
Outline of Events

  • The Hive of the Overmind
  • The Return to Wolf Creek Hallow
  • The Journey to Haven
    • The Players were given
      • Guns
      • A weather predictor
  • The Journey to Forest Home
    • Once the players left Haven their Patron Gene met them on the road and told the players that the Restorationist community of Haven had spies in it and their real task was to find a Sky Chariot that can take them to them to the Cities of Man in the Skies.
    • The players made their way to the Flower Lands and started to head towards Forest Home.
    • The players arrived at the Forest Home and went inside.
      • Bokshee and the players went inside and saw that Forest Home was occupied by others
      • The players decided to spend the night outside in the grasslands next to Forest Home and outside of the forests.
      • The players witnessed a Sky Chariot come from the Cities of man in the South West heading to the North East.
      • The Sky Chariot encountered a giant winged beast that took it out of the sky like a play thing.
      • The Players noted the location of where the Sky Chariot Crashed in the Mountains.
    • The next morning the players woke up and started their journey accross the grasslands
  • The Journey to Bad River
    • The players made their way West into the Flower Lands
    • They encountered the remains of skirmish between some Parns and a Bof from Oskar who was almost killed. The party rescued the Bof.
      • Parns 'Sword Beetles' (1d8 (4)): Init +2; atk 2 x antennae melee +8 (1d8+6) and 2 x spikes melee +8 (1d5+6); AC 14; HD 4D7 hp 16 each; MV 20' or Fly 60'; 1d20; SV Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +1
      • Parns: This three meter long mutated bettle has four sword-like appendadgest attached to each of its two anntennae. The Parn may attack one per turn with each antenna. The antenna each have 10 hit points each, in addition to their normal hit points. Players may target the antenna seperately prior to rolling to hit. They have the same armor as the parn itself.
      • Bofs 'Bigguns' (12d4 (30)): Init +5; atk large horns melee +7 (1d8+4) and trample melee +7 (1d4+4); AC 13; HD 9D7 hp 36 each; MV 60' ; 1d20+1d14; SV Fort +3, Ref +0, Will -1
      • Bofs are 2.5 meter tall buffalo who walk on their two hind legs that end in hoofs. Their hands have 4 fingered hands with thumbs. Their heads and shoulders are extremely hairy. Their hands are somewhat less hairy, while their torso and leg are smooth skinned. Bufs are extremely stubborn, mercenary in all their dealings, and not to be trusted unless the financial aspects of the dea are worked out in their favor in advance. Bofs develop family units they call herds, of an alpha male, and 4 to 5 beta males. The herd will then consist of a couple dozen females and their young. Young males, who are kicked out of their herd sell their services until they are old and experienced enough to attract females and start their own herds. A bof may show loyalty to an individual who has saved his life; this will override all thoughts on double crossing the person that saved them.
    • The players encountered a large herd of Ba'mutan (5)
      • Ba'mutan 'Rock that Gasses' (2d3 (2)): Init +5; atk bite melee +9 (1d12+6); AC 16; HD 11D7 hp 44 each; MV 20' ; 1d20+1d16; SV Fort +2, Ref -1, Will +2
      • Ba'mutan are gentle herbivores that have evolved into extremely large, well-defended creatures. They resemble a copper colored armadillo with a dragon's head. They can grow up to 30 feet in length, and they are over 12 feet tall. They are primaryly noctural and thus almost completely blind in the daylight. However their hearing is excellent and can get around with just that sense. Ba'mutan have large shells that can concile the formation of a ""land pearl"". A little less than half of the Ba'mutan out there have these pearls. There is no way to determine if a given Ba'mutan has a pearl outside of killing it and spending four days extracting it from its sell. Because of this, over time the Ba'mutan who were solitary creatures have become extinct and the only surviving creatures are herd animals. This means taht groups of these creatures will be found together and attacking one to extract its pearl will cause the whole herd to panic and attack." Gas generation generates a cloud centered on creature. The gas dissipates after 1d10+2 turns. Any creature not completely protected from the enviroment takes 3d10 damage per turn of exposeure, and their vision is obscured.
    • The players encountered a group of Serfs that were hunting the Ba'mutan who all belonged to the Red Death
      • Serfs 'Thought Masters' (1d10 (5)): Init +4; atk weapon melee +5 (1d8+3) and 2 x claws melee +5 (1d3+3); AC 14; HD 8D5 hp 24 each; MV 30' ; 1d20; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +1
      • Serfs are semi-nomadic mutated humanoid that live in quasi-military clans, wearing ancient police and military univorms as clan symbols. Serfs have claws instead of fingernails and can make two cal attacks per turn that inflict Intensity 8 Poison. Serfs prefer mental combat tophysical combat (90% chance to attack with a mental attack). They carry Tech Level I gear or higher if they have access. A large Serf clan will organzie into a gridage of 10d10+50 troops led by a general who holds power with superior strength and cunning.
      • Serf Mutations encountered: (P) Partial Carapace (M) Deathfield generation, Density Control (others), Life Leech, Light manipulation, Mental Blast
      • The players took the Serf Gear after the Ba'mutan killed the Serfs
        • The players took the Serf's mounts Ba'crolbai
          • Ba'crolbai 'Endlessly Running Beast' (5d10 (27)): Init +2; atk antlers melee +7 (1d3+6) and antlers while charging melee +7 (1d8+6); AC 10; HD 3D7 hp 12 each; MV 120' ; 1d20; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will -1
          • Ba'crolbai This quadruped looks like a cross between a horse and a lizard. It has a equestrian shape with scaly black hide. On its head are three antlers that are interweisted and curve forward that can reach up to 5' in length. A Ba'crolbai can run fill tilt for more than 12 hours without overly exerting itself. They only need to sleep 3 hours a day. It will eat as it runs by consuming microorganisms and bugs. Because of this extreme metabolism, it only has a lifespan of 2 years. It is the fastest land animal that can be tamed and used as a mount. The Ba'crolbai can start a charge with a run of 15 feet.
        • The players each took the Red battle flags of the Serf's as a form of trophey taking
      • The players defeated the Serf hunting party guide and took his gear.
        • The players found two Ekola in the gear of the Serfs
          • Ekola 'Furball' (1d20 (10)): Init +0; atk see description; AC 10; HD 2D7 hp 8 each; MV 5' ; 1d20; SV Fort -1, Ref -1, Will -1
          • Ekola: The Ekola are 6 inch long mammals that closely resemble kangaroo rats. They have four limbs and a prehensile tail, but most of their movement is primarly done by hopping on their hind legs. When hopping the tail is wound around the body trunk to protech it. Naturalists believe that an ekotla's tail is as sensitive as a human fingertip and can easily sort and pick up even minute items. Their body is covered with soft, long fur that is either all white, black or black and white stripes. They make for great pets and can be trained numerous tricks and commands. They can learn 1d16 seperate command phrases. They are hunted in the wilderness for their warm fur to line gloves and shoes.
    • The players encountered a group of Rakees that are now following the group
      • Rakees 'Nuts' (1d6 (3)): Init +1; atk bite melee (1d3-1); AC 10; HD 1D7 hp 4 each; MV 15' or Fly 30' ; 1d20; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will -1
      • Rakees: They appear as 1 meter tall flying squirlls who now walk on two legs, have manipulative paws, and can speak. They can spread the membranes that streach from their hands to their feet, leap off a high area, and glide. A Rakee can not be killed. He regeerates completely in one turn, no matter how he was destroyed. Rakee's will bind themselves to the strongest opponent they think will have the ability to finally kill them, and once they do get killed they will continue to return to this opponent in hopes of making their death last longer. If the opponent doesn't engage after 3d3 attempts they Rakee will find someone else to attack and follow. If the opponent does engage, than the Rakee will bind themselves to this new master until someone more powerful comes along and impresses the Rakee.
    • The players spent the night at the base of the cliffs the Rakees were jumping off of to weather the hurricane strength winds. The party each avoided getting hurt except for the Bof, he died due to rocks falling on him while he slept. The party took his health thingy.
    • The players encountered a group a Clear Omnitar
      • Clear Omnitar 'Mirrored Ones' (1): Init +2; atk see description; AC 14; HD 7D5 hp 21; MV 50'; 1d20; SV Fort +1, Ref -2, Will +0
    • The players encountered a large group of vehicle wheels on the highway that indicates a large caravan of bikes and trucks headed from west to east, and then turned around again heading from east to west.
    • The players made their way to the Bad River where they took a boat from a local guide down river.
  • The Journey to Oskar Village
    • The players took the boat down river and got off the boat where the river that the village of Oskar is on merges with the Bad River.
  • The Journey to Ermon
    • Hello
  • The Journey to MindKeep
  • The Journey into Mindkeep
    • The path to the Back Door
    • The large insect blocking the back door
    • The Hissers
    • The Squeakers
    • The Abandoned bedroom
    • The Abandoned Monitoring Station
    • The Metal Man
    • The Abanonded Supply Room