Photo by Ted Tschopp using Midjourney by Ted Tschopp

A TTRPG Game That Fits in a Few Toots - An Introduction to The Märchen Engine's Expert FAME Mechanics

Unleashing Creativity in Brief Bursts

written by

FAME - Fitness, Academics, Mystical, Emotional : an image by Ted Tschopp


 -4 3 2 1 | 1 2 3 4 +
  □ □ □ □ | □ □ □ □ - Fitness
  □ □ □ □ | □ □ □ □ - Academic
  □ □ □ □ | □ □ □ □ - Mystical
  □ □ □ □ | □ □ □ □ - Emotional

Roll 2d8+Level, fill boxes left to right

Roll: 2d8 + Stat vs 2d8 + Stat

Skills: Worker = +1, Master = +2, etc...

Higher Wins

Damage is taken against the Stat

1 for Small
2 for Medium
3 for Large
5 for Deadly

Armor takes damage first; then lost

1 for Light
2 for Medium
3 for Strong
5 for Epic

You win, you narrate
You lose, GM narrate

If uncontested

Roll: 2d8 + Stat + Difficulty vs. Measure of Success

Measure of Success

2 - Catastrophic
3 - 4 Costly
5 - 6 Fail
7 - Minor Fail
8 - Fail in Style
9 - Tie
10 - 11 Succeed
12 - 13 Succeed in Style
14 - 15 Critical
16 - Serendipitous


 8 - Simple
 6 - Easy
 5 - Routine
 3 - Average
 0 - Skilled/ Difficult
-3 - Very Difficult
-5 - Formidable
-6 - Heroic
-8 - Impossible

Range in FAME

I can touch it: Immediate Physical Interaction

I can reach it: Quick Movement can get me there or extended reach

I can catch it: The distance you take when sprinting

I can hit it with a rock: Distance for throwing Objects

I can see it: Clear visibility, but too far to interact

I can hear it: audible but too far for visual details


An Atom: 0.16th of a second. ¹/₄₇ of an Once. The amount of time it takes for an eye to twinkle. Events that interrupt Once Actions, all occur in Atom Time, with no Specific order. Do what's most awesome!

An Once: 7.5 second. This is the time an action takes place in simulated play and when players are reacting to conflicts in Storytelling mode.

A Minute. This is generally the time a reaction takes place in Storytelling mode when there is no conflict.

A Puncti. 15 minutes. This is generally the time an action takes place in Storytelling mode.

A Bell. 30 minutes.

A Hourglass. 60 minutes.

A Watch. 4 Hours. The amount of time a job takes for a professional

A day. 24 hours.

A Week. 7 days.

A Month. 4 Weeks.

A Season. Depends on Setting


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