowing them to summon creatures from different planes of existence or travel vast distances in an instant. Their command over planar energies makes them formidable and unpredictable foes.

These Arcane Caster archetypes bring a sense of wonder and mystique to fictional worlds, as they explore the depths of arcane knowledge and wield powers that transcend the ordinary boundaries of reality. Their unique abilities and intricate backgrounds make them fascinating characters to encounter in any storytelling setting.

Difficulty Arcane
Trivial Perform a basic levitation spell on a small object.
Simple Cast a protective shield around oneself to deflect minor projectiles.
Easy Create an illusion of a small creature or object to distract or confuse an enemy.
Routine Enchant a weapon to enhance its striking power for a limited duration.
Average Teleport to a known location within a short distance.
Difficult Summon and control an elemental being for a short period of time.
Very Difficult Manipulate the weather in a localized area, creating a storm or calming turbulent winds.
Formidable Create a pocket dimension that can temporarily house multiple individuals and objects.
Heroic Time manipulation on a small scale, allowing the caster to briefly glimpse or interact with the past or future.
Nearly Impossible Unleash a devastating spell that calls forth a catastrophic celestial event, reshaping the landscape and altering the course of nature itself.
Godly Open a portal to an alternate reality or dimension, allowing passage between worlds and access to unimaginable powers and knowledge.

Please note that the difficulty ratings provided in the table are relative and can vary depending on the specific system or setting in which the magical practice is being used.

Gnosis Knowledge Areas

Faith is for sissies who daren't go and look for themselves. That’s my basic position. Magic is based upon gnosis. Direct knowledge. -- Alan Moore

As you delve into the realm of Gnostic magic and mysticism, you embrace a path that transcends conventional beliefs. Gnosticism encourages you to seek direct, personal knowledge of the divine through inner revelation and insight. It is a journey of self-awareness, where you come to know yourself deeply, empowering you to connect with the divine spark within and liberate yourself from the illusions of the material world.

In this mystical tradition, you encounter the idea of the Demiurge, an imperfect creator deity, and learn to view the material world as a flawed creation, seeking escape to return to your divine origins. Along the way, you must navigate through challenges posed by archons, malevolent entities that attempt to hinder your spiritual progress. Yet armed with gnosis, you can overcome these obstacles and grow stronger in your connection to the divine source.

Throughout your quest, you encounter potent symbols like the Ouroboros and the Tree of Life, aiding in contemplation and meditation, guiding you towards a deeper understanding of the universe and your place in it. As you embrace this inward journey, shedding illusions and gaining profound insights, you experience a transformation that awakens the spiritual dimensions of reality within you. The Gnostic path leads you to discover the oneness that unites all beings, fostering a profound and enlightening experience of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Unique Gnostic Magical Spells
  • Gnosis Revelation: Through deep meditation and introspection, you can gain direct knowledge of hidden truths and the divine. This spell allows you to receive profound insights and visions, revealing hidden aspects of reality or unraveling mysteries.
  • Archon Banishment: Drawing upon your understanding of malevolent entities, you can cast a spell to banish archons and dark forces that seek to hinder spiritual growth. This spell can protect you and others from their negative influence.
  • Sophia’s Guidance: Channeling the wisdom of the Divine Feminine, this spell allows you to receive guidance and intuition when facing difficult decisions or challenges on your path.
  • Demiurge’s Illusion: By manipulating the illusions of the material world, you can create distractions or temporary alterations to the perception of others. This spell might be useful for misdirection or protection.
  • Ouroboros’ Renewal: Utilizing the symbolism of the eternal cycle, this spell grants you the ability to rejuvenate yourself or others, healing wounds and restoring vitality.
  • Aeonic Alignment: Through ritual and meditation, you can align yourself with the cosmic forces of the aeons, gaining access to their power and protection.
  • Tree of Life Manifestation: Drawing upon the interconnectedness of all existence, this spell allows you to establish a telepathic link with others or project your thoughts across great distances.
  • Sacred Names Enchantment: By invoking the names of powerful divine beings, you can imbue objects with special properties or create charms for protection and luck.
  • Divine Spark Ignition: This spell awakens the dormant divine spark within others, triggering their spiritual awakening and the pursuit of gnosis.
  • Gnostic Shield: Using your knowledge of higher truths, you can create a protective shield that repels negative energies and safeguards against psychic attacks.
  • Emanation of Light: Channeling the divine light, you can emit a radiant glow that dispels darkness and fills the surroundings with spiritual clarity.
  • Liberation’s Embrace: This spell grants a momentary experience of transcendence, allowing you or others to briefly escape the limitations of the material world and experience the oneness of all things.

These spells reflect the unique and profound nature of your magical abilities, inspired by the Gnostic traditions’ spiritual insights and themes. Each spell involves a deep connection to the divine and the pursuit of higher knowledge, empowering you to navigate the complexities of the spiritual realm and bring about positive transformations in the world around you.

Gnostic Archtypes
Archetype Example Example Description Archetype Description
The Seeker Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) Embarked on a quest for enlightenment, ultimately achieving it and teaching others the path. This hero type represents the quintessential Gnostic protagonist - a curious and introspective individual driven by a deep thirst for spiritual understanding. The Seeker embarks on a journey of self-discovery, seeking hidden truths and direct knowledge of the divine. Throughout their quest, they encounter challenges that mirror the struggle to escape the illusions of the material world and find unity with the transcendent source.
The Savior Neo (The Matrix) Liberates humanity from the Matrix, a simulated reality created to keep human minds enslaved. The Gnostic Savior is a heroic figure destined to liberate humanity from the clutches of the Demiurge or oppressive forces that keep souls trapped in the material realm. This hero embodies divine knowledge and serves as a beacon of hope, leading others towards gnosis and salvation. Their actions may involve confronting the Demiurge or the archons to awaken humanity to its true spiritual nature.
The Rebel Prometheus (Greek Mythology) Stole fire from the gods to give to humanity, challenging the established order of the gods. The Rebel hero type challenges the established order and questions the authorities and institutions that perpetuate ignorance and falsehoods. This character embodies the Gnostic disdain for the material world’s limitations and fights against oppressive systems, seeking to liberate others from the ignorance that binds them.
The Martyr Joan of Arc (History) Led the French army to victory but was captured and burned at the stake, becoming a symbol of resistance and faith. This hero willingly sacrifices themselves for the greater good, embodying the Gnostic belief in transcending the material world through a higher form of existence. The Martyr hero type demonstrates an unwavering commitment to truth and spiritual liberation, even in the face of persecution or death.
The Chosen One Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars) Foretold to bring balance to the Force, struggles with his identity before ultimately fulfilling his destiny. This hero is foretold to possess a special connection to divine knowledge or a unique destiny. The Chosen One often struggles with their identity and purpose, but as they embrace their role, they become instrumental in guiding others towards gnosis and freedom from the material world’s constraints.
The Redeemer Aslan (Narnia) Sacrifices himself to save Edmund, later resurrects, guiding and aiding the children in their quest. The Redeemer hero type works to save others from their own inner darkness and ignorance. They help others awaken to their true spiritual nature, offering guidance and support in their individual quests for self-discovery and enlightenment.

Here’s a table describing tasks someone from the Gnostic magical practice might do for each difficulty level:

Difficulty Gnostic
Trivial Basic meditation or reciting simple mantras effortlessly.
Simple Identifying basic archon influences in someone’s aura or sensing the flow of cosmic energies in a specific area.
Easy Performing a ritual to invoke the guidance of the Divine Feminine or creating a protective charm to ward off negative energies.
Routine Deciphering complex esoteric texts or performing advanced meditation techniques to access higher states of consciousness.
Average Successfully conducting a ceremony to honor the divine aeons or creating a unique symbol to represent the cycle of birth and rebirth.
Difficult Banishing powerful archons from a person’s energy field or conducting a ritual to commune with the divine source directly. These tasks require both skill and some luck to accomplish.
Very Difficult Navigating the astral realms to retrieve hidden esoteric knowledge or attempting to heal someone with deeply ingrained spiritual blockages.
Formidable Confronting powerful entities in the astral plane or breaking through the illusions of the Demiurge to experience divine truths firsthand. Only the true masters of Gnostic magic can perform feats at this level.
Heroic Unraveling the deepest mysteries of the universe or liberating a group of souls trapped by archonic forces. Only the most renowned practitioners can even attempt such tasks.
Nearly Impossible Transcending the material world entirely or unraveling the secrets of the Demiurge’s creation to rewrite the cosmic order. These acts shape the course of history.
Godly Reshaping reality itself or merging with the cosmic source to become one with the divine. They are the epitome of Gnostic magical power, beyond the comprehension of ordinary beings.

Chaos Knowledge Areas

Magick is a doorway through which we step into mystery, wildness, and immanence. -- Phil Hine

In the enticing realm of Chaos magic, you find yourself captivated by the unpredictable and interconnected nature of the universe. Embracing chaos as a source of power, you break free from traditional boundaries and forge your own path, guided by intuition and instinct. Chaos magic encourages you to transcend limitations, blending symbols, deities, and techniques from various traditions to create a personalized system that resonates with your soul.

As you delve deeper into Chaos mysticism, you discover the art of sigilization—an empowering technique where you create symbols representing your desires and charge them with focused will and energy. By letting go of attachment to specific outcomes, you gain the ability to adapt and thrive amidst uncertainty. Laughter and playfulness become integral aspects of your practice, breaking patterns of seriousness and fostering profound transformations.

In the realm of Chaos magic, paradoxes and contradictions hold beauty and harmony. You understand that chaos and order, creation and destruction, are not opposing forces but essential parts of the cosmic dance. Embracing the unknown becomes a source of strength as you navigate the ever-changing currents of existence. You become the weaver of possibilities, the dancer of chaos, and the shaper of your own reality. Through this transformative journey, you experience the profound joy of exploring the boundless realms of consciousness.

Unique Chaos Magical Spells
  • Flux Bolt: A chaotic projectile that manifests in various forms with each casting. It could be a fiery bolt, an icy shard, or a lightning strike, depending on the current state of the chaotic energies.
  • Reality Ripple: This spell causes ripples in the fabric of reality, distorting the perception of time and space in the area, creating confusion and disorientation among enemies.
  • Shifting Shadows: Manipulate shadows to create illusory forms or to merge with them, granting temporary invisibility or the ability to move through walls and obstacles.
  • Chaotic Fusion: Merge multiple elements or energies into a swirling vortex, releasing a devastating blast of combined power, the result of which is never the same twice.
  • Paradoxical Mirror: Create a mirror that reflects the intentions of attackers back upon themselves, causing them to experience the effects of their own spells or attacks.
  • Sigil of Serendipity: Draw a powerful sigil that brings good fortune and unexpected opportunities to the caster and their allies, turning potential misfortune into advantageous outcomes.
  • Humorous Hex: Cast a spell that causes uncontrollable fits of laughter in the target, incapacitating them with mirth and reducing their ability to focus or take actions.
  • Chaos Labyrinth: Summon an ever-changing maze filled with illusions and challenges. The maze shifts and reshapes continuously, making it difficult for intruders to find their way through.
  • Quantum Blink: Perform short-range teleportation, but the destination is randomly determined, making it a daring and unpredictable escape or attack maneuver.
  • Reality Whirlpool: Summon a swirling vortex of chaotic energies that disrupts magical spells and causes disturbances in the surrounding environment.
  • Ephemeral Euphony: Create a harmonious melody or dissonant cacophony, imbued with chaotic energy. The sound can either heal or induce confusion and madness in those who hear it.
  • Serendipitous Surge: Channel a surge of magical energy that grants temporary enhancements to the caster’s abilities, but the specific enhancements vary with each casting.

Remember, these spells reflect the unpredictable and ever-changing nature of Chaos magic. Each time they are cast, their effects might differ slightly, adding an element of surprise and wonder to the practitioner’s magical repertoire.

Chaos Archtypes
Archetype Example Example Description Archetype Description
The Trickster Loki (Norse Mythology) A god known for his cunning, deceit, and mischief, often challenging the gods and manipulating events. This archetype is mischievous, unpredictable, and thrives on playing tricks and bending reality. They embody the essence of Chaos, using their unpredictable nature to challenge authority, disrupt order, and bring about unexpected change.
The Shapeshifter Mystique (X-Men) A mutant who can change her appearance at will, adapting to various situations. Drawing upon the ever-changing nature of Chaos, this character can transform their appearance, abilities, and even identity at will. They navigate through life as a chameleon, adapting to different situations and embracing the flux of existence.
The Wild Sorcerer Howl (Howl’s Moving Castle) A wizard whose spells are powerful but often have unpredictable outcomes. This character is a conduit of raw magical power, with spells and abilities that are never the same twice. Their magic is untamed, with unpredictable consequences, making them both a force to be reckoned with and a potential source of chaos in any story.
The Symbolic Weaver John Constantine (Hellblazer) A magician who uses sigils and symbols to manipulate reality and achieve his goals. Representing the sigilization aspect of Chaos magic, this character can manipulate symbols and beliefs to manifest their desires. They draw power from the interconnected web of reality and can reshape the world through their understanding of the underlying symbolism.
The Paradox Embracer Zhuangzi (Taoism) A Taoist philosopher who embraced paradoxes and contradictions, teaching the unity within opposites. This archetype navigates the complexities of existence with ease, embracing contradictory aspects of life and harmonizing opposites. They possess wisdom beyond conventional understanding, seeing unity within chaos and finding balance in apparent discord.
The Reality Bender Neo (The Matrix) A character who can bend the rules of the Matrix, altering reality within the simulated world. These characters can bend and warp reality itself, making the impossible possible. Their mastery of Chaos magic allows them to alter the fabric of existence, defying conventional laws and creating awe-inspiring feats of magic.
The Intuitive Instigator Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean) Relies on instinct and intuition to navigate complex situations, often causing and resolving chaos. This character relies on instinct and intuition, channeling the chaotic flow of the universe to make impactful decisions and drive change. They have a natural talent for reading the currents of fate and influencing events in subtle yet profound ways.
The Unconventional Hero V (V for Vendetta) A masked vigilante who uses unconventional methods to fight against a totalitarian regime. Often an antihero, this archetype embraces the unconventional and unorthodox methods to confront challenges. They reject traditional norms and expectations, using Chaos magic to forge their path and challenge the status quo.
The Laughing Mystic Alan Watts (Real Life) A philosopher who used humor to convey complex spiritual and existential ideas. This character finds spiritual enlightenment through humor and laughter, recognizing the absurdity of existence and embracing the transformative power of joy. They use laughter as a magical tool, breaking down barriers and revealing hidden truths.

Here’s a table describing tasks someone from the Choas magical practice might do for each difficulty level:

Difficulty Description
Trivial Manifesting simple, harmless illusions or generating a brief, fleeting burst of elemental energy that has no significant impact on the environment. Chaos practitioners effortlessly conjure minor, temporary phenomena as a natural extension of their connection to the ever-changing flow of reality.
Simple Causing random objects to dance or levitate chaotically for a short period or creating colorful sparks and flashes with a wave of their hand. Chaos magicians rely on a bit of luck and intuition to execute these low-level feats, embracing the whimsical and unpredictable results.
Easy Shaping the weather within a limited area, causing gusts of wind or showers of rain. Chaos practitioners tap into the chaotic forces of nature, harnessing them with a minimum level of competence to perform these weather-altering tricks.
Routine Infusing objects with momentary life, giving a toy the appearance of moving on its own or causing a painting to shift its imagery subtly. Chaos magicians, with their natural aptitude, can easily accomplish these animated displays as part of their regular magical practice.
Average Creating temporary portals between nearby locations or altering the colors and patterns of their clothing at will. Chaos practitioners, with exposure to their magical skills, achieve these more intricate feats, showcasing their inherent talent and honed abilities.
Difficult Summoning and conversing with minor chaotic spirits or entities, requiring some specialized training and skill to bridge the gap between worlds. Chaos magicians demonstrate their expertise in handling unpredictable entities and channeling their energies through practice.
Very Difficult Merging their consciousness temporarily with the swirling chaos of the universe, gaining glimpses of possible future events or past occurrences. Chaos practitioners attempt to navigate the turbulent tides of fate, relying on specialized training to interpret the visions they receive.
Formidable Creating a chaotic field that disrupts the laws of probability, making it difficult for opponents to predict movements or outcomes during a battle. Chaos magicians exhibit their exceptional talents by bending chance to their advantage with this potent and formidable spell.
Heroic Taming and commanding a powerful chaos beast or entity, something that even the most skilled individuals would struggle to control. Chaos practitioners, the true masters of their art, undertake this once-in-a-lifetime feat with assistance, leaving a legacy of legendary tales behind.
Nearly Impossible Weaving a tapestry of chaotic energy that temporarily reshapes reality within a limited area, creating a surreal and mesmerizing dreamscape. Chaos magicians perform this epic feat, leaving an unforgettable mark in history books as the named masters of their magical craft.
Godly Infusing themselves with the pure essence of Chaos, transforming into a semi-divine avatar of unpredictability, capable of altering the very fabric of existence on a cosmic scale. Chaos practitioners, virtually demigods in their abilities, achieve this godly status with exceptional talent and assistance.

Faith Characteristics

You will find that the domain of Faith is divided into three branches of exploration: Theurgy, Physical Adapt, and Order.

Embracing Theurgy, you place your faith in divine beings and higher powers. You find strength in rituals, invocations, and prayers, channeling the energy of the divine to shape reality. Your faith enables you to connect with cosmic forces and tap into spiritual realms, seeking blessings and divine intervention.

On the other hand, Physical Adaptation relies on your faith in the body’s inherent connection to magic. Through disciplined training and honed skills, you adapt yourself to magical energies, becoming a conduit for their manifestation. Your faith in the body’s resilience and adaptability fuels your magical prowess, blurring the lines between physical and mystical abilities.

In the realm of Order, your faith lies in structured systems and cosmic balance. You believe in the harmony and equilibrium of the universe, and through precise rituals and adherence to cosmic laws, you seek to maintain that order. Your faith grants you the ability to wield powerful forces, maintaining stability and influencing the natural flow of events.

Spells Unique to Faith

  • Divine Blessing: Channel the power of celestial beings to bestow blessings upon yourself or others, enhancing abilities and providing protection.
  • Ancestral Guidance: Commune with your ancestors’ spirits, seeking guidance and wisdom from the past.
  • Mystic Convocation: Conduct elaborate rituals to gather divine energies, empowering you and those around you with enhanced magical abilities.
  • Nature’s Call: Invoke the spirits of nature to aid in healing, restoration, and nurturing of the environment.
  • Cosmic Balance: Align the cosmic forces to restore harmony and equilibrium in any situation or location.
  • Celestial Shield: Create a protective barrier infused with divine energy, guarding against malevolent forces and harmful magic.
  • Sacred Oath: Form a sacred pact with a higher power, granting you temporary access to specific divine abilities or insights.
  • Cleansing Purge: Cleanse a person or place from malevolent energies or curses, restoring purity and balance.
  • Guiding Light: Summon a radiant aura that illuminates the path ahead, guiding you and your allies through darkness or confusion.
  • Empathic Aura: Project an empathic aura to soothe emotions, promote understanding, and foster unity among individuals.
  • Spiritual Resonance: Harmonize with the spiritual essence of living beings, allowing you to understand their emotions and intentions.
  • Karmic Justice: Invoke the principle of karma to bring balance and justice to a situation, causing the repercussions of actions to unfold accordingly.
  • Astral Projection: Project your consciousness into the astral plane, exploring distant realms or communicating with celestial entities.
  • Divine Intervention: Call upon higher powers in times of dire need, allowing them to intervene and alter the course of events.
  • Harmony’s Embrace: Generate a tranquil aura that pacifies conflicts and fosters cooperation among individuals or groups.

These spells draw upon your unwavering faith and connection to higher forces, granting you unique abilities that set you apart from other magical backgrounds. As a practitioner of Faith magic, you wield divine energies to bring healing, protection, guidance, and balance to the world around you.

Theurgy Knowledge Areas

A prophet is not without honor except in his own country, among his own relatives, and in his own house. -- Yeshua bar Joseph

In your pursuit of Theurgy, a mystical branch of magic, you embark on a profound journey of spiritual exploration and divine connection. Theurgy leads you to seek guidance from sacred texts and esoteric teachings, encouraging you to delve into your consciousness and awaken latent powers within. Through intricate rituals and practices, you sense the presence of unseen forces and learn that Theurgy is not mere trickery, but a sacred art requiring sincerity and devotion.

As you progress, you confront your ego and strive for inner purity, understanding that to commune with the divine, you must embody virtues like compassion and wisdom. Theurgy reveals the interconnectedness of all things, inspiring you to see the sacred in the ordinary and the harmony in nature and the cosmos. This newfound awareness fills you with awe and reverence for the world.

Your magical journey becomes an expression of your soul, a reflection of your yearnings for unity with the divine. Theurgy is not about gaining power but about living in harmony with the cosmic order, acting as a channel for divine grace, and embodying wisdom and love in your life. As you continue to embrace Theurgy, it becomes a lifelong pursuit, enriching every aspect of your existence and deepening your connection to the mysteries of the heart.

Unique Theurgy Magical Spells
  • Celestial Communion: This spell allows the caster to establish a direct communication link with a celestial entity or a deity, seeking guidance, wisdom, or divine blessings. The caster must demonstrate profound respect and sincerity to establish and maintain this connection.
  • Arcane Equilibrium: This spell enables the Theurgist to restore balance to a chaotic situation. It can pacify raging storms, quell violent conflicts, or stabilize unruly magical energies, aligning them with the cosmic order.
  • Veil of Sanctity: The caster weaves a protective shield of divine energy that shields an area or individual from malevolent forces and dark influences. This veil repels negative entities and grants temporary immunity to harmful magical effects.
  • Healing Resonance: The Theurgic Healer channels celestial energies to accelerate the natural healing processes within a person, mending wounds and curing ailments beyond ordinary means. This spell also offers solace and peace to the afflicted.
  • Symbol of Truth: This spell imbues a sacred symbol or sigil with divine truth, revealing hidden secrets, illusions, and deceit. The symbol’s presence can expose lies and dispel illusions, making it a potent tool for discovering the truth.
  • Transcendent Empowerment: The Ascendant Seeker can tap into their inner spiritual potential to temporarily enhance their magical abilities, granting them a surge of power and insight for a short duration.
  • Astral Projection: The Theurgy practitioner can send their consciousness beyond the physical realm, exploring other planes of existence, and communicating with celestial beings or ancestral spirits.
  • Timeless Illumination: By invoking ancient cosmic wisdom, the Arcane Scholar gains profound insights into mysteries of the universe or forgotten lore. This spell can unlock forgotten knowledge and reveal the true nature of artifacts or ancient writings.
  • Divine Aura: The Sacred Guardian envelops themselves or others in a luminous aura that wards off dark entities and provides protection against malevolent magical attacks.
  • Harmonious Resonance: This spell enables the Theurgist to resonate with the natural rhythm of the cosmos, gaining heightened intuition and foresight, allowing them to make informed decisions and navigate challenges with clarity.
Theurgy Archtypes

Certainly, here’s the table with examples for each Theurgy archetype, along with their descriptions and example descriptions:

Archetype Example Example Description Archetype Description
The Prophet Moses (Biblical) Led the Israelites out of Egypt and received the Ten Commandments from God. This archetype is a master of Theurgy, possessing the ability to connect with higher beings or deities to channel their powers and wisdom. They serve as intermediaries between the mortal world and the divine realms, acting as vessels for divine energy and guidance. The Prophet often grapples with the weight of this responsibility, as they must maintain their inner purity and moral integrity to commune with the divine successfully.
The Mystic Merlin (Arthurian Legend) A wise and enigmatic wizard who guided King Arthur and imparted profound teachings. This character is deeply steeped in the knowledge and philosophy of Theurgy, understanding the intricate symbols, rituals, and cosmic forces. The Mystic is a wise and enigmatic figure who imparts profound teachings and insights to others. They may guide heroes on their quests, decipher cryptic prophecies, and uncover hidden truths that shape the course of the story.
The Paladin Joan of Arc (Historical) A young woman who claimed divine guidance and led the French army to several important victories. This archetype embodies the protective aspect of Theurgy. They are skilled in using magical rituals to create wards, shields, and barriers that safeguard people and places from malevolent forces. The Paladin often dedicates themselves to defending sacred sites, temples, or ancient artifacts that hold immense power.
The Healer Asclepius (Greek Mythology) A god of medicine and healing, known for his exceptional abilities to cure ailments. This character possesses exceptional healing abilities, drawing on Theurgy to mend wounds, cure ailments, and restore vitality. The Healer is compassionate and altruistic, using their powers to aid others and alleviate suffering. Their presence in a story can add a sense of hope and renewal, especially in times of adversity.
The Scholar Thoth (Egyptian Mythology) A god of wisdom, writing, and magic, credited with the creation of sacred texts. This archetype represents a character who tirelessly studies the ancient texts and mystical arts of Theurgy. They may be motivated by a thirst for knowledge, seeking to unlock the secrets of the universe or to unravel the mysteries of long-forgotten civilizations. The Scholar’s expertise can be a valuable resource for protagonists seeking to understand or counter magical threats.
The Judge Ma’at (Egyptian Mythology) A goddess of truth, justice, and balance, who weighed the souls of the dead against a feather. This character is devoted to preserving the balance between opposing cosmic forces, recognizing that Theurgy’s power can disrupt the harmony of the universe if misused. They may be tasked with preventing the rise of dark entities or restoring equilibrium when chaos threatens to overwhelm the world.
The Pilgrim Dante Alighieri (Fictional from “The Divine Comedy”) The character Dante embarks on a spiritual journey through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven to find God and gain spiritual enlightenment. This archetype embarks on a personal journey of spiritual transformation through Theurgy. They strive to elevate their consciousness, ascend to higher planes of existence, and transcend the limitations of the mortal realm. The Pilgrim’s quest for enlightenment can lead to profound revelations and pivotal moments in the story.

These unique Theurgy spells showcase the character’s special connection to the divine and their ability to harness celestial energies for various purposes. Each spell reflects the deeper themes of spiritual growth, cosmic balance, and the quest for enlightenment that are inherent in Theurgy.

Difficulty Theurgy
Trivial Casting a simple protective charm on oneself or others.
Simple Using Theurgy to heal minor injuries or illnesses.
Easy Communing with a minor celestial being for guidance on a mundane matter.
Routine Creating a temporary ward to protect a small area from malevolent spirits.
Average Successfully invoking a sacred symbol to reveal hidden truths or break illusions.
Difficult Channeling the power of a celestial entity to dispel a powerful curse from a person or place.
Very Difficult Establishing a communication link with a deity to request their direct intervention in a major crisis or conflict.
Formidable Crafting a potent artifact infused with celestial energy to aid in a significant quest or battle.
Heroic Merging the powers of multiple Theurgy practitioners to perform a grand ritual that alters the course of a war or prevents a catastrophe on a global scale.
Nearly Impossible Ascending to a higher plane of existence temporarily to gain profound insights and wisdom from celestial beings.
Godly Collaborating with a council of deities and celestial forces to reshape the fundamental fabric of the universe, altering the laws of nature itself. This feat would be considered a turning point in the history of creation, involving tremendous sacrifice and an unparalleled level of mastery over Theurgy. Only a character with demigod-like abilities or the direct blessing of divinity could attempt such a task.

Adept Knowledge Areas

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve. -- Napoleon Hill

You awaken your inner essence, becoming an Adept, a master of magic and mysticism. Your body and mind harmoniously blend, allowing you to perform superhuman feats through the manipulation of vital energy within your body known as “Chi” or “Qi.” This connection between mind and muscle enables you to push your physical limits and perceive the world differently, spotting subtle energies invisible to others.

As an Adept, you discover your role as a conduit for the universal energy flowing through all living things. Through meditation and focus, you can heal, protect, and unleash powerful forces upon your foes. However, you understand that true mastery lies in finding balance between the physical and spiritual aspects of yourself. Embracing inner harmony and discipline allows you to connect with the deeper currents of the universe, becoming one with the essence of the world.

Your journey as an Adept is one of self-discovery and self-mastery. By continuously pushing your own boundaries and aligning with the greater forces at play, you embrace the wisdom of ages and become a guardian of balance. Let the quest to unlock your full magical potential guide you as you walk this path, always remembering that true power lies not in domination but in alignment with the greater mysteries of existence.

Unique Adept Magical Spells
  • Chi-Enhanced Strike: Infuse your physical attacks with raw mystical energy, allowing your strikes to carry an extra punch. Your blows become charged with Chi, granting them the ability to bypass certain defenses or even disrupt magical barriers.
  • Ethereal Step: Temporarily phase out of the physical plane, becoming intangible for a short period. This spell grants you the ability to avoid physical attacks, pass through obstacles, or move swiftly through difficult terrain.
  • Vital Energy Channeling: Harness the life force within your body to heal wounds and rejuvenate yourself or others. By channeling your Chi into others, you can aid in their recovery from injuries or illnesses.
  • Elemental Fusion: Merge your mastery of physicality with the elements. Combine your attacks with elemental forces like fire, ice, or lightning to unleash devastating strikes that leave a lasting impact on your opponents.
  • Nature’s Embrace: Form an empathic connection with the natural world, allowing you to communicate with animals and plants. This spell grants you insights into the environment, helping you navigate and gather valuable information.
  • Mystic Resilience: Temporarily fortify your body with mystical energy, granting you enhanced resilience and endurance. This spell can make you temporarily resistant to physical harm or the effects of other magical spells.
  • Flowing Harmony: Enter a state of perfect balance and harmony, where your physical and mystical energies synchronize seamlessly. In this state, your movements become graceful, and you can effortlessly evade attacks or perform complex maneuvers.
  • Shadow Blend: Merge with the shadows, becoming nearly invisible in dim light or darkness. This spell allows you to move stealthily and remain undetected by most forms of visual detection.
  • Energy Infusion: Imbue weapons or objects with your Chi, enhancing their properties. You can turn a simple weapon into a powerful magical tool or temporarily empower objects for specific purposes.
  • Elemental Transmutation: Convert one element into another by manipulating its atomic structure. This unique spell allows you to transform elements, providing diverse tactical options in various situations.
Adept Archtypes
Archetype Example Example Description Archetype Description
The Martial Mystic Aang from “Avatar: The Last Airbender” Aang is a master of all four elements and uses his spiritual connection to enhance his physical abilities. He often relies on his disciplined mind and inner energy to outmaneuver opponents. This archetype embodies the perfect fusion of physical prowess and mystical powers. They are formidable warriors who can channel their inner energy to enhance their combat abilities significantly.
Nature’s Guardian Radagast (Fiction - “The Hobbit”) Radagast the Brown is a wizard in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth who has a deep connection with animals and plants. He uses his powers to protect nature and its creatures. These Adepts draw their magical powers from the natural world, becoming protectors of the environment and its inhabitants. They can communicate with animals, manipulate plant life, and control the elements to safeguard the balance of nature.
The Healer Warrior Tsunade from “Naruto” Tsunade is a ninja and one of the legendary Sannin. She uses her chakra (akin to Chi) to perform medical ninjutsu, healing herself and others during battle. This archetype is the epitome of balance and compassion. They possess extraordinary healing abilities, using their skills to mend wounds and cure ailments. When faced with conflict, they are formidable combatants, but their primary goal is always to protect and preserve life.
The Wandering Sage Jiraiya from “Naruto” Jiraiya is a wise and powerful ninja who roams the world seeking knowledge and enlightenment. He serves as a mentor to Naruto and others, guiding them on their quests. This archetype is a wise and mysterious figure who roams the world, seeking enlightenment. They have a deep understanding of the mystical arts and often serve as mentors to other characters on their journeys. Their physical abilities and prowess are a testament to their years of training and self-discovery.
The Hidden Assassin Ezio Auditore (Fiction - “Assassin’s Creed”) Ezio Auditore is a master assassin who blends physical agility with various tools and techniques. He operates in the shadows and strikes with deadly precision. This archetype operates in the shadows, blending martial prowess with magical abilities to become a deadly force. They may possess powers of invisibility, heightened agility, and the ability to strike with deadly precision. These characters are often mysterious and enigmatic, using their skills to achieve their objectives without leaving a trace.

Remember that as a Physical Adept, your spells revolve around maintaining harmony and balance between the physical and mystical aspects of yourself. Each spell reflects your connection to the world and your unique ability to blend magic and martial prowess seamlessly.

Difficulty Adept
Trivial Channeling your Chi to perform a simple physical feat that requires little effort, such as breaking a thin wooden board or catching a light object in mid-air.
Simple Using your mystical agility and reflexes, attempt to dodge a single incoming projectile or perform a series of acrobatic maneuvers to navigate through an obstacle course.
Easy Infusing your weapon with elemental energy to enhance its striking power, allowing you to cut through soft materials like cloth or vines with ease.
Routine Healing minor wounds or alleviating physical fatigue for yourself or an ally by channeling your life force into their body to promote natural healing.
Average Utilizing your knowledge of nature and mystical intuition, communicate with a friendly animal and request their assistance in a simple task, such as fetching an item or scouting an area.
Difficult Using your advanced combat training and mystical energy, attempt to overpower a skilled opponent in hand-to-hand combat, taking advantage of their weaknesses while maintaining your own defense.
Very Difficult Manipulating the elements on a grand scale, create a powerful barrier to shield a group of allies from a devastating magical attack or natural disaster.
Formidable Mastering the art of invisibility and illusion, create an entire illusory environment to confound and mislead a group of adversaries, making it seem like you and your allies have vanished or multiplied.
Heroic Performing a feat of physical and mystical prowess that pushes the boundaries of what is humanly possible, like evading a hail of projectiles while simultaneously launching a series of devastating elemental attacks.
Nearly Impossible Channeling the full extent of your Chi and mystical potential, create a massive barrier to protect an entire city from a catastrophic event, like an erupting volcano or a meteor shower, while maintaining its integrity for an extended period.
Godly Merging your physical and mystical form into a colossal ethereal avatar, capable of single-handedly fending off an army of foes or reshaping the terrain around you. This transcendent form is temporary, requiring immense focus and harmonization with the universe.

As a Physical Adept, you are the embodiment of physical mastery and mystical insight, capable of achieving extraordinary feats that blur the line between reality and mysticism. Each task you undertake showcases your unique connection to the physical and mystical worlds, highlighting your ability to harmonize these two aspects of yourself to achieve greatness.

Order Knowledge Areas

For magic and applied science alike the problem is how to subdue reality to the wishes of men: the solution is a technique; and both, in the practice of this technique, are ready to do things hitherto regarded as disgusting and impious. CS Lewis - The Abolitionn of Man

In the realm of Order, you immerse yourself in a world of structured and organized magic. Your approach is methodical and disciplined, grounded in logic and reason. Every aspect of your practice, from rituals to components, is meticulously designed and purposeful. You find strength and control in the precise execution of your spells.

With mastery over the forces of nature, you manipulate energies to bring about specific outcomes. Whether it’s crafting protective wards, commanding elemental forces, or unraveling ancient texts, you approach each task with intellect and unwavering focus. Your spells are reliable and potent, a testament to your dedication to precision.

While the pursuit of order offers great power, it also presents challenges. Adhering strictly to structure may limit your adaptability in unexpected situations. It’s important to find a balance between order and flexibility, embracing spontaneity when needed. Collaborating with like-minded practitioners enhances your abilities and expands your understanding of the arcane arts.

Overall, your journey in the Order branch of magic is one of constant refinement and unwavering commitment to knowledge. As you unlock the mysteries of the universe, the cosmos responds to your disciplined approach, granting you wisdom and clarity. Embrace the order, and the magic of the cosmos will reveal itself to you.

Unique Order Magical Spells
  • Chrono-script: This spell allows the caster to create temporal runes that record events and knowledge in a structured manner. These runes can be stored in enchanted archives and accessed by others, ensuring that valuable information is never lost to the passage of time.
  • Symphony of Elements: By orchestrating a precise sequence of gestures and incantations, the caster can summon and harmonize the elemental forces, combining them in a powerful and controlled manner. This spell allows the caster to wield the combined might of multiple elements simultaneously.
  • Cognitive Bind: The caster can weave a spell that links the thoughts and knowledge of individuals within a specified area. This connection fosters understanding and cooperation among the linked minds, facilitating the exchange of ideas and strategies.
  • Kaleidoscopic Array: By arranging crystals in a particular geometric pattern and channeling magic through them, the caster creates a multi-faceted barrier. This enchantment refracts incoming spells and energies, breaking them down into more manageable, harmless components.
  • Regimen of Enchanting: This spell enables the caster to conduct an intricate enchanting ritual that imbues objects with long-lasting magical properties. The enchanted items forged through this process are highly stable and retain their powers for extended periods.
  • Harmony’s Embrace: By invoking the essence of harmony and order, the caster can soothe conflicts and quell chaotic energies within an area. This spell restores balance and calms unrest, fostering a sense of tranquility and cooperation among those affected.
  • Paradoxial Insight: The caster gains the ability to briefly peer into the temporal and causal weave of events. This spell allows them to foresee potential consequences of specific actions, aiding in strategic decision-making.
  • Architect’s Resilience: When this spell is cast, it temporarily strengthens the structural integrity of buildings and barriers, making them highly resistant to destruction and breaches. This is especially useful during sieges or when protecting vital locations.
  • Sage’s Exchange: Through this spell, the caster can create a magical link between two locations. This allows individuals to communicate and send small objects instantaneously between the linked points, bypassing physical barriers and distances.
  • Harmonious Panoply: This spell enhances the caster’s abilities to coordinate and synchronize with their allies during combat. It fosters a seamless collaboration, enabling them to act in perfect harmony and anticipate each other’s moves.
Order Archtypes
Archetype Example Example Description Archetype Description
The Archivist Thoth (Egyptian Mythology) Thoth is the Egyptian god of wisdom, writing, and magic. He is often credited with the creation of hieroglyphs and is said to possess immense knowledge of the arcane and the universe. This archetype is the epitome of knowledge and wisdom. The Archivist dedicates their life to the preservation and study of ancient tomes, grimoires, and arcane texts. They possess a vast understanding of magical lore, and their power comes from their ability to access and interpret the accumulated wisdom of ages.
The Alchemist Nicolas Flamel (Real-life/Various Fiction) Nicolas Flamel is a historical figure who has been portrayed in various works of fiction as an alchemist who discovered the Philosopher’s Stone, enabling him to transmute materials and achieve immortality. This character is a master of transformation and order. Through precise mixtures and meticulous processes, the Alchemist transmutes materials and harnesses the elements to create powerful potions, elixirs, and substances. Their abilities extend beyond simple potions to the manipulation of reality itself, altering matter and energy according to the rules they’ve uncovered.
The Artificer Hephaestus (Greek Mythology) Hephaestus is the Greek god of blacksmiths, craftsmen, and artisans. He crafted many of the gods’ magical weapons and artifacts, including Zeus’s thunderbolts and Hermes’ winged sandals. This archetype focuses on imbuing objects and artifacts with magical properties. The Artificer’s skill lies in crafting intricate and potent enchanted items, each with specific purposes and effects. They blend creativity with systematic craftsmanship, turning mundane materials into powerful tools of Order.
The Elementalist Kvothe (The Kingkiller Chronicle) Kvothe is a gifted young man who learns the art of “Sympathy,” which allows him to manipulate natural elements by creating a sympathetic link between objects. He uses this skill to control fire, wind, and other elements in various situations. This archetype seeks to understand and control the fundamental forces of the universe. They draw power from the natural elements and aim to harmonize them in a balanced manner. Whether they manipulate fire, water, earth, or air, their spells are precise and well-coordinated, mirroring the controlled rhythms of the world’s order.

These spells exemplify the precise, structured, and balanced nature of Order Magic. Each spell serves a specific purpose, often involving careful planning, intricate rituals, and a deep understanding of the forces that govern the world.

Difficulty Order
Trivial Cleanse a minor magical anomaly that poses no challenge for someone skilled in Order magic.
Simple Enchant a small trinket to provide basic protection against minor disruptions to the magical balance.
Easy Cast a warding spell to protect a limited area from chaotic disturbances, such as preventing wild magical fluctuations or repelling minor disruptive entities.
Routine Construct a stable, intricate magical array to channel elemental energies efficiently, allowing for precise manipulation and control over natural forces.
Average Successfully decipher a moderately complex ancient magical text, extracting valuable knowledge about the fundamental laws governing the Order branch of magic.
Difficult Imbue an item with a complex and potent enchantment, requiring specialized knowledge and precision to ensure it functions as intended. For example, creating a time-keeping device that can maintain perfect synchronization with the natural flow of time.
Very Difficult Merge and synchronize two distinct elemental forces to create a rare and powerful fusion spell, harnessing the strengths of both elements in perfect balance.
Formidable Forge a grand, impenetrable barrier around an entire city to protect it from an imminent onslaught of powerful, chaotic forces. The barrier must be meticulously constructed to resist even the most overwhelming attacks, preserving the city’s harmony.
Heroic Unravel a complex and ancient magical ritual, passed down through generations, to temporarily stabilize a region ravaged by rampant chaos. The task requires unmatched expertise and collaboration with other Order mages to achieve this legendary feat.
Nearly Impossible In an act of ultimate mastery, weave together the threads of time and space, temporarily freezing the progression of time in an entire realm to restore order to the chaotic world. This legendary task is the epitome of Order magic and will immortalize the mage’s name in history.
Godly Achieve absolute synchronization with the cosmic forces, becoming one with the fabric of reality itself. In this transcendent state, the mage temporarily attains godlike powers, bringing complete balance and harmony to the universe for a fleeting moment before returning to their mortal form.

Mystery Characteristics

Finally, you encounter the enigmatic realm of Mystery, where three paths beckon: Metaphysics, Animism, and Shamanism.

In Metaphysics, your understanding of the interconnectedness of mind and matter allows you to manipulate reality through thought and focus. Your quest for truth and your exploration of consciousness grant you extraordinary psychic abilities.

As an Animist, you understand that all things possess a spiritual essence. You commune with the spirits of nature and the world around you, seeing life and consciousness in everything. Your mystical journey involves a deep connection to the natural world and the ability to harness its powers through reverence and cooperation.

Lastly, Shamanism leads you on a path of spiritual connection and healing. Your faith lies in the guidance of ancestral spirits and totemic beings. As you journey between the physical and spiritual realms, you serve as an intermediary, bringing wisdom, healing, and balance to your community. Your mystical experiences empower you to traverse the veil between worlds.

Unique Magical Spells to Mystery

  • Psionic Illusion: Manipulate perceptions and create intricate illusions that blur the line between reality and imagination.
  • Ethereal Projection: Project your consciousness into other planes or dimensions, exploring the unseen realms.
  • Soul Bond: Form a temporary connection with another being, allowing you to share emotions, thoughts, and experiences.
  • Mystic Veil: Shroud yourself or others in an aura of secrecy, making them invisible to the mundane eye and hard to detect by magical means.
  • Metaphysical Enigma: Unleash a surge of metaphysical energy, disrupting the flow of magic and causing confusion among spellcasters.
  • Dreamwalker’s Journey: Enter the dreams of individuals, influencing their subconscious or gathering information from their dreamscapes.
  • Elemental Fusion: Combine the power of different elements to create unique and potent elemental manifestations.
  • Psychic Surge: Channel psychic energy to amplify your magical abilities or temporarily enhance physical attributes.
  • Spiritual Mending: Heal spiritual wounds and emotional traumas, restoring balance and inner harmony.
  • Cosmic Attunement: Commune with cosmic entities and receive revelations or cosmic insights beyond mortal understanding.
  • Shapeshifter’s Mirage: Temporarily alter your appearance or transform into a creature of the mystical realms.
  • Anima Manipulation: Harness the animating essence of life to influence the growth and behavior of plants and animals.
  • Astral Beacon: Create a beacon of energy that serves as a guiding point or communication hub across great distances.
  • Temporal Shift: Temporarily manipulate time’s flow, slowing or hastening events within a limited area.
  • Chaosweave: Merge different magical energies to form a chaotic weave of power, unleashing unpredictable effects.

These spells draw upon the mysteries of the universe, tapping into psychic abilities, manipulating ethereal energies, and exploring the realms beyond ordinary comprehension. As a practitioner of Mystery magic, you possess a unique set of skills that allow you to traverse the boundaries of reality and harness the profound forces of the unknown.

Metaphysics Knowledge Areas

Metaphysics involves intuitive knowledge of unprovable starting-points concepts and truth and demonstrative knowledge of what follows from the. -- Aristotle

In the realm of Metaphysics, you explore the captivating world of Parapsychology, ESP, and Psionics. Extra-Sensory Perception (ESP) opens your mind to extraordinary abilities like telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, and telekinesis. With telepathy, you forge a silent connection, understanding the thoughts and emotions of others. Clairvoyance grants you the ability to perceive events and people beyond time and space, while precognition offers glimpses of the future, guiding your choices in life.

Psionics expands your horizons with a broader range of psychic phenomena. Astral projection allows you to leave your physical body, exploring different planes of existence. Remote viewing empowers you to perceive distant or hidden targets, unraveling secret information and potential future outcomes. Psychometry unlocks the ability to gain insights about objects or people by touching them, revealing their history and essence.

In your pursuit of mastering Metaphysics, you realize that these abilities go beyond mere tricks. Instead, they represent a profound interplay between consciousness and reality. By honing your mind and embracing the mysteries of existence, you unlock the true potential of these extraordinary gifts, elevating your understanding of the universe and your place within it.

Unique Metaphysical Magical Spells
  • Vision of the Ancients: This spell grants you a glimpse into the distant past, allowing you to witness historical events as if you were there, gaining valuable insights and knowledge.
  • Thoughtweave: With Thoughtweave, you establish a telepathic network with a group of individuals, facilitating seamless communication between them, regardless of distance.
  • Astral Passage: This spell enables you and others to project your consciousness beyond the physical realm, traversing various planes and dimensions to uncover hidden secrets or seek guidance.
  • Temporal Echo: By tapping into the flow of time, you can leave a trace of your consciousness in the past or future, allowing you to observe events unfolding in those moments and interact with them indirectly.
  • Mindforge: Mindforge empowers you to create and shape constructs using pure thought. These constructs can serve various purposes, from guardians and defenders to tools and companions.
  • Divination Nexus: This powerful spell grants you a heightened sense of precognition, allowing you to see potential outcomes and the ripple effects of your actions, aiding in decision-making.
  • Ethereal Embrace: With Ethereal Embrace, you temporarily merge with the surrounding environment, gaining insight into the emotions and experiences imprinted on objects or locations, providing valuable context and information.
  • Psionic Rift: This spell opens a temporary gateway to other planes or distant locations, enabling you to gather knowledge or transport yourself and others instantaneously.
  • Harmonic Resonance: Harmonic Resonance aligns the energy of the mind and body, promoting healing and restoration, and even mending psychic wounds caused by mental attacks or trauma.
  • Foresight’s Grace: By invoking Foresight’s Grace, you grant yourself or others heightened awareness, reflexes, and intuition, enhancing their abilities during critical moments.
  • Illusion Unveiled: With this spell, you can pierce through illusions and glamours, revealing the truth behind deceptive appearances and uncovering hidden truths.
  • Psychokinetic Symphony: Psychokinetic Symphony allows you to manipulate multiple objects simultaneously with incredible precision, creating intricate displays of telekinetic prowess.
Metaphysical Archtypes
Archetype Example Example Description Archetype Description
The Psychic Seer Professor X from “X-Men” Charles Xavier, also known as Professor X, possesses telepathic abilities that allow him to read minds and even see potential future events. He uses these abilities to guide the X-Men. This archetype embodies the concept of clairvoyance and precognition. They possess the ability to see into the future or perceive distant events, providing invaluable guidance to others on their journeys. Often wise and enigmatic, they navigate a path between knowing too much and preserving the balance of fate.
The Manipulator Jean Grey from “X-Men” Jean Grey is a mutant with telepathic and telekinetic abilities. She can read minds and move objects with her thoughts, making her a formidable force. Drawing from the realms of telepathy and telekinesis, this archetype wields the power to delve into minds, read thoughts, and move objects with the sheer force of their will. Their abilities can be both awe-inspiring and unnerving, making them formidable allies or adversaries in the story.
The Traveler Dr. Strange from Marvel Comics Dr. Stephen Strange can astral project and travel between different dimensions, gaining wisdom and forming alliances with otherworldly beings. Representing the practice of astral projection, this archetype ventures beyond the confines of the physical body to explore ethereal realms and dimensions. The Traveler often uncovers hidden knowledge and encounters beings from other planes, offering a bridge between the material and spiritual worlds.
The Time Bender Hiro Nakamura from “Heroes” Hiro has the ability to manipulate time, including stopping it and traveling through it. He struggles with the ethical implications of changing past and future events. This archetype draws inspiration from those with precognitive abilities who can see potential futures or alter the timeline itself. The Time Bender grapples with ethical dilemmas, considering the consequences of changing events or preserving the natural flow of time.
The Empathic Healer Luna Lovegood from “Harry Potter” Luna has a deep sense of empathy and understanding, providing emotional support to Harry and his friends, even though her abilities are not explicitly psychic. Channeling the power of empathy and psychic healing, this archetype can mend emotional wounds and even aid in physical recovery. Their compassionate nature and nurturing abilities make them central figures in healing others’ pain and trauma.
The Oracle The Oracle from “The Matrix” The Oracle provides Neo and his companions with cryptic yet crucial guidance, helping them navigate the challenges they face against the Matrix. Possessing the gift of prophecy and divination, the Oracle serves as a mystical advisor to rulers and heroes. Their cryptic visions and enigmatic messages shape destinities and guide pivotal decisions.

Remember that these spells are unique to your background in Metaphysics and reflect the deep connection you have with the mystical forces of ESP and Psionics. Each spell embodies the essence of your metaphysical knowledge, offering a distinct and awe-inspiring set of abilities in the world of magic and fantasy.

Here’s the table describing tasks someone from the Metaphysical magical practice of ESP and Psionics might attempt for each difficulty level:

Difficulty Metaphysical
Trivial Instantly reading the surface emotions of a nearby individual without even trying, as if it were a reflexive action.
Simple Sending a brief telepathic message to a familiar recipient, relying on a basic level of focus and minimal effort.
Easy Using telekinesis to gently move a lightweight object, such as a small pebble, across a short distance.
Routine Successfully astral projecting and exploring a nearby familiar location with ease, recalling details upon return.
Average Predicting a simple event with some accuracy, like guessing the outcome of a coin flip, based on your precognitive sense.
Difficult Establishing a telepathic connection with multiple individuals simultaneously to hold a group conversation, requiring significant mental focus and training.
Very Difficult Performing a complex act of psychometry on an ancient artifact, uncovering detailed historical information about its origins and previous owners.
Formidable Telekinetically manipulating a series of objects in a choreographed dance of movements, showcasing exceptional control and finesse.
Heroic Projecting your consciousness across the world to a distant, unfamiliar location, and returning with vivid details and insights from that place.
Nearly Impossible Using astral projection to venture into the depths of an uncharted, otherworldly realm and returning with profound knowledge or a rare artifact.
Godly Achieving an extraordinary feat of time manipulation, briefly altering the timeline to prevent a catastrophic event or restore harmony to a torn reality, requiring the cooperation of other powerful beings or artifacts.

Animism Knowledge Areas

We belong to the community of life on this planet -- it doesn't belong to us. We got confused about that, now it's time to set the record straight. -- Daniel Quinn in Providence

In the enchanting realm of Animism, you discover a belief system that views everything in existence as possessing a distinct spiritual essence. Nature, objects, and creatures are all intertwined with a profound life force, connecting them in a way that transcends the physical world. Through this belief, you awaken an innate ability to communicate with and harness the magic of the spirits dwelling within each entity.

As an Animist, you become attuned to the rhythms of nature, sensing the whispers of the wind, the murmurs of flowing water, and the pulse of the earth. You forge deep connections with the spirits, learning to call upon their powers to aid you in various endeavors. However, you understand that this magic comes with responsibility, requiring respect and reciprocity to preserve the sanctity of the spirits’ domains and maintain balance with the energies of the world.

Your empathy grows, allowing you to perceive the hidden spiritual essence within others, healing their wounds and bringing harmony to their souls. Animism becomes more than just a belief system; it transforms your way of life, instilling wonder in the ordinary and fostering a sense of interconnectedness with all living beings. As an Animist, you embrace the eternal spirit flowing through everything, forever changed by the profound wisdom of this magical world.

Unique Animism Magical Spells
  • Spirit Communion: Allows the caster to establish a strong connection with the spirits of nature, gaining insights, wisdom, and guidance from them. This spell helps the caster commune with specific spirits or receive messages from the collective consciousness of the natural world.
  • Elemental Embodiment: Temporarily transforms the caster into a physical manifestation of one of the four elements (earth, water, air, fire). While in this form, the caster gains elemental abilities and characteristics, such as earth manipulation, water breathing, wind flight, or fire resistance.
  • Nature’s Embrace: Envelops the caster or a target in a protective aura formed from the essence of nature. This shield grants resistance against elemental attacks and negative energy, offering a temporary sanctuary from harm.
  • Spiritual Healing: A potent healing spell that not only restores physical wounds but also mends the spiritual and emotional well-being of the recipient. The spell draws upon the life force of the surrounding environment to aid in the healing process.
  • Wild Shape: Allows the caster to temporarily transform into an animal of their choosing. While in animal form, the caster gains the abilities and instincts of the chosen creature, granting them unique advantages in exploration and combat.
  • Harmony’s Call: Enables the caster to harmonize the energies of living beings in a specific area, quelling conflicts and calming aggressive tendencies. This spell fosters empathy and understanding, promoting peace among both humans and creatures.
  • Animate Nature: Breathes life into inanimate objects, briefly imbuing them with the essence of nature. These animated objects can assist the caster or perform simple tasks, such as carrying items or providing distraction in battle.
  • Soothing Whispers: Uses the gentle whispers of nature spirits to soothe and pacify aggressive creatures or individuals. The spell induces a calming effect, reducing hostility and making it easier to negotiate or escape potentially dangerous situations.
  • Ancestral Guidance: Calls upon the wisdom and knowledge of the caster’s ancestors, providing valuable insights or ancient techniques to aid in solving problems or overcoming challenges.
  • Spiritual Nexus: Creates a sacred space that acts as a gateway between the physical and spiritual realms. This nexus enhances the caster’s magical abilities, increases their connection to the spirits, and facilitates more profound and powerful spellcasting.
Animism Archtypes
Archetype Example Example Description Archetype Description
Spirit Whisperer Pocahontas from Disney’s “Pocahontas” Pocahontas can communicate with the spirits of nature, including the wind and animals. She serves as a guide and mediator between her people and the English settlers. The Spirit Whisperer is a master communicator with the spirits of nature. They can hear the whispers of the wind, converse with animals, and commune with the ancient spirits residing in trees, rivers, and mountains. Through their bond with these ethereal entities, they gain insights into the past, present, and potential future, making them invaluable guides and advisors.
Elemental Shaper Aang from “Avatar: The Last Airbender” Aang is the Avatar, capable of bending all four elements: earth, water, air, and fire. He uses these abilities to protect his friends and restore balance to the world. The Elemental Shaper possesses the rare ability to manipulate the fundamental forces of nature - earth, water, air, and fire. They can command the elements to create protective barriers, summon powerful storms, shape landscapes, and extinguish raging fires. Their mastery over the elements allows them to both defend their allies and unleash devastating attacks upon their foes.
Nature Healer Radagast from “The Hobbit” Radagast the Brown is a wizard who has a deep connection with animals and plants. He uses his magical abilities to heal and protect the creatures of the forest. The Nature Healer is an archetype gifted with the power to heal wounds and ailments, not just on a physical level but also on a spiritual and emotional one. They draw upon the life force present in plants, rivers, and animals to mend broken spirits and restore balance to troubled souls. Their touch brings forth rejuvenation and renewal to both individuals and the natural world.
Shapeshifter Lyra Silvertongue from “His Dark Materials” Lyra has the ability to change the form of her daemon, Pantalaimon, into various animals, each offering different abilities and insights. The Shapeshifter is a mystical being who can transform into various animals or even merge partially with the spirits of nature. Through this ability, they gain unique traits and strengths from different creatures, granting them incredible versatility in navigating through diverse challenges. They can become the swift wolf, the wise owl, or the elusive fox, adapting to any situation.
Guardian of the Wild Princess Mononoke from Studio Ghibli’s “Princess Mononoke” Ashitaka, also known as Princess Mononoke, is a fierce protector of the forest and its spirits. She fights against human encroachment that threatens the natural world. The Guardian of the Wild is a fierce protector of the natural order. They defend the sacred sites, creatures, and ancient spirits from external threats, often serving as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. With an unyielding determination, they safeguard the balance of life, using their powers to deter those who would harm the natural world.
Ancestral Channeler T’Challa from Marvel’s “Black Panther” T’Challa, the Black Panther, can communicate with the spirits of his ancestors for guidance and wisdom, especially when he visits the ancestral plane. The Ancestral Channeler is deeply connected to the spirits of their ancestors, drawing upon their wisdom and experiences. Through rituals and meditation, they communicate with their forebears, seeking guidance and ancestral knowledge that spans generations. This connection empowers them with ancient insights, offering a unique perspective in facing contemporary challenges.
Communal Weave Steven Universe from “Steven Universe” Steven has the ability to empathetically connect people through his powers, resolving conflicts and fostering understanding among diverse groups. The Communal Weave is a rare archetype that embodies the unity and interconnectedness of all beings. They possess the ability to link individuals together, fostering empathy and understanding among communities. Their magic helps heal divisions, reconcile conflicts, and promote harmony between different groups, reminding others of the essential oneness of all life.

These unique spells embody the essence of Animism Magic, offering a profound connection with nature, a deep understanding of the spirits, and the ability to influence the world through the spiritual essence that permeates all things.

Here’s a table describing a task someone from Animism would attempt to do for each difficulty level:

Difficulty Animism
Trivial Communicating with a friendly forest creature to help you find a particular plant or ingredient.
Simple Creating a small protective barrier of elemental energy around a campsite to ward off minor natural disturbances or wild animals.
Easy Healing a minor wound or ailment by drawing on the life force of nearby plants and natural energies to aid the recovery process.
Routine Shape-shifting into a common animal like a wolf or bird for a short period to explore a distant location or gather information from the wilderness.
Average Performing a ritual to establish a temporary connection with the spirits of a specific location, gaining insights into its history and potential hidden resources.
Difficult Transforming into an ethereal form, allowing the caster to traverse through obstacles or explore a mystical realm inaccessible to the physical body.
Very Difficult Merging with the spirit of a great tree or powerful natural entity to gain immense knowledge and wisdom, but requiring utmost concentration and energy control.
Formidable Coordinating with a circle of skilled Animists to summon a powerful elemental storm that can cleanse a corrupted forest and restore it to its natural state.
Heroic Engaging in a spiritual battle with a malevolent ancient spirit threatening to unleash havoc on the world, requiring the combined efforts of the most skilled Animists and assistance from benevolent deities to subdue the malevolence.
Nearly Impossible Attempting to commune with the ancient spirits of a long-lost civilization that holds the key to unlocking powerful secrets of the universe, requiring a group of legendary Animists to channel their collective energies and focus to maintain the connection.
Godly Channeling the essence of an ancient celestial being to halt a catastrophic natural disaster like a world-ending comet, necessitating a convergence of numerous Animists in a rare celestial event, and even then, the outcome remains uncertain, requiring the highest aid from celestial beings.

Shamanism Knowledge Areas

You don't find light by avoiding the darkness. -- S. Kelley Harrell, M. Div.

Shamanism is a profound branch of magic that involves becoming a conduit between the physical and metaphysical realms. As a shaman, you deeply connect with the natural world, recognizing the sacredness of nature and the energies that bind all living beings. Your journey involves mastering rituals and techniques to communicate with spirits, forming relationships with them to harness their powers.

In Shamanism, you enter altered states of consciousness through various methods like meditation, drumming, or dancing. In these trance-like states, you can traverse the ethereal plane to seek guidance, healing, and answers. As you develop your abilities, you become a spiritual leader, offering counsel and mediating conflicts between individuals and spirits.

The practice of Shamanism requires a profound sense of humility and respect for the spirits and the natural world. You embrace the responsibility of maintaining harmony with the ecosystem and fostering reverence for the interconnected web of life. Your role as a shaman is that of a guardian, a healer, and a spiritual guide, guided by the ethereal forces that shape the cosmos.

Unique Shamanism Magical Spells
  • Spirit Communion: Allows the shaman to communicate with spirits of nature, ancestors, or animals, seeking guidance or information.
  • Elemental Embodiment: Temporarily merges with an element (earth, water, fire, or air) to gain its properties and abilities, such as becoming impervious to fire or controlling water.
  • Ancestral Vision: Enables the shaman to experience visions or memories from their ancestors, gaining insights and knowledge from past generations.
  • Nature’s Embrace: Calls upon the power of the natural world to heal wounds, cure diseases, or revitalize living beings.
  • Soul Retrieval: Travels into the spirit realm to find and restore lost or fragmented parts of someone’s soul, promoting healing and wholeness.
  • Spiritual Warding: Creates a protective barrier against malevolent spirits or negative energies, safeguarding a person or location.
  • Dance of the Northern Lights: A mesmerizing ritual dance that can evoke the aurora borealis, influencing luck, prosperity, and fortune.
  • Plant Speak: Allows the shaman to understand the language of plants, receiving messages or information from the flora around them.
  • Eclipse’s Gaze: During a solar or lunar eclipse, the shaman gains heightened powers, accessing unique abilities and knowledge.
  • Familiar Bond: Forms a deep bond with an animal spirit, summoning the spirit to assist the shaman during their journeys.
  • Dreamweaver’s Lullaby: Induces a magical slumber, enabling the shaman to enter another’s dreams to offer guidance or deliver messages.
  • Soulflight: Projects the shaman’s consciousness into the spirit realm, allowing them to explore distant places or seek specific spirits for aid.
  • Nature’s Wrath: Calls upon the fury of the natural elements to unleash devastating attacks against foes.
  • Rite of Passage: A powerful ritual that marks a significant moment in someone’s life, bestowing blessings or unlocking hidden potential.
  • Sacred Grove: Creates a mystical sanctuary where the shaman can communicate with spirits, hold ceremonies, or offer prayers.
Shamanism Archtypes
Archetype Example Example Description Archetype Description
The Wise Shaman Rafiki from “The Lion King” Rafiki serves as a spiritual guide to Simba, offering wisdom and guidance throughout his journey. He uses rituals and symbols to connect with the spiritual realm. This archetype embodies the traditional role of the shaman as a wise and knowledgeable spiritual leader. Often depicted as an elderly or experienced character, the Wise Shaman guides and supports the protagonist on their quest or journey. They possess deep insights into the spiritual realm and serve as a source of wisdom and guidance.
The Nature Channeler Princess Mononoke from “Princess Mononoke” Ashitaka, also known as Princess Mononoke, has a deep connection with the spirits of the forest and can communicate with animals and plants. She uses these abilities to protect the natural world. This archetype is closely connected to nature and possesses the ability to communicate with animals, plants, and the elements. They can call upon the forces of nature to aid them or manipulate the environment to achieve their goals. This character often has a deep respect for the natural world and its inhabitants.
The Spirit Walker Doctor Strange from Marvel Comics Doctor Strange can traverse different dimensions and realms, including the spiritual realm. He uses this ability to gain knowledge, communicate with otherworldly beings, and influence events in the physical world. The Spirit Walker is a shamanic archetype who has the ability to traverse between the physical and spiritual realms. They enter altered states of consciousness to connect with spirits, receive visions, and gain supernatural powers. This character may journey to the underworld, commune with ancestors, or seek guidance from powerful spirits.
The Healer Moana’s Grandmother Tala from “Moana” Tala serves as a healer and spiritual guide to Moana, using her knowledge of rituals and the natural world to aid her granddaughter on her quest. This archetype embodies the shaman’s role as a powerful healer. They can cure ailments, both physical and spiritual, using their knowledge of herbs, rituals, and energy manipulation. The Healer often acts as a benevolent figure, offering aid and support to those in need.
The Balance Keeper Uncle Iroh from “Avatar: The Last Airbender” Uncle Iroh serves as a mediator and guide, often seeking to restore balance between opposing forces. He uses his wisdom and spiritual insight to help others make the right choices. The Balance Keeper is a shamanic archetype tasked with maintaining harmony in the world. They act as a mediator between opposing forces, seeking to restore balance and prevent chaos. This character often faces moral dilemmas and must make difficult choices to preserve equilibrium.
The Shadow Shaman Shaman King’s Hao Asakura from “Shaman King” Hao Asakura is a powerful shaman who taps into dark energies and spirits for personal gain. He is morally ambiguous and serves as an antagonist in the story. This darker archetype represents a shaman who delves into the realms of darkness and shadow. They may tap into forbidden or dangerous energies to gain immense power. The Shadow Shaman is often morally ambiguous, using their abilities for personal gain or to serve darker purposes.

These unique spells reflect the shaman’s profound connection to nature, spirits, and the unseen world, showcasing their ability to tap into the mystical forces of the universe to achieve various extraordinary feats.

Difficulty Shamanism
Trivial Offering a simple blessing to a fellow tribe member or cleansing a small area from negative energy.
Simple Assisting someone in achieving a state of deep meditation to connect with their inner self or to gain insights from the spirit realm.
Easy Preparing and administering basic herbal remedies to alleviate minor physical ailments or soothe emotional distress.
Routine Conducting a routine divination ritual to gain insights into the future or seek answers to specific questions using sacred tools like cards, bones, or stones.
Average Undertaking the process of retrieving and reuniting a lost soul fragment with a troubled individual to help them heal from emotional trauma.
Difficult Channeling the power of the elements to summon and control a powerful elemental guardian to protect a sacred site or defend against malevolent forces.
Very Difficult Projecting the shaman’s consciousness to travel to distant places in the spirit realm to seek knowledge from ancient spirits or to gain insights into hidden secrets.
Formidable Undertaking a perilous spiritual journey to the spirit world’s deepest realms, where few have ventured before, to obtain rare insights or ancient wisdom from the most revered spirits.
Heroic Uniting the energies of the tribe and the surrounding natural forces to perform a grand ritual, bringing harmony and balance to the entire region, dispelling malevolent spirits, and revitalizing the land and its inhabitants.
Nearly Impossible Attempting to bring back a deceased loved one from the afterlife, a task that requires the shaman to navigate complex spiritual realms and negotiate with powerful entities to grant a second chance at life.
Godly Harnessing the forces of celestial bodies and the spirit world to perform a ritual that significantly alters the fate of entire civilizations or alters the course of cosmic events, requiring immense power and assistance from divine entities.

Emotional Aspects

Manners Characteristics

Manners represents the overall ability of the being to socially understand the world around them

Style Knowledge Areas

Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn. -- Orsen Welles
Description of Style Skill

Style is the ability to understand the mindset of the public or a specific audience and skillfully create cultural artifacts, such as dresses, paintings, sculptures, poems, or other artistic pursuits, to delight and captivate them. It involves a keen sense of aesthetics, creativity, and the capacity to evoke emotions through artistic expression.

Examples of Style from Fiction

In the classic novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde, the character Lord Henry Wotton exhibits a unique mastery of Style, although not in the form of physical artifacts. Lord Henry is a connoisseur of wit, aesthetics, and the human condition, and he uses his understanding of these elements to captivate and influence those around him, particularly the protagonist, Dorian Gray. His keen sense of what will intrigue, delight, or shock his audience allows him to craft conversations and ideas as if they were works of art.

Lord Henry’s Style is evident in the way he effortlessly navigates social gatherings, always knowing the right thing to say to provoke thought, laughter, or introspection. His understanding of the mindset of his audience—whether it’s a room full of socialites or a young, impressionable man like Dorian—enables him to tailor his expressions for maximum impact. He is a master at evoking emotions and reactions, using his words and ideas as his medium.

A character with a high level of skill in Style could be invaluable in various social scenarios. Imagine the party needs to win the favor of a fickle noble; a character skilled in Style could create a poem, painting, or even a performance tailored to the noble’s specific tastes and sensibilities, thereby gaining his favor. Alternatively, the character could use their understanding of aesthetics and public sentiment to craft propaganda that sways public opinion in favor of the party’s cause.

Lord Henry’s mastery of Style makes him one of the most memorable and influential characters in “The Picture of Dorian Gray.” His ability to understand and manipulate the emotional and aesthetic sensibilities of those around him gives him a form of power that is as potent as it is subtle. Whether he’s shaping the life philosophy of a young man or captivating an entire room with his wit, Lord Henry’s skill in Style is both his weapon and his art form, making him a compelling figure in both the story and the broader discussions it provokes.

Specializations for Style Skill
  1. Fashion Design: Crafting clothing and accessories that captivate and set trends.
  2. Portrait Painting: Creating lifelike or interpretive paintings of individuals.
  3. Sculpture Artistry: Shaping materials into three-dimensional forms for artistic expression.
  4. Poetry Composition: Crafting verses that evoke emotion and provoke thought.
  5. Calligraphy: The art of beautiful handwriting for expressive and decorative purposes.
  6. Landscape Painting: Capturing natural scenery through paint on canvas.
  7. Pottery and Ceramic Art: Creating functional or decorative objects from clay or other ceramic materials.
  8. Creative Writing: Crafting narratives, essays, or other written works that captivate readers.
  9. Abstract Art Expression: Creating art that uses shapes, colors, and forms to achieve its effect.
  10. Music Composition and Arrangement: Crafting melodies, harmonies, and rhythms into a complete musical piece.
  11. Interior Design: Arranging indoor spaces for aesthetic appeal and functionality.
  12. Storytelling and Narrative Craft: Weaving tales and narratives that engage and entertain.
  13. Jewelry Design: Crafting decorative items worn for personal adornment.
  14. Graphic Design and Visual Communication: Creating visual content to communicate messages or concepts effectively.
  15. Performing Arts (Theater, Dance, Music Performance): Expressing art through bodily movement, acting, or musical performance.
  16. Photography and Visual Arts: Capturing images that tell a story or evoke emotion.
  17. Film Direction and Cinematography: Crafting visual storytelling through the medium of film.
  18. Illustration and Comics Art: Creating images to represent ideas, stories, or characters, often in a serialized format.
  19. Floral Arrangement and Design: Artfully arranging flowers and other plant elements for aesthetic display.
  20. Culinary Arts and Food Presentation: Crafting dishes that are as pleasing to the eye as they are to the palate.
Style Archetypes
Archetype Example Example Description Archetype Description
The Fashion Designer Coco Chanel Revolutionized women’s fashion in the 20th century with her iconic designs. Excels in creating clothing and accessories that resonate with the public’s sense of style.
The Visual Artist Vincent van Gogh Known for his expressive and emotive use of color and form in his paintings. Specializes in painting, drawing, and other visual arts.
The Sculptor Michelangelo Created iconic sculptures like David and The Pieta. Focuses on three-dimensional art forms.
The Poet Emily Dickinson Known for her unique style and emotionally resonant poems. Skilled in the art of poetry.
The Musician Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Composed classical music that has stood the test of time. Excels in composing and performing music.
The Filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock Known for his mastery in the art of suspense in filmmaking. Specializes in filmmaking and storytelling through motion pictures.
The Literary Author Jane Austen Wrote novels like “Pride and Prejudice” that have become literary classics. Focuses on writing novels, short stories, and literature.
The Choreographer Bob Fosse Known for his innovative choreography in musical theater and film. Skilled in dance and movement.
The Interior Designer Kelly Wearstler Known for her bold, inventive interior designs. Transforms spaces into aesthetically pleasing environments.
The Graphic Designer Saul Bass Known for his iconic movie posters and corporate logos. Specializes in visual communication and design.
The Game Designer Shigeru Miyamoto Created iconic video games like Super Mario and The Legend of Zelda. Focuses on designing interactive experiences.
The Architect Frank Lloyd Wright Known for his Prairie School designs and the iconic Fallingwater house. Excels in designing buildings and structures.
The Cinematographer Roger Deakins Known for his work in films like “No Country for Old Men” and “1917.” Specializes in cinematography and visual storytelling.
The Songwriter Bob Dylan Known for his poetic and socially conscious lyrics. Specializes in writing lyrics and melodies for songs.
The Playwright William Shakespeare Wrote plays that have been performed more than those of any other playwright. Focuses on writing plays and scripts.
The Street Artist Banksy Known for his provocative and politically charged street art. Known for urban art and graffiti.
Table with Style skill and examples for each level of difficulty
Difficulty Style Skill
Trivial Automatically matching colors and patterns in an outfit.
Simple Creating a visually appealing flower arrangement.
Easy Crafting a heartfelt poem for a close friend.
Routine Painting a landscape scene that conveys a sense of tranquility.
Average Designing an attractive and functional interior space for a small apartment.
Difficult Composing a captivating symphony for an orchestra.
Very Difficult Directing and producing an emotionally impactful short film.
Formidable Designing a breathtaking and innovative architectural structure.
Heroic Writing a critically acclaimed novel that resonates with readers worldwide.
Nearly Impossible Creating an iconic and trendsetting fashion collection that influences the industry.
Godly Choreographing an extraordinary and groundbreaking dance performance that leaves audiences in awe.

Performance Knowledge Areas

The stage is not merely the meeting place of all the arts, but is also the return of art to life. -- Oscar Wilde
Description of the Performance skill

Performance is the ability to captivate and delight an audience through various forms of entertainment, such as music, dance, acting, storytelling, or other artistic expressions. It involves a combination of talent, skill, charisma, and stage presence to evoke emotions, engage the audience, and leave a lasting impression.

Examples of Performance from Fiction

In the fantasy series “The Kingkiller Chronicle” by Patrick Rothfuss, the protagonist Kvothe is an exceptionally gifted performer. From a young age, he is trained in the Edema Ruh, a group of traveling performers known for their storytelling, music, and acting. Kvothe’s Performance skill is not just a hobby or a pastime; it’s an integral part of his identity and a crucial tool for survival. Whether he’s playing the lute in a tavern for tips or using storytelling to captivate a hostile audience, Kvothe’s performances are imbued with a unique blend of skill, charisma, and emotional depth.

One memorable scene occurs in “The Name of the Wind,” where Kvothe participates in a musical competition at the Eolian, a prestigious venue. Despite having a damaged lute with only six strings, Kvothe delivers a performance so emotionally powerful and technically flawless that he not only wins the competition but also gains his talent pipes, a mark of extraordinary musical ability. His performance evokes a range of emotions from the audience, from sorrow to exhilaration, leaving an indelible impression on all who hear him.

A character with a high level of skill in Performance could be invaluable in various scenarios. Imagine the party needs to distract a group of guards while their comrades sneak into a fortress; a Performance check could determine whether the character successfully holds the guards’ attention with a riveting tale or a captivating song. Alternatively, the character could use their Performance skills to win over a crowd, swaying public opinion or even inciting a rebellion against a tyrannical ruler.

Kvothe’s mastery of Performance serves multiple functions throughout his journey. It provides him with a means of livelihood, a way to connect with others, and even a method of self-expression and healing. His ability to captivate and move audiences is not just a testament to his technical skill but also to his understanding of the human condition. Whether he’s strumming a lute or weaving a tale, Kvothe’s performances are a fusion of artistry and emotion, making him one of the most compelling figures in modern fantasy literature.

Specializations for the Performance skill
  1. Vocal Singing: Using the voice to perform songs and captivate audiences.
  2. Instrumental Music (Piano, Guitar, Violin, etc.): Mastery of musical instruments for live performances.
  3. Dance (Ballet, Contemporary, Hip-hop, etc.): Expressing art and emotion through various styles of dance.
  4. Theater Acting (Drama, Comedy, Musical, etc.): Performing roles in theatrical productions to engage an audience.
  5. Storytelling and Oral Traditions: Weaving tales and narratives through spoken word to entertain and educate.
  6. Stand-up Comedy: Using humor and wit to entertain a live audience.
  7. Magic and Illusion: Performing tricks and illusions that amaze and mystify.
  8. Street Performances and Busking: Entertaining public audiences in open spaces or on the street.
  9. Spoken Word Poetry: Performing poetry that is meant to be heard and experienced, rather than just read.
  10. Puppetry and Marionette Shows: Manipulating puppets or marionettes for theatrical entertainment.
  11. Circus Performances (Acrobatics, Juggling, etc.): Showcasing physical skills and daring feats in a circus setting.
  12. Improvisational Comedy (Improv): Creating spontaneous comedic scenes based on audience suggestions.
  13. Mime and Physical Theater: Using body language and facial expressions to tell a story without words.
  14. Voice Acting and Dubbing: Providing the voices for animated characters or dubbing over existing performances.
  15. Live Art and Performance Art: Creating art in real-time, often incorporating multiple forms of media and audience interaction.
  16. Flamenco Dancing: Performing the traditional Spanish art form that includes singing, guitar playing, dance, and handclaps.
  17. Opera Singing: Performing in a theatrical work that combines drama, music, and often dance.
  18. Ballroom Dancing: Partnered dancing in formal styles like waltz, tango, and foxtrot.
  19. Drag Performances: Entertaining through exaggerated, theatrical forms of feminine or masculine presentation.
  20. Cultural Traditional Performances (Hula Dance, Kabuki Theater, etc.): Showcasing performances that are specific to certain cultures or traditions.
Performance Archetypes
Archetype Example Example Description Archetype Description
The Musician Jimi Hendrix Known for his revolutionary guitar techniques and iconic performances. Excels in playing musical instruments and performing music.
The Dancer Fred Astaire Renowned for his dancing in classic films, setting new standards for dance on film and stage. Specializes in dance and movement.
The Actor Meryl Streep Known for her versatile roles and exceptional acting skills. Focuses on the art of acting.
The Storyteller Scheherazade The legendary storyteller of “One Thousand and One Nights,” who captivated a king with her tales. Skilled in the oral tradition of storytelling.
The Comedian Richard Pryor Known for his observational and often controversial humor. Known for comedic timing and wit.
The Magician Harry Houdini Famous for his daring escape acts and illusions. Specializes in performing illusions and magic tricks.
The Circus Performer The Flying Wallendas Known for their high-wire acts and daring stunts in the circus. Focuses on circus arts.
The Puppeteer Jim Henson Created iconic puppet characters like Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy. Skilled in the art of puppetry.
The Bard Homer Ancient Greek poet traditionally said to be the author of the epic poems the “Iliad” and the “Odyssey.” Combines musical talent with storytelling skills.
The Improviser Robin Williams Known for his quick wit and improvisational comedy. Known for improvising and adapting to unexpected situations.
The Clown Emmett Kelly Famous for his character “Weary Willie,” based on the hobos of the Depression era. Focuses on physical comedy and slapstick humor.
The Illusionist David Copperfield Known for his large-scale illusions, such as making the Statue of Liberty disappear. Specializes in creating elaborate illusions.
The Aerialist Isabelle Vaudelle Known for her performances on the aerial hoop and silks. Specializes in aerial arts.
The Ventriloquist Edgar Bergen Known for his ventriloquist act with his puppet Charlie McCarthy. Skilled in ventriloquism.
The Hypnotist Franz Mesmer Known for his theory of “animal magnetism” and early practices related to hypnotism. Known for inducing trance-like states and suggestibility.
Table with Performance skill and examples for each level of difficulty
Difficulty Performance Skill
Trivial Automatic humming or tapping along with a familiar tune.
Simple Playing a basic song on a musical instrument without errors.
Easy Dancing to a popular song with simple choreography.
Routine Delivering a monologue with clear articulation and expression.
Average Performing a well-known song with emotion and vocal control.
Difficult Mastering complex dance routines with precision and grace.
Very Difficult Acting in a leading role of a challenging theatrical production.
Formidable Singing an operatic aria with impeccable technique and emotion.
Heroic Executing a flawlessly choreographed dance performance in front of a large audience.
Nearly Impossible Engaging a diverse crowd through an improvised stand-up comedy act.
Godly Achieving a mesmerizing stage presence that transcends reality, leaving audiences spellbound and deeply moved.

Etiquette Knowledge Areas

I was raised right — I talk about people behind their backs. It's called manners. -- Kathy Griffin
Description of the Etiquette skill

Etiquette is the art of knowing and applying the proper social customs, protocols, and behaviors in various situations to interact gracefully with individuals from different backgrounds. It involves understanding the appropriate ways to communicate, behave, and show respect to others, ensuring smooth interactions and fostering positive relationships.

Examples of Etiquette from Fiction

In the classic novel “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen, Elizabeth Bennet demonstrates a nuanced understanding of Etiquette, especially given the social constraints and expectations of her time. While she is not afraid to challenge societal norms, Elizabeth knows how to navigate various social situations gracefully, understanding when to adhere to protocol and when it’s acceptable to bend the rules. Her skill in Etiquette is evident in her interactions with a range of characters, from the haughty Lady Catherine de Bourgh to the charming but deceitful George Wickham, and of course, the enigmatic Mr. Darcy.

One memorable scene that showcases Elizabeth’s grasp of Etiquette occurs during her visit to Rosings, the grand estate of Lady Catherine. Despite Lady Catherine’s attempts to belittle her and assert her own superiority, Elizabeth manages to hold her own, responding with just the right blend of deference and assertiveness. She adheres to the social customs of the time, yet does so in a way that maintains her self-respect and dignity, impressing even Mr. Darcy in the process.

A character with a high level of skill in Etiquette could be invaluable for navigating complex social landscapes. Imagine the party is invited to a royal ball where they must secure an alliance with a foreign power. A character skilled in Etiquette could guide the group through the intricacies of courtly behavior, from the proper way to address nobility to the subtle art of diplomatic conversation, thereby increasing the chances of a successful negotiation.

Elizabeth Bennet’s mastery of Etiquette is not just about following rules; it’s about understanding the nuances of human interaction within the context of her society. Her ability to read the room, so to speak, allows her to adapt her behavior according to the situation, whether she’s challenging social norms or adhering to them. This skill enables her to navigate a rigid social hierarchy without compromising her own values, making her one of the most enduring and relatable characters in literary history.

Specializations for the Etiquette skill
  1. Dining Etiquette: Understanding the proper manners and behaviors at the dining table.
  2. Business Etiquette: Knowing how to conduct oneself in a professional setting, including meetings and networking events.
  3. Wedding and Event Etiquette: Familiarity with the customs and protocols for various ceremonies and social events.
  4. International Etiquette: Understanding the social norms and customs of different countries and cultures.
  5. Protocol and Diplomacy: Mastery of formalities and courtesies required in diplomatic settings.
  6. Social Media Etiquette: Knowing the do’s and don’ts of interacting on social media platforms.
  7. Networking Etiquette: Understanding the proper ways to make and maintain professional connections.
  8. Greeting and Introductions: Mastery of the appropriate ways to greet and introduce people in various settings.
  9. Funeral Etiquette: Knowing the respectful behaviors and protocols for memorial services.
  10. Gift-Giving Etiquette: Understanding the appropriate gifts and presentation methods for various occasions.
  11. Conversation and Small Talk: Mastery of the art of casual conversation and how to keep discussions pleasant and appropriate.
  12. Workplace Etiquette: Knowing how to behave in an office or professional environment.
  13. Cultural Sensitivity and Diversity Etiquette: Understanding how to interact respectfully with people from diverse backgrounds.
  14. Travel Etiquette: Knowing the proper conduct when traveling, including in airports, hotels, and foreign countries.
  15. Formal Occasions Etiquette (Galas, Balls, etc.): Mastery of the social norms for high-society events.
  16. Telephone and Email Etiquette: Understanding the proper ways to communicate via phone or email.
  17. Dress Code and Fashion Etiquette: Knowing what attire is appropriate for various social and professional settings.
  18. Public Speaking Etiquette: Mastery of the norms and behaviors for speaking in public, including tone, timing, and audience engagement.
  19. Table Manners and Table Setting Etiquette: Understanding the proper arrangement of tableware and how to behave during meals.
  20. Body Language and Nonverbal Communication Etiquette: Mastery of the unspoken cues that accompany verbal communication.
Etiquette Archetypes
Archetype Example Example Description Archetype Description
The Diplomat Henry Kissinger Known for his role in U.S. foreign policy and diplomatic negotiations during the Cold War. Excels in diplomatic etiquette and protocol.
The Host/Hostess Martha Stewart Renowned for her expertise in home entertaining and event planning. Specializes in event planning and hospitality.
The Courtier Sir Walter Raleigh English explorer and courtier to Queen Elizabeth I, known for his charm and wit. Focuses on etiquette in royal courts and noble circles.
The Business Etiquette Expert Dale Carnegie Author of “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” a guide to successful business relationships. Skilled in corporate and business etiquette.
The Cultural Interpreter Margaret Mead Anthropologist known for her studies on the cultures of Oceania, bridging understanding between cultures. Understands and bridges cultural gaps.
The Manners Instructor Emily Post Known for her books on etiquette and manners. Specializes in teaching etiquette to others.
The Wedding Planner David Tutera Celebrity wedding planner known for creating lavish ceremonies. Focuses on wedding etiquette and ceremonies.
The Ambassador Kofi Annan Former UN Secretary-General, known for his diplomatic efforts. Represents their nation in diplomatic relations.
The Butler/Beloved Servant Alfred Pennyworth Fictional butler to Bruce Wayne, known for his loyalty and impeccable service. Specializes in serving and attending to the needs of others.
The Court Advisor Cardinal Richelieu Chief minister to King Louis XIII of France, known for his political acumen. Offers valuable advice to rulers and nobility.
The Corporate Coach Tony Robbins Known for his leadership seminars and executive coaching. Focuses on executive coaching and leadership development.
The Cultural Liaison Pocahontas Known for her role in facilitating relations between Native Americans and English settlers. Facilitates communication between different cultural groups.
The Etiquette Columnist Miss Manners (Judith Martin) Writes syndicated columns and books on social etiquette. Provides etiquette advice through writing or media.
The Event Coordinator Preston Bailey Celebrity event designer and planner known for high-profile events. Plans and executes a wide range of events.
The Protocol Specialist Capricia Penavic Marshall Served as Chief of Protocol of the United States, overseeing diplomatic ceremonies and functions. Ensures that diplomatic events adhere to established customs and procedures.
Table with Etiquette skill specializations and difficulty levels
Difficulty Etiquette
Trivial Act with common graces among a group of your peers. Saying “please” and “thank you” automatically in everyday interactions.
Simple Act in such a way as to not stick out in a crowd of your peers. Properly greeting someone with a smile and handshake.
Easy Act with common graces among a group of people who are not of your class so as not to attract attention. Knowing when to use formal or informal language in a conversation.
Routine Socially interact with people and leave a pleasant impression without backgrounds / social standing getting in the way. Demonstrating good table manners during a casual meal with friends.
Average Understanding appropriate dress code for different social events.
Difficult Mastering business etiquette in professional settings and meetings. Socially interact with people and leave a pleasant impression even though they know your background / social standing demands other reactions.
Very Difficult Navigating cultural customs and norms when traveling internationally. Entice and convince someone of a given proposition outside your Social Class even though they know your baackground / social standing demands other reacitons.
Formidable Representing a company or government in diplomatic and protocol matters.
Heroic Delivering a flawless and engaging public speech to a large audience
Nearly Impossible Seduce someone who knows you don’t share compatible sexual values.
Godly Successfully mediating and resolving intense conflicts between warring factions or nations with superior diplomacy and tact.

Personality Characteristics

Personality represents the overall ability of the being to conform their own actions to create the outcomes they want.

Deception Knowledge Areas

Man is not what he thinks he is, he is what he hides. --André Malraux
Description of the Deception Skill

The Deception skill measures the ability to convincingly hide the truth, whether through verbal means or actions. This skill encompasses a wide range of deceptive practices, from misleading others through ambiguity to outright lying. Characters proficient in Deception can fast-talk guards, con merchants, earn money through gambling, pass themselves off in disguises, offer false assurances to dull suspicions, or maintain a straight face while telling blatant lies.

Examples of Deception from Fiction

In the fantasy series “A Song of Ice and Fire” by George R.R. Martin, Petyr Baelish, commonly known as Littlefinger, is a master of Deception. His ability to manipulate, lie, and mislead others is unparalleled, making him one of the most dangerous players in the game of thrones. Littlefinger’s skill in Deception is evident in almost every interaction he has, whether he’s sowing discord among powerful families, manipulating financial markets, or plotting assassinations.

One of Littlefinger’s most memorable acts of deception occurs when he convinces Eddard Stark that he will support him in a coup against Queen Cersei, only to betray him at the last moment. Littlefinger’s assurances are so convincing that even the usually cautious Eddard is taken in. This act of deception has far-reaching consequences, leading to Eddard’s imprisonment and eventual execution, and setting off a chain of events that plunges the Seven Kingdoms into war.

A character with a high level of skill in Deception could be invaluable for various scenarios. Imagine the party needs to infiltrate a heavily guarded fortress; a Deception check could determine whether they successfully bluff their way past the guards. Or perhaps the group is caught in a web of political intrigue; a character skilled in Deception could spread misinformation to throw their enemies off balance or create false alliances to further their own goals.

Littlefinger’s mastery of Deception makes him a formidable adversary. His ability to read people and situations allows him to craft lies that are almost indistinguishable from the truth. Whether he’s manipulating the stock market to amass wealth or pitting powerful lords against each other to climb the social ladder, Littlefinger’s deceptive practices are his most potent weapons. His skill in this dark art allows him to navigate the treacherous political landscape of Westeros, leaving a trail of chaos in his wake.

Specializations for the Deception Skill
  1. Misdirection: Skill in diverting attention away from the truth or from one’s actions.
  2. False Identity Creation: Crafting believable fake identities, complete with backstory and documentation.
  3. Verbal Persuasion and Manipulation: Using words to deceive or manipulate others into believing or doing something.
  4. Impersonation and Mimicry: Ability to convincingly imitate another person’s voice, mannerisms, or appearance.
  5. Acting and Feigning Emotions: Skill in pretending to feel emotions that one does not actually feel.
  6. Detecting Deception in Others: Ability to recognize when someone else is being deceptive.
  7. Creating and Maintaining False Documents: Crafting and using fake documents to support deceptive activities.
  8. Faking Forgery: Creating counterfeit items or documents that appear to be genuine.
  9. Undercover Infiltration and Espionage: Skill in blending into an environment or group to gather information without being detected.
  10. Confidence Schemes and Long Cons: Planning and executing complex scams that require gaining someone’s trust.
  11. Disguise and Camouflage: Ability to change one’s appearance or blend into an environment to avoid detection.
  12. Misleading Body Language and Facial Expressions: Using non-verbal cues to deceive or mislead.
  13. Illusion Casting and Trickery (In a fantasy setting): Using magical or technical means to create illusions that deceive the senses.
  14. Covert Communication and Secret Codes: Using hidden messages or codes to communicate without being understood by outsiders.
  15. Fabricating Alibis and False Testimonies: Creating believable false stories to explain one’s actions or whereabouts.
  16. Manipulating Evidence and Crime Scene Alteration: Changing or planting evidence to mislead investigators.
  17. Feeding False Information to Rival Factions or Enemies: Deliberately giving incorrect or misleading information to opponents.
  18. Misrepresenting Intentions and Hidden Agendas: Concealing one’s true plans or motives while appearing to have different intentions.
  19. Deceptive Negotiation and Diplomacy: Using deceit as a tool in negotiations or diplomatic interactions.
  20. Gaslighting and Psychological Manipulation: Manipulating someone into doubting their own memory, perception, or sanity.
Deception Archetypes
Archetype Example Example Description Archetype Description
The Master of Disguise Arya Stark (Game of Thrones) Known for her ability to assume different identities using the “Faceless Men” techniques. Excels in assuming different identities and disguises.
The Smooth Talker Jay Gatsby (The Great Gatsby) Charms and manipulates people to climb the social ladder. Specializes in persuasive deception.
The Con Artist Frank Abagnale (Catch Me If You Can) Notorious for his elaborate cons, including impersonating a pilot and a doctor. Focuses on elaborate schemes and cons.
The Impersonator Rich Little Known for his skill in mimicking celebrities and public figures. Skilled in mimicking the speech patterns and behavior of others.
The Poker-Faced Liar Iago (Othello) Manipulates others while maintaining a facade of honesty. Maintains a calm and unflinching demeanor while lying.
The Illusionist David Copperfield Famous magician known for his elaborate illusions. Specializes in creating illusions and misdirection.
The Infiltrator James Bond Fictional spy known for infiltrating enemy organizations and gathering intelligence. Focuses on espionage and covert operations.
The Spy Mata Hari World War I spy who used her skills in disguise and espionage for intelligence-gathering. Combines the skills of disguise and espionage.
The Snake Charmer Rasputin Manipulated the Russian royal family, convincing them of his mystical powers. Can manipulate even the most resistant individuals.
The Grifter Sawyer (Lost) Orchestrates complex deceptions and scams for personal gain. Specializes in long cons and elaborate schemes.
The Mimic Mystique (X-Men) Can shapeshift into different people and creatures. Mimics not just individuals but also creatures and monsters.
The Deceptive Illusionist Loki (Norse Mythology) Known for his magical abilities and deceptive nature, including shape-shifting and creating illusions. Combines magical deception with misdirection.
The Saboteur Guy Fawkes Attempted to sabotage the English Parliament in the Gunpowder Plot. Infiltrates enemy organizations and disrupts their operations.
The Silver-Tongued Manipulator Littlefinger (Game of Thrones) Manipulates political situations to his advantage. Focuses on psychological manipulation.
The Counterfeit Expert Alves Reis Conducted the Portuguese Bank Note Crisis by forging documents and creating counterfeit currency. Skilled in creating convincing forgeries and counterfeit documents.
Table with Deception skill specializations and difficulty levels
Difficulty Deception Skill
Trivial Automatically putting on a friendly demeanor with strangers.
Simple Successfully passing off a small fib in casual conversation.
Easy Using slight misdirection to lead someone away from a sensitive topic.
Routine Convincing others of a minor falsehood with a composed delivery.
Average Keeping a straight face while telling a small lie even under scrutiny.
Difficult Successfully using charm and persuasion to manipulate someone into making a favorable decision.
Very Difficult Convincing a group of people that you are someone else entirely, and getting them to believe your fabricated identity.
Formidable Pulling off a long con to gain the trust of influential figures and extract valuable information.
Heroic Disguising yourself as a high-ranking authority figure and giving a convincing speech to rally a crowd in support of a cause.
Nearly Impossible Orchestrating an elaborate scheme of misinformation to deceive multiple factions and throw the world into confusion.
Godly Deception on a cosmic scale, where even the most astute and vigilant beings are unable to discern reality from illusion, and the truth becomes a malleable concept.

Persuasion Knowledge Areas

Don't raise your voice, improve your argument. -- Desmond Tutu
Description of the Persuasion Skill

Persuasion is the ability to influence others using tact, social graces, and good nature. It involves fostering friendships, making cordial requests, and exhibiting proper etiquette. With persuasion, you can convince people to see things from your perspective, negotiate peace between warring tribes, inspire crowds, or gain favor with influential figures.”

Examples of Persuasion from Fiction

In the historical novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, Atticus Finch demonstrates a profound skill in Persuasion. As a lawyer in a racially divided Southern town, Atticus faces the daunting task of defending Tom Robinson, a black man falsely accused of raping a white woman. Despite the overwhelming prejudice and hostility he faces, Atticus uses his persuasive abilities to make a compelling case for Tom’s innocence, appealing to the jury’s sense of justice and humanity.

One of the most memorable scenes showcasing Atticus’s skill in Persuasion is his closing argument in Tom Robinson’s trial. Atticus doesn’t resort to theatrics or manipulation; instead, he calmly lays out the facts of the case, imploring the jury to set aside their biases and consider the evidence before them. He employs a combination of tact, social graces, and a deep understanding of human nature to make his point, even though the odds are heavily stacked against him.

A character with a high level of skill in Persuasion could be invaluable in various scenarios. Imagine the party is caught in a tense standoff between two feuding families. A character skilled in Persuasion could step in to mediate, using their social graces and understanding of human nature to broker a peace agreement. Or perhaps the group needs to gain the favor of a powerful queen; a successful Persuasion check could convince her to lend her support to their cause.

Atticus Finch’s mastery of Persuasion is not just a tool for his profession; it’s a guiding principle of his life. He believes in the power of empathy and understanding to bridge the divides between people, and he uses his persuasive abilities to advocate for justice and fairness. Whether he’s defending a client in court or imparting life lessons to his children, Atticus’s skill in Persuasion is a testament to the impact one individual can have when they speak from a place of integrity and compassion.

Specializations for the Persuasion Skill
  1. Diplomacy: Negotiating peace treaties between rival nations or settling disputes without resorting to violence.
  2. Court Etiquette: Understanding and adhering to the complex protocols and customs of royal courts and high society events.
  3. Charisma in Leadership: Inspiring and motivating a group of people to follow your lead and work towards a common goal.
  4. Salesmanship: Convincing potential customers to buy products or services through compelling pitches and persuasive techniques.
  5. Political Persuasion: Winning support for a political cause or candidate by swaying public opinion through speeches and campaigns.
  6. Emotional Empathy: Identifying and empathizing with people’s emotions to connect with them on a deeper level and gain their trust.
  7. Negotiation Skills: Successfully navigating tricky negotiations and reaching mutually beneficial agreements with different parties.
  8. Interpersonal Influence: Excelling in one-on-one interactions to build rapport, gain trust, and sway opinions subtly.
  9. Motivational Speaking: Delivering powerful speeches that inspire, uplift, and energize an audience to take action or change their beliefs.
  10. Crisis Communication: Calmly and convincingly addressing a crowd during moments of turmoil or uncertainty to maintain order and ease tensions.
  11. Debate and Rhetoric: Mastering the art of persuasive argumentation and logical reasoning to win debates and sway opinions.
  12. Seduction and Charm: Using charm, allure, and personal magnetism to gain favor, win hearts, and create positive impressions.
  13. Jury Persuasion: Convincing a jury of the innocence or guilt of a defendant during a trial through persuasive arguments and evidence presentation.
  14. Cultural Sensitivity: Adapting your persuasive approach to different cultures and customs to avoid misunderstandings and foster cooperation.
  15. Crisis Management: Calmly and effectively handling crises, emergencies, or conflicts to maintain public confidence and trust in your leadership.
  16. Public Relations: Managing and shaping the public image of individuals, organizations, or institutions through strategic communication.
  17. Influence Over Authorities: Persuading those in positions of power to make decisions or take actions in line with your interests or goals.
  18. Confidence Projection: Projecting an air of self-assurance and confidence, inspiring trust and admiration from others.
  19. Converting Skeptics: Convincing skeptics and critics to change their minds or adopt your perspective through well-reasoned arguments.
  20. Ethical Persuasion: Using persuasion techniques responsibly and with integrity, ensuring the well-being and benefit of all parties involved.
Persuasion Archetypes
Archetype Example Example Description Archetype Description
The Charmer James Bond Known for his charisma and ability to win people over in various situations. Excels in winning people over with charisma and charm.
The Diplomat Henry Kissinger Played a key role in diplomatic negotiations such as the Paris Peace Accords. Specializes in negotiation and diplomacy.
The Orator Martin Luther King Jr. Famous for his “I Have a Dream” speech, which inspired millions. Focuses on the art of public speaking.
The Mediator Nelson Mandela Helped mediate between opposing factions in post-apartheid South Africa. Skilled in conflict resolution.
The Advocate Malala Yousafzai Advocates for girls’ education and has rallied global support for this cause. Champions causes and persuades others to support them.
The Negotiator Chris Voss Former FBI hostage negotiator known for securing favorable outcomes. Specializes in bargaining and deal-making.
The Counselor Dr. Frasier Crane (Frasier) A psychiatrist who offers emotional support and advice on his radio show. Focuses on providing emotional support and guidance.
The Peacemaker Desmond Tutu Played a crucial role in the peaceful transition to majority rule in South Africa. Combines skills of diplomacy and conflict resolution.
The Motivational Speaker Tony Robbins Known for his seminars and self-help books that aim to motivate and inspire. Inspires and motivates others.
The Public Relations Expert Olivia Pope (Scandal) Specializes in managing public crises and shaping public opinion. Manages public perception.
The Legal Counsel Atticus Finch (To Kill a Mockingbird) Represents an innocent man in a racially charged trial, navigating complex legal issues. Focuses on legal matters and negotiations.
The Life Coach Tim Ferriss Known for his self-help books and podcasts aimed at personal growth and self-improvement. Guides individuals toward self-improvement and personal growth.
The Inspirational Leader Steve Jobs Led Apple Inc. to become one of the most successful companies through his inspirational leadership. Leads through inspiration and motivation.
The Mentor Yoda (Star Wars) Provides wisdom and training to young Jedi, helping them make informed decisions. Guides and mentors others.
The Socialite Daisy Buchanan (The Great Gatsby) Known for her social connections and ability to navigate high society. Facilitates introductions and builds alliances.
Table with Persuasion skill specializations and difficulty levels
Difficulty Persuasion
Trivial Convince a hungry person to eat food you bought for them.
Simple Convince a child to take candy from you
Easy Calm a troubled person. Persuade a city guard to do their job well. Convince a governmental official you want to help them.
Routine Requires a bit more competence to accomplish. Can be completed more often than not by a character with natural aptitude.
Average Requires a bit more competence to accomplish. Can be completed more often than not by a character if they have received exposure to the skill and are not encumbered in any way. This is the work of an apprentice or someone with exceptional latent talent.
Difficult Convince someone that you are of another caste / social class then the one you actually are. convince a group of thugs to leave you in peace. Convince a friend your idea is better than their idea.
Very Difficult Convince a group of people to use a limited resource the way you want them to. Talk your way past a steward to talk to the property owner. Inspire a group of townsfolk who are milling about. Negotiate peace between warring parties that want peace, but don’t know how to proceed.
Formidable Stir up slaves or plebs to revolt against their task masters (not all will listen). Convince a mob boss you are worth more alive than dead. Convince someone to share a secret they are not to share with you.
Heroic Stir up the villagers or slaves to revolt against their task masters and have all of them form an angry mob that marches on the plantation owner’s home. Convince guards that even though you don’t have an invitation and you are not on their list, you are suspose to be at The Company.
Nearly Impossible Convince the Greek kings to make war on Troy now that Paris has stolen Helen of Sparta. Convince King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy that Alexander / Paris’s idea of stealing Helena was a good idea and support him.
Godly Convince a spirit to share their true name with you. Convince a dragon to tell you the secret location of its horde

Intimidation Knowledge Areas

If you want to control someone, all you have to do is to make them feel afraid. -- Paulo Coelho
Description of the Intimidation Skill

Intimidation is the ability to influence others through overt threats, hostile actions, and displays of physical prowess. It involves using fear and forceful demeanor to coerce others into compliance or submission. Examples of intimidation include extracting information from a prisoner, dissuading street thugs from confrontation, or using menacing gestures to make someone reconsider their decisions.

Examples of Intimidation from Fiction

In the crime thriller series “The Godfather” by Mario Puzo, Vito Corleone exemplifies the skill of Intimidation. As the patriarch of the Corleone crime family, Vito uses a combination of veiled threats, overt displays of power, and an imposing presence to maintain his family’s influence and control over their criminal enterprises. While he is a man of many talents and strategies, his ability to intimidate is one of his most effective tools for maintaining order and achieving his objectives.

One iconic scene that showcases Vito Corleone’s skill in Intimidation occurs when he visits the office of Jack Woltz, a Hollywood producer who has refused a favor to the Corleone family. Vito starts off with polite conversation, but the underlying threat is palpable. When Woltz remains defiant, Vito ensures that he wakes up the next morning with the severed head of his prized racehorse in his bed. The message is clear and terrifying, and Woltz promptly complies with Vito’s wishes.

A character with a high level of skill in Intimidation could be invaluable in various scenarios. Imagine the party is interrogating a captured enemy spy; an Intimidation check could determine whether the spy reveals critical information. Or perhaps the group encounters a band of highway robbers; a successful Intimidation check could make the robbers think twice about attacking, allowing the party to pass unharmed.

Vito Corleone’s mastery of Intimidation is a cornerstone of his power and influence. While he prefers to use diplomacy and mutual benefit to achieve his goals, he is not above using fear and threats when necessary. His ability to intimidate is not just about physical force; it’s a calculated use of his reputation, his resources, and his understanding of human psychology. Whether he’s negotiating business deals or settling disputes, Vito Corleone’s skill in Intimidation ensures that he commands respect and compliance, making him one of the most formidable figures in the world of organized crime.

Specializations for the Intimidation Skill
  1. Interrogation Techniques: Skillfully extracting information from unwilling subjects using a combination of psychological pressure and fear tactics.
  2. Streetwise Intimidation: Asserting dominance and scaring off potential adversaries in rough urban environments.
  3. Body Language: Utilizing intimidating body language, postures, and facial expressions to project an aura of menace.
  4. Fear Induction: Instilling fear in others through verbal threats and powerful, menacing language.
  5. Physical Presence: Imposing and intimidating others solely through one’s physical appearance and size.
  6. Coercive Tactics: Applying calculated intimidation to force reluctant individuals into taking specific actions.
  7. Demanding Respect: Making demands and commanding respect through an air of authority and forcefulness.
  8. Confrontation Mastery: Handling confrontations with skill, asserting control, and causing opponents to second-guess their intentions.
  9. Fear Amplification: Amplifying an already tense situation to escalate fear and make adversaries yield.
  10. Vocal Intimidation: Using a deep, commanding voice to instill fear and authority in others.
  11. Show of Strength: Demonstrating physical prowess or prowess with weapons to intimidate opponents into submission.
  12. Ruthless Demeanor: Portraying a ruthless and merciless demeanor that discourages opposition and defiance.
  13. Psychological Manipulation: Understanding and exploiting psychological vulnerabilities to provoke fear and compliance.
  14. Intimidation in Negotiation: Intimidating opponents during negotiations to tilt the outcome in your favor.
  15. Fear Projection: Projecting an aura of fear and dread that unnerves opponents and disrupts their focus.
  16. Fear-mongering: Spreading rumors or creating a terrifying reputation to intimidate and control others.
  17. Steely Resolve: Maintaining unyielding composure and unwavering determination to unsettle adversaries.
  18. Environmental Intimidation: Utilizing the surroundings to enhance intimidation, like creating echoes in a dark cave to amplify one’s presence.
  19. Group Intimidation Tactics: Coordinating with allies to project overwhelming force and intimidate larger groups.
  20. Instilling Dread: Cultivating an aura of dread and terror that makes opponents hesitate to challenge you.
Intimidation Archetypes

Certainly! Here’s a table with examples for each of the Intimidation archetypes:

Archetype Example Example Description Archetype Description
The Enforcer The Mountain (Game of Thrones) Known for his imposing physical presence, he intimidates and instills fear in everyone around him. Known for imposing physical presence and intimidating demeanor.
The Interrogator Jack Bauer (24) Specializes in extracting information through intimidation and aggressive tactics. Specializes in extracting information through intimidation.
The Street Thug Al Capone Used intimidation to establish dominance in the criminal underworld of Chicago. Focuses on urban intimidation tactics.
The Brute The Hulk (Marvel Comics) Known for his brute strength and aggression, intimidating enemies and smashing obstacles. Skilled in using brute strength and aggression.
The Enigmatic Menacer Hannibal Lecter Instills fear through his enigmatic and unpredictable nature. Known for mysterious and unpredictable nature.
Psychological Intimidation Iago (Othello) Uses psychological manipulation to break down Othello’s trust and sanity. Specializes in psychological warfare.
The Torturer Ramsay Bolton (Game of Thrones) Known for his brutal methods of extracting information and intimidating others. Focuses on extracting information through physical and psychological torment.
The Crime Lord Vito Corleone (The Godfather) Controls his criminal empire through intimidation and authority. Known for ability to control criminal organizations.
The Warlord Genghis Khan Led his armies through intimidation and instilled fear in his enemies. Excels in leading armies through intimidation.
The Puppet Master Palpatine (Star Wars) Manipulates others into doing his bidding through fear and coercion. Specializes in manipulation and control.
The Sadist Joffrey Baratheon (Game of Thrones) Derives pleasure from inflicting pain and fear on others. Focuses on deriving pleasure from inflicting pain and fear.
The Inquisitor Torquemada (Spanish Inquisition) Known for rooting out heresy through psychological and physical intimidation. Known for ability to root out heresy and dissent.
The Fearmonger Sauron (Lord of the Rings) Spreads fear and chaos among populations through his intimidating presence and actions. Excels in spreading fear and panic.
The Bodyguard Kevin Costner in The Bodyguard Deters potential threats to Whitney Houston’s character through his intimidating presence. Focuses on protecting others through intimidation.
The Mercenary Enforcer Boba Fett (Star Wars) Known for using violence for profit, intimidating or eliminating targets for clients. Known for willingness to use violence for profit.
Table with Intimidation skill specializations and difficulty levels
Difficulty Intimidation
Trivial Automatically asserting authority in a non-threatening manner to gain compliance. Convince a child to run.
Simple Scaring off a small animal or non-aggressive individual with a forceful presence. Bully your way to the front of a line.
Easy Using a stern tone and confident demeanor to deter a misbehaving child. Insinuate violence through force of presence and words. Scare a coward into handing over something of small value.
Routine Intimidating a group of rowdy patrons in a tavern to keep the peace. Cause innocent people to cow before you in a public place.
Average Coercing a minor criminal into revealing some information through veiled threats. Requires a bit more competence to accomplish. Can be completed more often than not by a character if they have received exposure to the skill and are not encumbered in any way. This is the work of an apprentice or someone with exceptional latent talent.
Difficult Intimidating a rival gang to abandon their turf without resorting to violence. Shove or push someone out of your way. Get information out of an uncooperative captive. Convince thugs to back down.
Very Difficult Imposing fear on a powerful and dangerous enemy, making them think twice about attacking. Convince the police to look the other way this time. Make a government functionary sign an arbitrary document.
Formidable Intimidating a ruthless crime lord to release hostages and withdraw his forces. Make a threatening gesture to force a guard to abandon their post. Stop a mob in their tracks. Cause a creature who is larger and stronger to flee.
Heroic Inspiring terror in an entire army through sheer force of presence, causing them to retreat without a fight. Force an undefeated rival to kneel before you to kiss your boots.
Nearly Impossible Confronting a legendary dragon or a fearsome supernatural being, commanding them to obey or leave an area. Force a king or high priest to abandon their post for their crimes.
Godly Instilling dread in a cosmic entity or otherworldly being, making them hesitate to challenge your will. Force a king or high priest to abandon their post for your crimes.

Identity Characteristics

Identity represents the overall ability of the being to harmonize conflicts in the society they exist in by pushing themselves socially.

Bureaucracy Knowledge Areas

Bureaucracies, I've suggested, are not themselves forms of stupidity so much as they are ways of organizing stupidity--of managing relationships that are already characterized by extremely unequal structures of imagination... -- David Graeber
Description of the Bureaucracy

The skill Bureaucracy means you understand the bureaucratic structures of a group and how they can be used to create the outcomes you need. This can be understanding how local politicians work, how to incentivize law enforcement, or the rules of churches or other formalized social structures of a corporation or social group.

Examples of Bureaucracy from Fiction

In the political drama series “The West Wing,” created by Aaron Sorkin, the character of C.J. Cregg, the White House Press Secretary, demonstrates a deep understanding of Bureaucracy. C.J. navigates the intricate web of governmental structures, from the Executive Branch to Congress, and even the media, to achieve her objectives. Whether she’s managing a crisis, coordinating with various departments, or handling sensitive information, C.J.’s skill in Bureaucracy is evident in how she leverages the system to her advantage.

One memorable episode showcases C.J.’s bureaucratic acumen when she has to manage a diplomatic crisis involving a foreign dignitary. Understanding the protocols, the chain of command, and the sensitivities of various departments, she orchestrates a series of meetings and briefings to ensure that the crisis is resolved with minimal political fallout. Her ability to work the bureaucratic system enables her to bring together State Department officials, National Security advisors, and even the President in a coordinated response.

A character with a high level of skill in Bureaucracy could be invaluable for navigating complex social structures. Imagine the party needs to secure a permit for a magical experiment in a city where magic is heavily regulated. A character skilled in Bureaucracy could expedite the process, knowing which officials to talk to and what strings to pull. Or perhaps the group is involved in a dispute with a local guild; understanding the guild’s internal rules and hierarchy could give the party an edge in negotiations or legal proceedings.

C.J. Cregg’s mastery of Bureaucracy is a cornerstone of her effectiveness as a Press Secretary and later as the White House Chief of Staff. Her ability to understand and manipulate the bureaucratic system allows her to achieve outcomes that would be difficult, if not impossible, for others less skilled in the art of bureaucracy. Whether she’s managing a crisis, shaping policy, or simply navigating the day-to-day challenges of government

Specializations for the Bureaucracy Skill
  1. Political Manipulation: Understanding the intricacies of political systems and using them to gain influence and power.
  2. Legal Expertise: Mastering the laws and regulations of a region to navigate legal systems effectively.
  3. Corporate Dynamics: Knowing how corporations operate and using bureaucracy to climb the corporate ladder.
  4. Social Engineering: Manipulating social structures to achieve specific social or cultural changes.
  5. Public Policy Analysis: Analyzing and influencing public policies for the betterment of society.
  6. Government Diplomacy: Interacting with government agencies and officials to achieve desired outcomes.
  7. Non-Profit Management: Understanding the bureaucratic aspects of non-profit organizations and optimizing their operations.
  8. Intelligence Operations: Utilizing bureaucratic systems to gather intelligence and conduct covert operations.
  9. Lobbying and Advocacy: Advocating for specific causes and using bureaucracy to shape public opinion and policy.
  10. Institutional Strategy: Developing strategies to navigate and leverage institutional frameworks.
  11. Community Organizing: Organizing and mobilizing communities to achieve collective goals.
  12. Trade Negotiations: Using bureaucratic knowledge to negotiate advantageous trade deals between organizations or nations.
  13. Diplomatic Protocols: Understanding and adhering to diplomatic protocols to foster positive international relations.
  14. Administrative Efficiency: Streamlining bureaucratic processes to improve organizational efficiency.
  15. Public Relations Management: Managing public perception through strategic bureaucratic actions.
  16. Budgetary Planning: Planning and managing budgets within bureaucratic structures to achieve financial goals.
  17. Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring compliance with various regulations and laws to avoid penalties or legal issues.
  18. Policy Implementation: Implementing and executing policies effectively within organizations or governments.
  19. Crisis Management: Using bureaucratic expertise to navigate and manage crises and emergencies.
  20. Societal Reform: Initiating and leading bureaucratic-driven efforts to reform societal structures and norms.
Bureaucracy Archetypes
Archetype Example Example Description Archetype Description
The Political Strategist Frank Underwood (House of Cards) Excels in manipulating the political landscape to achieve his goals, including becoming President. Excels in navigating the political landscape and shaping policies.
The Lawful Advocate Atticus Finch (To Kill a Mockingbird) Navigates the legal system to defend an innocent man, using his understanding of judicial processes. Specializes in legal and judicial matters.
The Corporate Insider Jordan Belfort (The Wolf of Wall Street) Manipulates corporate policies and influences board decisions to amass wealth. Focuses on corporate structures and business operations.
The Ecclesiastical Expert Cardinal Richelieu (History/The Three Musketeers) Navigates the religious and political hierarchies of France to maintain his power. Skilled in religious and church hierarchies.
The Community Organizer Saul Alinsky (History) Known for his work in organizing communities to effect social change. Known for mobilizing grassroots movements.
The Lobbyist Jack Abramoff (History) Influenced lawmakers through lobbying efforts, eventually leading to legal repercussions. Specializes in lobbying efforts within government.
The Legal Mastermind Harvey Specter (Suits) Exploits legal loopholes and crafts complex contracts to win cases. Specializes in legal manipulation.
The Corporate Machiavellian Gordon Gekko (Wall Street) Engages in cutthroat tactics to manipulate stock markets and orchestrate corporate takeovers. Focuses on corporate intrigue and power plays.
The Religious Scholar Martin Luther (History) Led the Protestant Reformation by interpreting and challenging established religious texts and practices. Known for deep knowledge of religious texts and traditions.
The Grassroots Activist Rosa Parks (History) Organized protests and became an icon of the Civil Rights Movement. Focuses on grassroots activism.
The Propagandist Joseph Goebbels (History) Shaped public opinion through propaganda during WWII. Excels in shaping public opinion through media manipulation.
The Covert Operative James Bond (Fiction) Infiltrates organizations, gathers intelligence, and sabotages operations. Specializes in covert operations within bureaucratic structures.
The Diplomatic Envoy Henry Kissinger (History) Negotiated treaties and represented U.S. interests on the global stage. Focuses on international diplomacy.
The Policy Analyst Nate Silver (Real Life) Known for his expertise in policy and statistical analysis, particularly in political forecasting. Known for expertise in policy analysis and formulation.
The Union Organizer Cesar Chavez (History) Mobilized farm workers to demand better working conditions and benefits. Specializes in labor movements and workers’ rights.
The Dirty Tricks Mastermind Petyr Baelish (Game of Thrones) Orchestrates sophisticated propaganda campaigns to manipulate public perception and gain power. Specializes in sophisticated propaganda campaigns.
Table with Bureaucracy skill specializations and difficulty levels
Difficulty Bureaucracy
Trivial Automatically understanding the basic organizational structure of a small local community group.
Simple Applying for permits or licenses required for a small event or business.
Easy Navigating the bureaucratic processes to secure funding for a community project.
Routine Effectively using bureaucratic channels to gain access to government resources.
Average Understanding and manipulating the bureaucratic processes of a mid-sized company to push through a new initiative.
Difficult Developing a strategic plan to influence the policies of a large corporation.
Very Difficult Orchestrating a campaign to influence public policy at a national level.
Formidable Successfully negotiating complex bureaucratic hurdles to establish a new international partnership.
Heroic Convincing multiple government bodies to work together on a large-scale infrastructure project.
Nearly Impossible Spearheading a global humanitarian initiative that involves coordination with multiple international organizations and governments.
Godly Initiating and leading a massive, worldwide bureaucratic reform movement that reshapes how governments and organizations function and interact on a global scale.

Animal Handling Knowledge Areas

How you treat animals will tell me what kind of person you are. -— Karen Becker
Description of the Animal Handling

The skill Animal Handling means when there is any question whether you can calm down a domesticated animal, keep a mount from getting spooked, or intuit an animal’s intentions, you might need an Animal Handling check. You also make an Animal Handling check to control your mount when you attempt a risky maneuver.

Examples of Animal Handling from Fiction

In the classic novel “Black Beauty” by Anna Sewell, the character John Manly, the stablemaster, demonstrates a high level of skill in Animal Handling. John is responsible for the care and training of the horses in the estate, including the titular character, Black Beauty. His understanding of equine behavior, needs, and body language allows him to establish a strong bond with the animals under his care. He knows when to be firm and when to be gentle, and his actions are always guided by a deep respect for the animals.

One memorable scene in the book showcases John’s skill in Animal Handling when a fire breaks out in the stable. Understanding the horses’ natural fear and the risk of a stampede, John calmly but quickly leads each horse out of the burning stable, even going back to rescue a terrified, rearing horse that others had given up on. His ability to read the animals’ behavior and respond appropriately ensures the safety of all the horses.

A character with a high level of skill in Animal Handling could be invaluable in various scenarios. Imagine the party needs to cross a dangerous swamp inhabited by aggressive creatures; an Animal Handling check could determine whether they successfully tame or calm the creatures to pass safely. Or perhaps the group encounters a pack of wolves; a successful Animal Handling check could prevent an attack, turning a potential threat into a momentary distraction.

John Manly’s mastery of Animal Handling is not just a professional requirement but a moral commitment to the well-being of the animals under his care. Whether he’s training a young colt or calming a spooked mare, his skill in Animal Handling is rooted in a deep understanding of animal psychology and needs. This makes him not only effective in his role but also beloved by the animals he tends to, showcasing the profound impact that skilled animal handling can have.

Specializations for the Animal Handling Skill
  1. Calming Agitated Animals: Skillfully calming down domesticated or wild animals in stressful situations.
  2. Mount Training: Training and handling mounts to respond to commands and remain composed in various scenarios.
  3. Veterinary Expertise: Knowledge and ability to diagnose and treat common animal ailments and injuries.
  4. Animal Communication: Understanding and interpreting animal behaviors and vocalizations.
  5. Animal Training: Training animals to perform specific tasks or tricks through positive reinforcement.
  6. Herding: Managing and directing groups of animals to move in a specific direction or formation.
  7. Falconry: Training and handling birds of prey for hunting or other purposes.
  8. Marine Animal Handling: Interacting with and managing marine animals in aquatic environments.
  9. Horse Whispering: Using subtle cues and body language to communicate with and train horses.
  10. Zookeeping: Managing and caring for a variety of animals in a zoo or wildlife sanctuary.
  11. Wildlife Rehabilitation: Caring for injured or orphaned wild animals with the goal of releasing them back into the wild.
  12. Animal Rescue: Safely rescuing and handling animals in hazardous or challenging situations.
  13. Canine Training: Training and handling dogs for various tasks, such as search and rescue or police work.
  14. Feline Handling: Handling and caring for domestic and wild felines, including big cats.
  15. Exotic Pet Handling: Handling and caring for non-traditional or exotic pets.
  16. Aquatic Animal Training: Training and handling aquatic animals, such as dolphins or sea lions, for entertainment or research purposes.
  17. Emotional Support Animal Training: Training animals to provide emotional support and assistance to individuals with disabilities or mental health conditions.
  18. Circus Animal Training: Training and handling animals for circus performances and acts.
  19. Animal-Assisted Therapy: Using animals as part of therapeutic interventions to improve physical or emotional well-being.
  20. Wildlife Conservation: Participating in conservation efforts to protect and preserve wildlife and their habitats.
Animal Handling Archetypes
Archetype Example Example Description Archetype Description
The Beast Whisperer Dr. Dolittle (Fiction) Can communicate with animals and understand their emotions, calming even the wildest of creatures. Possesses an innate connection with animals and can calm agitated creatures.
The Equestrian Expert Alexander the Great (History) Known for his exceptional horsemanship, especially with his horse Bucephalus. Specializes in the handling of mounts and can control riding animals with precision.
The Falconer Genghis Khan (History) Used falconry for hunting and reconnaissance during his military campaigns. Focuses on falconry and bird handling.
The Zookeeper Steve Irwin (Real Life) Known for his work in wildlife conservation and education, as well as his ability to handle various animals. Skilled in caring for animals in captivity.
The Veterinary Healer James Herriot (Real Life/Fiction) A veterinarian known for his ability to diagnose and treat various animals. Known for providing medical care to animals.
The Animal Trainer Pavlov (History) Known for his work in conditioning dogs to respond to stimuli. Specializes in training animals for specific tasks.
The Cavalry Officer General Custer (History) Led cavalry units in various military campaigns, though with mixed success. Focuses on military and mounted combat.
The Avian Specialist Irene Pepperberg (Real Life) Known for her research with Alex the parrot, showcasing advanced avian cognition. Expertise in avian behavior and training.
The Wildlife Conservationist Jane Goodall (Real Life) Known for her work in chimpanzee conservation and her advocacy for wildlife protection. Specializes in preserving and protecting wildlife.
The Pet Trainer Cesar Millan (Real Life) Known as the “Dog Whisperer,” specializes in dog behavior and training. Focuses on training domesticated pets.
The Mounted Scout Aragorn (Fiction - Lord of the Rings) Known for his ability to navigate challenging terrains on horseback. Known for navigating challenging terrains on horseback.
The Exotic Animal Trainer Siegfried & Roy (Real Life) Known for their performances with white tigers and other exotic animals. Skilled in working with exotic and dangerous animals.
The Wildlife Biologist Dian Fossey (Real Life) Known for her extensive study and conservation efforts for mountain gorillas. Focuses on scientific study and research of animals in their natural habitats.
Table with Animal Handling skill specializations and difficulty levels
Difficulty Animal Handling
Trivial Automatically calming a domesticated cat or dog that’s a familiar pet. Groom an undomesticated creature classified as an Animal.
Simple Successfully coaxing a skittish horse to approach and eat from your hand. Shoe a horse or groom a domestic animal.
Easy Calming down a barking dog in a friendly manner. Teach a simple trick to an animal, like fetch, sit or lay down. Calm a domesticated animal, stabilize a dying creature outside of combat, diagnose a common ailment.
Routine Keeping a group of farm animals from getting spooked by sudden loud noises. Rustle up a flock of sheep without a sheepdog.
Average Training a dog to follow basic commands like “sit” and “stay.”
Difficult Herding a group of cattle across a wide and open field. Calm a frightened horse. Calm a wild but otherwise peaceful animal, intuit an animal’s emotional state, set a broken bone, perform a complex maneuver while mounted, stabilize a dying creature in the middle of combat, diagnose an uncommon ailment.
Very Difficult Earning the trust of a wild animal and coaxing it into allowing a veterinarian to examine and treat it. Break a young domesticated horse. Intuit a hostile animal’s next action, control an untrained mount, diagnose a rare ailment.
Formidable Successfully training a falcon to return to your wrist on command during a hunting session. Calm a frightened stampede of kine. Calm a dangerous wild animal, diagnose magical and divine ailments.
Heroic Calming a herd of stampeding wild horses to prevent injuries to both horses and people. Break a wild horse for riding.
Nearly Impossible Rehabilitating a severely injured and frightened wild animal to the point where it can be released back into its natural habitat. Groom an undomesticated wild beast.
Godly Establishing communication with a mythical and legendary creature, such as a dragon, and gaining its trust and cooperation. Harness and ride an unwilling monster.

Leadership Knowledge Areas

Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be. –- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Description of the Leadership

The Leadership skill is the ability to inspire others to become the best versions of themselves, guiding and motivating them towards a common goal while fostering a positive and empowering environment.

Examples of Leadership from Fiction

In the historical drama “Braveheart,” directed by and starring Mel Gibson, the character William Wallace exemplifies the skill of Leadership. Wallace, a Scottish knight, leads his countrymen in a rebellion against the oppressive rule of the English King Edward I. His ability to inspire, motivate, and unite people from various walks of life is nothing short of extraordinary. Wallace doesn’t just lead by giving orders; he leads by example, fighting alongside his men and sharing in their hardships.

One of the most iconic scenes that showcase Wallace’s Leadership skill is his speech before the Battle of Stirling Bridge. Faced with a demoralized and vastly outnumbered army, Wallace rides along the front lines, instilling a sense of purpose and courage in his men. His impassioned words, “They may take our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom!” resonate deeply, transforming a ragtag group of farmers and tradesmen into a focused, cohesive fighting force. The subsequent victory against the English becomes a turning point in the Scottish rebellion and solidifies Wallace’s reputation as a formidable leader.

A character with a high level of skill in Leadership could be invaluable for rallying the party in times of crisis or motivating them to undertake challenging quests. Imagine the group is demoralized after a series of setbacks; a Leadership check could restore their confidence and resolve, improving their performance in future challenges. Or perhaps the party needs to lead a group of untrained villagers in defense of their homes; a successful Leadership check could turn the tide of battle, inspiring the villagers to fight with newfound courage.

William Wallace’s mastery of Leadership is not just about tactical acumen or battlefield heroics; it’s about the ability to inspire and elevate those around him. Whether he’s rallying his troops for battle or standing up for the rights and freedoms of his countrymen, Wallace’s leadership skills are his most potent weapon. His ability to inspire courage and unity in the face of overwhelming odds makes him not just a great warrior but a truly transformative leader.

Specializations for the Leadership Skill
  1. Motivational Speaking: The ability to inspire and energize a group through public speaking.
  2. Team Building: Expertise in creating cohesive and effective teams.
  3. Conflict Resolution: Skill in mediating disputes to achieve a peaceful outcome.
  4. Decision Making: Ability to make sound and timely decisions that benefit the group.
  5. Negotiation: Skill in reaching agreements or compromises through discussion.
  6. Emotional Intelligence: Ability to recognize, understand, and manage both one’s own emotions and those of others.
  7. Empowering Others: Skill in encouraging and enabling team members to take initiative and make decisions.
  8. Visionary Leadership: Ability to articulate and inspire a shared vision for the future.
  9. Coaching and Mentoring: Skill in guiding and nurturing the personal and professional growth of others.
  10. Leading by Example: Demonstrating the values, work ethic, and attitude expected of team members.
  11. Adaptability and Flexibility: Ability to adjust strategies and approaches in response to changing circumstances.
  12. Charisma and Presence: Natural ability to attract and engage others through personal magnetism.
  13. Strategic Planning: Skill in setting and achieving long-term objectives.
  14. Delegating Responsibilities: Ability to assign tasks effectively, matching the task to the skills and capabilities of the individual.
  15. Building Trust and Loyalty: Skill in creating a culture of honesty and mutual respect.
  16. Inspirational Storytelling: Ability to use narrative to inspire and connect with others.
  17. Crisis Management: Skill in handling emergency situations calmly and effectively.
  18. Recognizing and Cultivating Talent: Ability to identify potential in others and provide opportunities for growth.
  19. Building a Supportive Network: Skill in creating and maintaining relationships that benefit the team or organization.
  20. Ethical and Responsible Leadership: Commitment to leading in a manner that is both morally sound and socially responsible.
Leadership Archetypes
Archetype Example Example Description Archetype Description
The Charismatic Leader Martin Luther King Jr. (History) Known for his charismatic speeches and leadership in the Civil Rights Movement. Possesses a magnetic personality and natural charm that draws others to follow them willingly.
The Strategist Sun Tzu (History) Author of “The Art of War,” a treatise on military strategy and tactics. Specializes in long-term planning and tactical brilliance.
The Mentor Dumbledore (Fiction - Harry Potter) Guides Harry Potter and other students at Hogwarts through wisdom and support. Focuses on guiding and developing others.
The Team Builder Phil Jackson (Real Life) Known for coaching the Chicago Bulls and the LA Lakers, creating cohesive teams that won multiple titles. Skilled in creating cohesive and effective teams.
The Inspirational Speaker Tony Robbins (Real Life) Known for his motivational seminars and self-help books that inspire people to improve their lives. Known for motivating and uplifting others through their words.
The Visionary Leader Mahatma Gandhi (History) Known for his vision of a free and independent India and his nonviolent resistance methods. Excels in articulating a compelling vision for the future.
The Military Commander Napoleon Bonaparte (History) Known for his military genius and ability to rally troops. Focuses on leading troops in combat.
The Life Coach Oprah Winfrey (Real Life) Known for her ability to inspire people through her talk show and other media. Known for guiding individuals toward personal growth and success.
The Coach Vince Lombardi (Real Life) Legendary football coach known for his leadership and ability to build winning teams. Specializes in sports or competitive environments.
The Motivational Guru Deepak Chopra (Real Life) Known for his expertise in personal development and spirituality. Focuses on personal development and motivation.
The Innovator Steve Jobs (Real Life) Known for transforming multiple industries through innovation. Known for creative thinking and ability to lead in times of change.
The Politician Franklin D. Roosevelt (History) Known for his political acumen during WWII and the Great Depression. Specializes in political leadership.
The Entrepreneur Richard Branson (Real Life) Founder of the Virgin Group, known for his adventurous spirit and business acumen. Focuses on business leadership.
The Philanthropist Bill Gates (Real Life) Known for his philanthropic efforts through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Known for commitment to charitable causes.
The Community Organizer Cesar Chavez (History) Known for his role in organizing farm workers and advocating for their rights. Skilled in grassroots leadership.
The Spiritual Leader Dalai Lama (Real Life) Spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism, known for his teachings on compassion and peace. Specializes in guiding spiritual communities.
The Servant Leader Samwise Gamgee (Fiction - Lord of the Rings) Known for his unwavering loyalty and support to Frodo Baggins, putting Frodo’s needs above his own. Focuses on serving the needs of others and empowering them to perform at their best.
Table with Leadership skill specializations and difficulty levels
Difficulty Leadership
Trivial Automatically guiding a group of children in a fun and educational activity. Incite peasants to violence in the wake of a doom, curse, or other form of spiritual influence.
Simple Rallying a small group of friends or peers to support a common cause. Convince a close friend to lift their spirits in the wake of harm.
Easy Encouraging a team of volunteers to work together effectively during a community project. Spread rumors and news among crowds of people.
Routine Leading a small team in a non-critical task, such as organizing a social event. Use Inspiring others in combat while you are obviously Wounded.
Average Taking charge of a workgroup and motivating them to achieve a set of specific goals. Requires a bit more competence to accomplish. Can be completed more often than not by a character if they have received exposure to the skill and are not encumbered in any way. This is the work of an apprentice or someone with exceptional latent talent.
Difficult Leading a company-wide initiative and inspiring all employees to embrace a major change. Convince your flock to change their principles in the name of their god.
Very Difficult Uniting different factions with conflicting interests to collaborate on a complex project. Command a military campaign to besiege a stronghold.
Formidable Inspiring a large audience during a public speech or presentation. Uplift a congregation who’ve lost their faith in their god.
Heroic Taking charge of a military unit in a high-stakes combat situation and leading them to victory. Convince Humanoids who were once your enemies to fight alongside you.
Nearly Impossible Convincing warring nations to lay down their arms and work towards lasting peace. Incite peasants to violence in the wake of a miracle.
Godly Becoming a revered figure who inspires nations, shaping the course of history with their vision and wisdom. Lead a group of unbelievers into hell to rescue a lost soul.

Task Resolution

In Brief

  1. Determine and add up the skill ( Aspect + Characteristic + Skill )
  2. Determine and add up the circumstantial Dice Modifiers (⚅) using the table below
  3. Roll a 4d8 and determine the σ using the table below:
  4. Add up all the above numbers and compare them to the following table. Sometimes an additional table will need to be consulted give the details of the skill or the circumstances (such as determining how long something took, or how much it will cost to repair an item.)

Table for Step 2

15 Trivial Something that is automatically done
10 Simple Requires a minimum level of competence or a bit of luck to accomplish.
5 Easy Requires a minimum level of competence or a bit of luck to accomplish.
4 Routine Requires a bit more competence to accomplish. Can be completed more often than not by a character with natural aptitude.
0 Average Requires a bit more competence to accomplish. Can be completed more often than not by a character if they have received exposure to the skill and are not encumbered in any way. This is the work of anapprentice or someone with exceptional latent talent.
-4 Difficult Generally anything that takes actual training. This is the skilled work of a professional doing what they are paid to do. Include anything beyond the capabilities of the average person without aid or exceptionaltalent. Even with a bit of training and skill you still need some luck to pull it off (or maybe some specialized training).
-5 Very Difficult Even with a bit of training and skill you still need some luck to pull it off (or maybe some specialized training). Include anything beyond the capabilities of the average person without specialized aid orexceptional talent.
-10 Formidable Achievable only by especially talented individuals. Nobody else should even bother trying. This is on the level of superstars.
-15 Heroic Achievable only by the most trained, experienced, and talented superstars, and they probably still need help to pull it off. This is a once or twice in a lifetime feet. You are the best at this in theworld.
-25 Nearly Impossible An epic feat on which legendary tales are based on. The named masters of a skill come from acts such as these. You will be in the history books.
-30 Godly Can’t be done without assistance unless you’re basically a demigod.

Table for Step 3

σ 4d8
-4 4 - 5
-3 6 - 8
-2 8 - 13
-1 13 - 17
1 18 - 22
2 23 - 27
3 28 - 30
4 31 - 32

Table for Step 4

Final Result Degree of Effect
- 5 Catastrophic
6 - 8 Costly
8 - 13 Fail
13 - 16 Minor Fail
17 Fail in Style
18 Tie
19 - 22 Succeed
23 - 27 Succeed In Style
28 - 30 Critical
31 + Serendipitous

Degrees of Effect Defined

There are nine separate ways a predicament can be resolved:

Fail Catastrophically

This is a critical failure. The cost for this sort of failure means the outcome the actor was intending failed. Additionally, things have turned worse for that actor as well in unrelated areas or with a sense of finality.

For example, if a thief was attempting to pick the lock of a door, then it should be determined that they did not pick the lock. The trap in the door was triggered. Everyone in The Company must now determine if they are now poisoned, and no further attempts may be made (finality). In the event that overcoming this complication was required for The Company to accomplish their overall objectives, the GM must instead make the events turn to the worse in other areas. In the above example this would mean that in their attempts to pick the lock, the thief slipped, and knocked the torch out of the hands of the person carrying it, and the tapestry the door is behind is now on fire. Or the torch is now out and no one can see. The idea here is to heighten tension and make the attempt require larger efforts of heroics.


This is one step away from a critical failure. The cost should be related to the outcome the player or monster was attempting.

For example, if the thief was attempting to pick the lock of a door, then it should be determined that they did not pick the lock, but they did trigger the trap in the door, and everyone in The Company must now determine if they are poisoned.


This is a normal failure.

In the example of our thief would not have been able to pick the lock, but the lock would not be jammed, and he would still have his pick.

Fail in Style

This is one step above a failure. It is still a failure, but something else has happened that moves the story forward in a more difficult path, but without accomplishing the goals.

In the example of the thief, he wouldn’t have picked the lock, but he did spring the trap and the door was opened, but everyone in The Company must determine if they are poisoned. This is the classic fail forward approach.


A tie succeeds unless this was a contest between two parties, in which case the outcome is that neither party gets what they want, and it should be treated as a fail in style for both sides. This is useful for social interactions or for contests of strength or agility.

In the example of our thief the parties in question are the designer of the lock or door and The Company trying to get in. The thief would not get what they want, the lock to be picked, and the designer of the lock would not get what they want, to keep the lock secure. The resolution on this would be that the thief can’t open the lock with this action, but he has gained knowledge of the lock, which will make it easier for him next time. This wouldn’t be a problem for the thief unless he was doing this under a stress.


The individual who attempted to do something accomplishes what they set out to do.

In the example of the thief, the door is unlocked, and is no longer being held shut by the locking mechanism.

Succeed in Style

The individual who attempted to do something accomplishes what they set out to do, and they got some hidden bonus or style out of it.

In the example of the thief, the door is unlocked, and is no longer being held shut by the locking mechanism, and the thief now understands how that lock is constructed and the next one that is just like it will be easier to open.

Critical Success

The individual who attempted to do something accomplishes what they set out todo, and they got a substantial hidden bonus or style out of it.

In the example of the thief, the door is unlocked, and is no longer being held shut by the locking mechanism, and the thief now understands how locks made by that locksmith are constructed so any lock within this facility will be easier to open.

Serendipitous Success

The individual who attempted to do something accomplishes what they set out to do, and they got a substantial hidden bonus or style out of it that is completely unrelated to the task being attempted.

In the example of the thief, the door is unlocked, and is no longer being held shut by the locking mechanism, and the thief now understands how locks made by that locksmith are constructed so any lock within this facility will be easier to open. In addition, the thief see’s the trap on the door as well and has a normal success to disarm it. The best way to see a serendipitous success is to see this as two completely independent successes on one die roll. In the event that a complication requires more than one success a serendipitous success will, in addition to everything above, add an additional success to the success pool.

Extended Degrees of Effect
Degree of Effect Final σ ± % 0 \- \+ +0
Catastrophic -4 400% 7 8 1 0
Costly -3 200% 6 7 2 1
Fail -2 150% 5 6 3 2
Minor Fail -1 100% 4 5 4 3
Fail in Style -1 100% 4 5 4 3
Tie 0 100% 3 4 5 4
Succeed 1 100% 3 4 5 4
Succeed In Style 2 75% 2 3 6 5
Critical 3 50% 1 2 7 6
Serendipitous 4 25% 0 1 8 7

Final σ: Used in Dice Chains

± %: Used when determining time or cost impacts

0 & +0: Used for ranking results into groups based on a zero based numbering system. Overtime these will be merged

\+ & -: Used for ranking results into groups based on a non-zero based numbering system Overtime these will be merged.

Hallmarks Details

Enviromental Hallmark Details

Environmental hallmarks represent the knacks, insights and ‘survival secrets’ handed down by different people over the years, giving heroes raised in those cultures an edge.

This represents the natural environment the character grew up in or spends their time in. A character who grew up in an urban area that never got out of the city may not have an Environmental Hallmark.

Rain Forest

You are from the lush heart of the rainforest, where towering trees create a majestic canopy above you. The air is thick with humidity, and the symphony of exotic bird calls and buzzing insects surrounds you. From an early age, you learned to navigate the winding trails, feeling the damp earth beneath your bare feet. The vibrant green foliage is your playground, as you swing from sturdy lianas and discover hidden waterfalls. You have witnessed the enchanting dance of sunlight filtering through the dense foliage, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor. The scent of earth, moss, and blooming orchids is ingrained in your memories, as is the chorus of frogs serenading the arrival of each evening. You have grown up in harmony with this living, breathing ecosystem, understanding its delicate balance and the secrets it holds within its depths. The rainforest is your home, and its beauty and wonders are forever etched in your soul.

Wetlands / Swamp

You are from the enchanting realm of the wetlands, where the earth gives way to a mosaic of marshes, ponds, and winding waterways. You have known the ebb and flow of the tides, the gentle sway of the tall grasses that surround you. From a young age, you learned to navigate the treacherous terrain, stepping carefully on spongy ground and balancing on hidden roots. The air is thick with the scent of damp earth and decaying vegetation, a reminder of the cycle of life in this rich ecosystem. You have witnessed the mystical dance of mist rising from the water’s surface, obscuring the boundaries between land and sky. The calls of waterfowl and the chirping of insects form a constant symphony, punctuated by the occasional deep croak of a hidden bullfrog. You have grown up in harmony with this untamed landscape, understanding its secrets and the resilience of its inhabitants. The wetlands are your home, and their untamed beauty and quiet majesty are forever etched in your spirit.


You are from the vast and golden expanse of the savanna, where the horizon stretches endlessly before you. You have known the warmth of the sun on your skin and the gentle sway of the tall grasses that surround you. From a young age, you learned to navigate the open plains, honing your senses to detect the subtlest signs of life. The air is alive with the scent of earth and the sweet aroma of wildflowers, carried by a gentle breeze. You have witnessed the dramatic spectacle of thunderstorms rolling across the sky, their rumbling echoes resonating through the land. The symphony of nature fills your ears, from the melodic chirping of birds to the distant roars of majestic lions. You have grown up in harmony with this untamed wilderness, understanding its rhythms and the interconnectedness of its inhabitants. The savanna is your home, and its vastness and raw beauty have shaped your spirit in ways that words cannot capture.


You are from the vast and arid desert, a land of relentless sun and shifting sands. You have known the searing heat that beats down upon you during the day, and the chilling cold that sweeps across the barren landscape at night. From an early age, you learned to navigate the dunes, reading the subtle patterns and signs left by the wind. Your footsteps have become one with the soft grains of sand, leaving imprints that disappear as quickly as they appeared. You have witnessed the mesmerizing dance of sandstorms, their swirling fury obscuring the horizon and filling the air with a gritty embrace. The solitude of the desert has taught you resilience and self-sufficiency, as survival here demands resourcefulness and adaptation. You have learned to find beauty in the stark simplicity of this landscape, in the delicate oasis that blooms amidst the harshness. The desert has sculpted your spirit, instilling in you a deep appreciation for endurance and the quiet strength that lies within.

Temperate Forest

You are from the enchanting realm of the temperate forest, where towering trees create a canopy that filters the sunlight and casts a gentle, dappled glow upon the forest floor. From the moment you took your first steps, you were embraced by the lush greenery and the soothing whispers of rustling leaves. You have wandered through moss-covered paths, feeling the coolness under your bare feet and the earthy scent that permeates the air. The forest has been your playground, a sanctuary of wonders waiting to be explored. You have witnessed the dance of woodland creatures, from playful squirrels to majestic deer, as they navigate their domain with grace. The symphony of birdsong has been the soundtrack of your days, each melodious note a reminder of the harmony that thrives in this serene world. The forest has taught you reverence for nature, instilling a deep connection to the cycle of life and the interconnectedness of all living beings. It has nurtured your curiosity and awakened a sense of wonder that lingers within your heart.


You are from the vast and sweeping grasslands, where the horizon stretches endlessly before you, painted in hues of gold and green. It is a land of open spaces, where the wind whispers secrets through the blades of grass that sway beneath your feet. From the moment you took your first breath, the gentle rustle of the prairie became your lullaby, and the scent of wildflowers filled your senses. You have felt the soft caress of the wind on your skin, carrying with it the fragrance of freedom. The grasslands have been your playground, a stage for exploration and adventure. You have witnessed the grand spectacle of migrating herds, their rhythmic movement resonating with the pulse of the earth. You have run alongside playful prairie dogs, their chirping calls echoing in the air. The boundless expanse has taught you resilience, instilling a deep appreciation for simplicity and the harmony of nature. It has nurtured your spirit, awakening a sense of unity with the land and a profound understanding of the delicate balance that sustains life on the plains.


You are from the enchanting realm of the chaparral, a place where the scent of aromatic herbs fills the air and the warmth of the sun embraces your skin. It is a landscape of rugged beauty, where twisted branches of resilient shrubs reach towards the sky, painted in hues of earthy greens and muted browns. The chaparral has been your sanctuary, your home amidst the intricate maze of thorny thickets and sun-drenched hillsides. From an early age, you have danced through the dappled sunlight, guided by the chorus of buzzing insects and the melodic calls of birds perched on gnarled branches. The crackling of dried leaves beneath your feet has been a constant companion, as you navigate the hidden pathways that wind through this wild sanctuary. You have grown up surrounded by the resilience of chaparral plants, their ability to withstand drought and fire teaching you the importance of adaptation and survival. The chaparral has shaped your spirit, imbuing you with a deep appreciation for the delicate balance between resilience and fragility, and nurturing a sense of connection to the untamed beauty of this arid land.


You are from the breathtaking realm of the taiga, a land of towering evergreens and crisp, cool air. From a young age, you have been surrounded by the majestic presence of coniferous trees, their needle-like leaves rustling in the gentle breeze. The landscape is adorned with tranquil lakes and meandering rivers, their pristine waters reflecting the ethereal glow of the northern lights that dance across the night sky. Winter blankets the taiga in a glistening coat of snow, transforming it into a magical wonderland where you have spent countless hours skiing and building snow forts. In the brief summer months, the taiga bursts with life as vibrant wildflowers blanket the forest floor, and migratory birds fill the air with their melodic songs. You have grown up in harmony with the rhythm of the seasons, learning the art of survival from the resilient wildlife that calls this place home. The taiga has instilled in you a deep appreciation for the serenity of nature and the delicate balance of its ecosystems, shaping you into a steward of this pristine wilderness.


You are from the vast and seemingly endless expanse of the tundra, a land of extreme cold and rugged beauty. Born amidst the barren landscape, you have known a life shaped by the harshness of this environment. The tundra stretches out before you, its frozen ground dotted with hardy shrubs and mosses that bravely cling to survival. Winter reigns supreme, with long, frigid nights and winds that bite at your skin. You have witnessed the arrival of the brilliant Northern Lights, painting the sky with vibrant hues, offering solace in the midst of the unforgiving cold. In the brief summer months, the tundra transforms into a carpet of colorful wildflowers, and the sun barely sets, providing endless daylight for the bustling wildlife. You have learned to navigate the treacherous terrain, forging paths through icy tundra rivers and encountering resilient creatures like the majestic caribou and the elusive Arctic fox. The tundra has taught you resilience and adaptability, instilling in you a deep connection to the raw beauty of this frigid wilderness.


You are from a world devoid of atmosphere, a place where the vast expanse of space stretches endlessly before you. Growing up in this airless void, you have known the weightlessness of existence, floating amidst the stars and celestial bodies. The absence of atmosphere means there is no sound, no wind, and no weather. Your home is a realm of silence, where the only companions are the distant twinkling stars and the ever-changing cosmic wonders. You have witnessed the breathtaking beauty of nebulae and galaxies, their vibrant colors illuminating the darkness. The lack of air also means that you rely on advanced technology and specially designed spacesuits to survive, as even the simplest tasks require careful consideration. Living in a world without an atmosphere has taught you to appreciate the preciousness of breathable air and the significance of the environments that support life. You carry with you a sense of awe and wonder, knowing that your existence is intimately connected to the vastness of the universe.



The surface of the ocean is your home. From the moment you were born, you were surrounded by the rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the shores. The sight of endless horizons of sparkling blue water has become a part of your everyday life. You have learned to navigate the gentle swells and currents, diving into the depths to explore the hidden wonders beneath the surface. The ocean has been your playground, offering a diverse ecosystem teeming with vibrant marine life. You have witnessed the beauty of coral reefs, swam alongside playful dolphins, and marveled at the graceful movements of majestic whales. The ocean’s vastness and power have instilled in you a deep respect for nature and a sense of interconnectedness with the world around you. It has shaped your perspective, fostering a sense of curiosity, exploration, and adaptability. The ebb and flow of the tides have become a metaphor for the ever-changing nature of life itself, reminding you of the importance of resilience and embracing the unknown.


You are from the enchanting world of the ocean surface and the shoreline, where the meeting point of air, land and sea becomes your playground and home. Growing up in this vibrant and ever-changing environment, you have felt the caress of gentle waves against your skin and the warmth of the sun reflecting off the glistening water. The rhythmic sound of crashing waves and the salty scent of the sea are your constant companions, filling you with a deep sense of tranquility and wonder. You have spent countless hours exploring tide pools, discovering the hidden treasures nestled among the rocks and witnessing the diverse marine life that thrives in this watery realm. From playful dolphins to graceful seabirds soaring overhead, you have witnessed the harmony of life both above and below the surface. The tides have become your clock, guiding your daily rhythms and marking the passage of time. The shoreline, with its sandy beaches and towering cliffs, has been your canvas for endless adventures and cherished memories. You carry the spirit of the ocean within you, forever drawn to the vastness and mystery of the sea.


You are from the mesmerizing realm of the ocean sunlight zone, where the sparkling rays of sunlight penetrate the surface and illuminate a world of vibrant colors and abundant life. Growing up in this radiant expanse, you have experienced the joy of swimming through the warm, crystal-clear waters, feeling the gentle caress of the currents against your skin. Sunbeams dance through the azure depths, casting enchanting patterns on the sandy seafloor below. Your days have been filled with the captivating sight of colorful coral reefs, teeming with a kaleidoscope of tropical fish and intricate marine creatures. From graceful sea turtles gliding gracefully by to playful schools of vibrant fish darting through the water, you have been surrounded by a symphony of movement and beauty. The songs of singing whales and the playful clicks of dolphins have become the soundtrack of your existence. As the sun’s rays gradually fade into twilight, you have witnessed the transition of the ocean, a world both serene and full of wonder. The ocean sunlight zone is your sanctuary, a place where you have discovered harmony and a profound connection to the magnificent life thriving beneath the surface.


You are from the mystical realm of the ocean twilight zone, a mysterious and enchanting world that lies beneath the shimmering surface. Growing up in this ethereal domain, you have witnessed the transition from the sunlit surface to the deep, dark depths below. Here, as sunlight wanes, you have encountered a realm of captivating beauty and hidden wonders. Descending into the depths, you have been surrounded by an otherworldly glow as bioluminescent organisms create a mesmerizing display of twinkling lights. In this in-between realm, where day and night merge, you have encountered an array of extraordinary creatures adapted to this unique environment. Giant schools of mesmerizing jellyfish pulsate with gentle radiance, and elegant deep-sea creatures with elongated bodies and luminescent appendages gracefully navigate the twilight. The haunting melodies of elusive deep-sea whales and the mysterious clicks of squid have become the soundtrack of your existence. Here, in the ocean twilight zone, you have found solace and wonder in the mysterious depths, where secrets and enchantment await at every turn.


You are from the enigmatic realm of the ocean midnight zone, a world of perpetual darkness and profound mystery. Growing up in this abyssal domain, you have become intimately acquainted with the depths that few dare to explore. Here, where sunlight never penetrates, you have adapted to the cold and crushing pressures that define this realm. You have witnessed the bioluminescent wonders that illuminate the blackness, with mesmerizing creatures emitting glimmers of light to navigate the inky void. Strange and otherworldly creatures, with elongated bodies and fangs, have become your neighbors and companions. The haunting calls of elusive deep-sea dwellers reverberate through the dark waters, creating an eerie symphony that accompanies your every move. In this extraordinary environment, you have learned to embrace the unknown and find beauty in the shadows. The midnight zone holds countless secrets and holds the allure of undiscovered treasures, fueling your curiosity and beckoning you to explore further into the depths of the ocean’s mysteries.


You are from the unfathomable depths of the ocean abyssal zone, a realm that dwells in perpetual darkness and mind-boggling pressure. Growing up in this extreme environment, you have become intimately familiar with its eerie and forbidding nature. Here, where sunlight never reaches and the weight of the world bears down upon you, you have adapted to survive in a world few can comprehend. Strange and alien creatures with hauntingly adapted forms are your neighbors, their bioluminescent displays casting an ethereal glow in the pitch-black expanse. In the depths of these abyssal trenches, where the temperatures are chillingly cold and the pressures are crushing, you have honed your resilience and resourcefulness. You navigate through the abyss with a mix of trepidation and wonder, exploring the mysteries that lie hidden in the depths. The abyssal zone is a place of endless discovery and unfathomable secrets, pushing the boundaries of human knowledge and challenging your very existence. In this enigmatic world, you are both a witness to its magnificence and a testament to the resilience of life in the harshest of environments.



You are from a world of cozy and snug underground holes and excavated buildings nestled within the earth. Growing up in these subterranean abodes, you have embraced the simplicity and harmony of underground living. The earthy scent of the soil and the gentle warmth that emanates from the walls are part of your daily life. Your childhood memories are filled with the laughter and camaraderie of fellow dwellers, sharing meals and stories around the flickering fireplaces. Your home is adorned with nature’s treasures, with shelves filled with books and trinkets collected from the surface world. Sunlight filters through small windows, casting a soft glow that dances upon the walls, reminding you of the world beyond. You have honed your skills in crafting and gardening, tending to underground gardens that burst with vibrant hues and fragrant blossoms. The sound of distant raindrops pattering on the roof brings you a sense of comfort and peace. You are rooted in the simplicity and community of your underground haven, finding joy in the enchantment and serenity that this unique lifestyle provides.


You are from a world where life thrives in the embrace of underground structures and dwellings, meticulously crafted through excavation and construction. Growing up in this subterranean realm, you have come to appreciate the shelter and security provided by these underground abodes. The walls, sculpted from the earth itself, exude a comforting coolness, offering respite from the scorching sun above. Soft, gentle lighting illuminates the corridors and chambers, casting a warm and inviting glow on your daily life. The architecture is a testament to ingenuity, with winding passageways leading to interconnected rooms and communal spaces. As you navigate this underground labyrinth, you’ve become attuned to the delicate balance between the structural integrity of your dwellings and the surrounding earth. The rhythmic echoes of footsteps and hushed whispers reverberate through the tunnels, fostering a sense of camaraderie among your community. Despite being shielded from the natural elements above, you’ve learned to cherish the subtle signs of the outside world that permeate your existence—the faint scent of rain, the distant rumble of thunder, or the occasional trickle of water seeping through the walls. Living in these underground structures has instilled in you a deep appreciation for the beauty of human adaptability and resourcefulness.

From a young age, you have known the darkness and solitude that comes with dwelling in these subterranean realms. The cool, damp earth is your constant companion, providing both shelter and challenges. You have honed your senses to navigate the labyrinthine tunnels, relying on your knowledge of the intricate network of passages that weave through the depths. Your eyes have adjusted to the limited light, allowing you to see in the dimness that would blind others. You have become intimately familiar with the secrets hidden within the earth, the hidden chambers and hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. While the world above may seem distant and foreign, the underground has become your home, a place of solace and mystery. You are attuned to the pulse of the earth, its rumblings and echoes guiding your every step. In this hidden world, you have forged a unique connection with the land and embraced the challenges and rewards that come with life below the surface.


You are from the underground caves, a realm of darkness and wonder hidden beneath the surface. Since childhood, you have known the secrets of these vast, labyrinthine chambers. The dampness and coolness of the cave walls are familiar to your touch, and the echoes of your footsteps resonate through the rocky passages. You have grown up amidst stalactites hanging like nature’s chandeliers and stalagmites rising from the ground like ancient sentinels. The flickering light of your torch illuminates the mesmerizing beauty of the cave formations, creating a world of enchantment and mystery. You have learned to navigate the treacherous terrain, crawling through narrow passages and climbing over slippery rocks with ease. Your senses have adapted to the darkness, allowing you to perceive the subtlest shifts in the cave’s atmosphere. You are at home in the solitude of these underground sanctuaries, finding solace in the solitude and tranquility that the caves offer. The caves have become your sanctuary, a place where you find peace and a connection to the ancient depths of the Earth.


You are from the deep underground, a world of intricate tunnels carved deep beneath the surface. Growing up in this subterranean realm, you have known a life veiled in darkness and secrecy. The air is cool and damp, echoing with the distant sound of water trickling through hidden crevices. Your childhood was spent exploring the labyrinthine passages, navigating the winding corridors with ease. The walls, etched with the marks of countless generations, whisper stories of resilience and survival. Illuminated by the soft glow of phosphorescent moss and the flicker of torchlight, your home is a refuge of hidden wonders. Your days were filled with the hum of machinery and the rhythmic tapping of pickaxes, as your community tirelessly expanded and reinforced the tunnels. You have honed your skills in engineering and navigation, learning to read the subtle signs of the earth and understanding the delicate balance of the underground ecosystem. Your heart resonates with the steady pulse of the earth itself, as if you are a part of its very core. Deep underground, you find solace in the unity and resourcefulness of your people, forging an unbreakable bond with the hidden depths that have shaped your existence.


You are from the foundational layers of the planet, a realm nestled between the Earth’s crust and its fiery core. Growing up in this extraordinary environment, you have witnessed the immense power and grandeur that lies beneath the surface. The air resonates with a constant hum, a testament to the planet’s dynamic energy. Your childhood was spent amidst vast caverns and intricate networks of tunnels, where molten rock flows like rivers and mineral formations glisten in the dim light. The heat radiates through the rocks, a reminder of the molten intensity that courses beneath your feet. As you explored this subterranean world, you discovered the delicate balance between stability and chaos, witnessing the birth of mountains and the eruption of volcanoes. Your understanding of geology and the forces shaping the Earth grew alongside you, as you learned to interpret the subtle movements and vibrations in the ground. The profound connection to the planet’s core instilled in you a sense of resilience and adaptability. Surrounded by the deep secrets of the Earth, you have become intimately acquainted with the interconnectedness of all living things and the awe-inspiring majesty of the planet on which we reside.

Urban Hallmark Details

Urban hallmarks represent the knacks, insights and ‘street secrets’ handed down by different people over the years, giving heroes raised in those urban settings an edge.


You are from a rural area, a place where the pace of life slows down and nature takes center stage. Your childhood was immersed in the tranquility of wide-open spaces, where lush fields stretched as far as the eye could see, and the air carried the sweet scent of earth and wildflowers. You grew up with a deep connection to the land, witnessing the changing seasons and embracing the rhythms of agricultural life. The days were filled with hard work, tending to crops or caring for livestock, but there was also a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in the fruits of your labor. The simplicity of rural living brought a sense of community, where neighbors knew one another by name and offered a helping hand when needed. Surrounded by nature’s beauty, you spent endless hours exploring wooded trails, wading in meandering rivers, and gazing at the starry sky on clear nights. Life in the countryside taught you the value of self-sufficiency and the importance of preserving the delicate balance between humans and the environment. It instilled in you a deep appreciation for the serene beauty of nature and the timeless traditions that shape rural communities.


You are from a suburban area, a place where the hustle and bustle of city life meets the tranquility of residential neighborhoods. Your childhood was filled with the sights and sounds of manicured lawns, neatly lined streets, and rows of houses nestled closely together. The suburbs offered a balance between urban amenities and a quieter, more family-oriented atmosphere. You grew up in a community where neighbors were more than just strangers; they became friends, lending a cup of sugar or organizing block parties. Your days were spent riding bicycles through tree-lined streets, playing catch in local parks, and exploring nearby playgrounds. Suburban living meant access to well-maintained schools, local shopping centers, and a range of recreational activities. It provided a sense of security and familiarity, where you felt a part of a tight-knit community. While the pace of life may not have been as fast as in the city, the suburban landscape offered a sense of comfort and stability, allowing you to forge lifelong friendships and create cherished memories amidst the idyllic surroundings.

Low-Density Urban

You are from a low-density urban area, a place where the urban landscape is spread out, offering more space and a quieter atmosphere compared to bustling city centers. Your childhood was shaped by wide streets, residential houses with yards, and a sense of openness. The pace of life in this type of urban environment was slightly slower, allowing for a more relaxed and intimate community. You grew up with a strong connection to your neighborhood, where local businesses, parks, and schools were within walking distance. The low-density urban area provided a balance between the convenience of city amenities and the tranquility of suburban living. Your days were filled with exploring nearby parks, riding bicycles through tree-lined streets, and enjoying the sense of community that came from knowing your neighbors. This environment allowed you to appreciate the benefits of urban living while still enjoying the spaciousness and peacefulness that comes with a lower population density.

Medium-density urban

You are from a medium-density urban area, a vibrant and bustling neighborhood where the rhythm of the city is alive. Growing up in this environment, you were surrounded by a mix of residential buildings, commercial spaces, and cultural attractions. The streets were filled with people, the air resonating with the sounds of conversations, traffic, and the occasional street performer. Your daily life was marked by a sense of energy and diversity, as you encountered a melting pot of cultures and experienced a wide range of cuisines, art, and entertainment. The accessibility of amenities and public transportation made it easy to navigate and explore the city. You developed a strong sense of independence and adaptability, learning to thrive amidst the vibrant chaos of urban living. From trendy cafes to local parks, there was always something new to discover, fostering a spirit of curiosity and adventure. This medium-density urban area provided a dynamic backdrop for your upbringing, shaping your worldview and instilling a sense of excitement for the possibilities that city life had to offer.

High-density urban

You are from a high-density urban area, where towering skyscrapers reach for the sky and the streets are filled with a constant stream of people. Growing up in this environment, you were surrounded by a vibrant mosaic of cultures, languages, and experiences. The cityscape became your playground, with every corner offering new sights, sounds, and opportunities. The hustle and bustle of the city were your daily soundtrack, as the rhythm of life pulsed through the crowded streets. Your home was a compact space, but it was filled with warmth and creativity, reflecting the ingenious ways in which residents made the most of limited square footage. Every day was an adventure, as you navigated through a maze of shops, markets, and cafes, immersing yourself in the eclectic tapestry of urban life. Despite the fast-paced nature of the city, you found moments of solace in pocket parks, rooftop gardens, and hidden oases amidst the concrete jungle. The diversity and energy of the high-density urban area fueled your ambition and fostered a spirit of resilience. Living in this dynamic environment, you developed a keen sense of community and an appreciation for the richness that arises from the close proximity of people from all walks of life.

Characters with this Hallmark may not select an Environmental Hallmark


You are from a megacity, a colossal urban area that seems to stretch endlessly in every direction. Growing up in this bustling metropolis, you were enveloped by a constant symphony of sounds, the blend of car horns, street vendors’ calls, and the hum of countless conversations echoing through the towering skyscrapers. The cityscape became your labyrinth, with towering buildings serving as your landmarks. From an early age, you navigated the intricate web of transportation systems, weaving through the masses of people rushing to their destinations. Life in the megacity was a whirlwind, with a never-ending array of activities, entertainment, and opportunities at your fingertips. The streets were alive with the vibrant pulse of a diverse population, each person carrying their own stories and dreams. Despite the anonymity that comes with the sheer size of the city, you forged connections within your local community, finding solace in the smaller neighborhoods and pockets of familiarity that provided a sense of belonging amidst the overwhelming urban landscape. The megacity’s constant evolution and ceaseless energy fueled your own ambition, instilling a drive to carve out your place in this grand tapestry of humanity.

Highly populous urban areas with a population typically exceeding 10 million inhabitants.

Characters with this Hallmark may not select an Environmental Hallmark


You are from the largest Megacity on the planet, an awe-inspiring urban behemoth that stretches as far as the eye can see. Growing up in this colossal metropolis, you were immersed in a never-ending stream of activity and an ever-present sense of scale. Towering skyscrapers pierced the sky, casting long shadows over bustling streets that teemed with a diverse tapestry of humanity. The cityscape became your playground and your maze, a labyrinth of concrete and glass where every corner held the promise of adventure and discovery. Public transportation networks weaved through the city like veins, carrying millions of people from one district to another, connecting a vast network of neighborhoods that each had their own unique character. Life in this megacity was a constant dance of movement and adaptation, where the pace was frenetic and the opportunities were boundless. Amidst the towering structures and neon-lit signs, you carved out your own niche, finding community and connection in the vibrant tapestry of cultures, languages, and traditions that thrived within this urban jungle. Every day was an invitation to explore, to push boundaries, and to forge your own path in the heart of this magnificent metropolis.

Characters with this Hallmark may not select an Environmental Hallmark.

Planetary Urbanization

You are from a planet where urbanization has consumed the entire surface of the planet, leaving no room for nature’s embrace. As far as the eye can see, towering skyscrapers, sprawling complexes, and intricate networks of roads and tunnels dominate the landscape. You were born and raised in this vast concrete jungle, where the pulse of humanity beats incessantly. The city stretches in all directions, with no boundaries or horizons, creating a sense of confinement within the ceaseless urban expanse. Nature’s touch is a distant memory, replaced by the hum of machinery, the glare of artificial lights, and the symphony of traffic. Life in this planetary urban area is a relentless whirlwind, where time moves at an accelerated pace and individuality can easily be swallowed by the collective. Yet, amidst the unending sea of humanity, you found your place, carving out a sense of identity and purpose within the bustling chaos. The city became your universe, offering opportunities for innovation, connection, and ambition. You adapted to the relentless rhythm, navigating its intricate web of systems and structures, and finding solace in the pockets of creativity, community, and resilience that emerged within the concrete corridors. In this city that spans the entire planet, you have become a product of its grandeur and complexity, forever shaped by the relentless energy and relentless spirit of the planetary urban existence.

Characters with this Hallmark may not select an Environmental Hallmark, and must pick the same cultural Hallmarks as everyone else from this same location.

Occupational Hallmarks Details

Occupational hallmarks represent the knacks, insights and ‘craft secrets’ handed down by different trades over the years, giving heroes who have those jobs an edge.

Pick an occupation that is culturally appropriate for the setting of the game and note it down. This represents the occupational environment the character grew up in or surrounds themselves when they are not adventuring.

Careers Details

As a part of their development, characters follow certain life paths called careers. The setting you play in will provide a variety of career options for characters to pursue, which opens opportunities for characters to gain skill levels, characteristic boosts and significant mustering out benefits before they enter into play.

Careers are part of a setting, and the process to place a character into a career is determined by the settings rules

Recreational Hallmark Details

Recreational hallmarks represent the knacks, insights and nuanced differentiations handed down by enthusiasts over the years, giving heroes raised in those cultures an edge.

Pick a hobby that is culturally appropriate for the setting of the game and note it down. This represents how the character prefers to spend their free time relaxing.

Cultural Hallmarks Details

Cultural Hallmarks are qualities that describe different aspects of a character’s build, temperament, and abilities, which can provide advantages in certain situations. The key principle governing Cultural Hallmarks is that their descriptions must make it reasonably believable that individuals possessing those qualities would perform better under the given circumstances compared to those who lack them. Virtues are not ranked and cannot be enhanced or improved. A Character may end up with more than one Cultural Hallmark, the one rule governing this is that a character cannot have opposing Hallmarks. Use the table below to identify opposing Cultural Hallmarks. In many cases there are multiple virtues that are similar to each other if players want to play a character who is conflicted.


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