Modern Office with Bright Colors, Gree, Yellow, Orange, and Blue. by Ted Tschopp and Midjourney

Bespreekbaarheid: The Missing Ingredient in IT Organizations

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Modern Office : an image by Ted Tschopp and Midjourney


Over the weekend, I discovered a Dutch term that resonated with me, particularly because my wife’s family hails from the Netherlands. The word is “Bespreekbaarheid,” which emphasizes the importance of open dialogue and transparency. Intrigued by its implications, I began to consider its potential impact on the IT sector, where I work. This got me thinking about how Bespreekbaarheid could revolutionize the way we communicate and collaborate, making our work environments more effective.

In the fast-paced world of IT, the focus often lies on technological advancements and methodologies like Agile and DevOps. However, the role of organizational culture is frequently underestimated, despite its potential to drive success. Bespreekbaarheid is gaining recognition for its ability to foster a culture where people can freely share ideas, concerns, and feedback. This is especially valuable in IT settings, characterized by constant change, high stress, and intricate projects.

Bespreekbaarheid is a cultural ethos that encourages open dialogue, transparency, and the freedom to discuss any topic without fear of judgment or repercussions. It’s not just about being able to speak; it’s about creating an environment where people feel comfortable sharing their ideas, concerns, and feedback. This culture of openness can be particularly beneficial in IT organizations, where rapid changes, high-stress environments, and complex projects are the norms.

Why You Need It in IT

Fostering Innovation

Innovation is your cornerstone in IT, and you likely use Agile methodologies that emphasize iterative development and customer feedback. Bespreekbaarheid can be your ally here, ensuring that no idea gets stifled due to fear of criticism. In a culture that embraces Bespreekbaarheid, you and your team can feel empowered to propose new features, question existing processes, and even challenge the status quo, leading to groundbreaking solutions.

Enhancing Problem-Solving

You know that complex problems are part and parcel of IT. Agile frameworks like Scrum often address these through Sprint Planning and Backlog Refinement sessions. Bespreekbaarheid can enhance these Agile practices by encouraging you and your team to openly discuss challenges and brainstorm solutions. This leads to more effective problem-solving and allows for quick strategy adaptations, aligning well with Agile’s focus on flexibility.

Reducing Workplace Stress

The high-pressure environment in IT can lead to stress and burnout, affecting both your productivity and well-being. Bespreekbaarheid allows for open conversations about workload, expectations, and mental health. This aligns well with Agile’s focus on sustainable development, helping you balance work and life, thereby improving your job satisfaction and retention.

Improving Communication

Clear communication is crucial in Agile methodologies, often facilitated through Daily Stand-ups and Sprint Reviews. Bespreekbaarheid fosters a culture of open communication, making it easier for you to align on objectives, clarify misunderstandings, and execute projects more efficiently. This synergy between Agile and Bespreekbaarheid ensures that everyone is on the same page, reducing the chances of project derailment.

Building Trust

Trust is a cornerstone in both Agile and Bespreekbaarheid. While Agile relies on trust among team members to self-organize and make decisions, Bespreekbaarheid builds trust by encouraging open dialogue and transparency. This mutual trust enhances collaboration, a critical component in Agile environments.

Practical Applications in IT

As a Scrum Master

In a culture of Bespreekbaarheid, facilitating a Sprint Retrospective will reveal that team members are more open about challenges and areas for improvement. This leads to more actionable insights and a more effective adaptation for the next sprint.

As a Product Owner

Bespreekbaarheid allows you to have more candid conversations with stakeholders and the development team. This ensures that the product backlog truly reflects the most valuable items, aligning closely with Agile principles of customer collaboration and responding to change.

As a Development Team Member

In a culture that values Bespreekbaarheid, you’re more likely to openly discuss technical challenges and collaborate on solutions. This enhances the quality of the product and aligns well with Agile’s emphasis on technical excellence and good design.

During Code Reviews

In your Agile environment, code reviews are not just about finding bugs; they’re also about knowledge sharing and continuous improvement. Bespreekbaarheid can make these reviews more constructive, as you’ll feel more comfortable pointing out issues and suggesting improvements, leading to higher-quality code.

In Enterprise Architecture

If you’re involved in Enterprise Architecture, Bespreekbaarheid can be transformative. It encourages you, along with developers and business stakeholders, to engage in open discussions about architectural decisions, technical debt, and alignment with business objectives. This open dialogue is especially beneficial in Agile environments, where the architecture must be adaptable to meet evolving business needs.

In Leadership

As an IT leader, fostering a culture of Bespreekbaarheid can lead to more engaged and motivated teams. You can also benefit from honest feedback, helping you make better decisions and improve your leadership skills.


While technologies and methodologies like Agile are essential, the culture within your IT organization can be a determining factor in its success or failure. Bespreekbaarheid offers a framework for creating a more open, communicative, and ultimately more effective work environment. By embracing this concept, you can not only improve your internal dynamics but also gain a competitive edge in the fast-paced world of technology.


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