
"C3P0 and R2D2" dipicted by C3P0 and R2D2 in the drawing skywalkergirl1

R2D2 / C3PO Advertising Program Hologram Generation

A Wetware Program

Description: This wetware program was developed to advertise the release of A New Home in yet another entertainment format.

Background: In our last Adventure, two of your characters got some wetare. You have the ability to share the program. Each time you share the spell the results table goes from a level 1 result table to a level 2 table to a level 3 table. You will no longer be able to share the wetare after you share it three times.

Rules: Name: R2D2 / C3PO Advertising Program Hologram Generation
Author: Ted Tschopp
Related / Linked to: Illusion Generation MCC Mental Mutation
Type: Level 1 Spell
Range: Line of Sight
Duration: 2 rounds / CL
Save: Willpower vs. Mutation check
Activation Time: 1 Round

General: The shaman has the ability to mentally project life-like holo projections of C3PO / R2D2 and their friends in the world around them using a advertising fragment on the Ancient's Holo-Grid.
Manifestation 1: The shaman’s eyes turn all-white with colored Rebel / Imperial symbols (Shaman's Choice)
Manifestation 2: The shaman must wave the hand with his ID Bracelet on it and state under his breath: "These are the droids you are looking for."
Manifestation 3: The shaman’s hand, with their ID Badge on it, grasps and pulls the holograms of the droids into existence
Manifestation 4: The Shaman's shadow elongates and ancient green text appears in it starts to crawl away from the shamen.
Manifestation 5: The shaman's fingers on both hands become ridged and contorted as they point towards the location the Hologram is to appear.

1: Lost and failure
2 - 11: Failure, the program projects a canned holo-loop of R2D2 / C3PO asking the viewers to be sure to watch the re-release of A New Hope in HALE-E-Vision coming next month to their Disney approved HALE-E family interactive center. The program is not lost.
12 - 13: The shaman is able project a simple hologram of R2D2 / C3PO that is unmoving and purely visual.
14 - 17: The shaman is able project a more complex hologram of R2D2 / C3PO that moves, but is purely visual.
18 - 19: The shaman is able project a complex hologram of R2D2 / C3PO that moves, with both visual and auditory elements.
20 - 23: The shaman is able project a complex hologram of R2D2 / C3PO and one other Star Wars Characters that moves, with both visual, auditory, and olfactory elements.
24 - 27: The shaman is able project an interactive hologram R2D2 / C3PO and two other Star Wars Characters that moves, with both visual, auditory, olfactory, and tactile elements; the hologram is a hard hologram and may cause up to 1d6 in damage.
28 - 29: The shaman is able project an interactive hologram R2D2 / C3PO and two other Star Wars Characters that moves, with both visual, auditory, olfactory, and tactile elements; the hologram is a hard hologram and may cause up to 2d6 in damage.
30 - 31: The shaman is capable of projecting a compelling fantasy world of Star Wars featuring R2D2 / C3PO and three other Star Wars Characters, with both visual, auditory, olfactory, and tactile elements; the hard hologram may cause up to 3d6 in damage per targeted attack; the hologram does not appear to take damage from attacks and continues to exist for the full duration.
32+: The shaman is seemingly capable of reordering reality itself, creating a complex and interactive experience featuring places from within the Star Wars Universe with unerring verisimilitude for all living creatures within range; events transpire in the illusory reality at the shaman’s direction, and have the same impact and results has though they actually happened. The physical environment may not be damaged in this way.